Who really knows ?.

There is no evidence that the TV program has any truth in it . If you follow physics, chemistry , math , and engineering , you will see that something starting from Zero or NOTHING can not possibly create anything at all . So going back to the start of life is a a good guide to the biggest mysteries of life . Those scientists who pretend to know , in fact they are only guessing .

Nothingness has its own power as a vacuum in a world of somethingness. The something always wants to rush into the nothing.

This can be seen as a product of the jittering particles which make up the something, but it can also be viewed as the vacuum storing up potential energy, much like a weight at a great height.

Since we live in a universe that now contains "something", it is impossible to know what laws exist in a state of complete "nothing". Your claims about first causality do not apply before there was anything. It could very well be, without violating any known laws, that the absence of "something" is an extremely powerful, unstable state. The result of this state is an onrush of "everything".

If so, this resolves all known creation paradoxes. Since the state of nothing does not have time, the creation of everything occurred at some discrete point, and has been winding down ever since.

Gods do NOT avoid this paradox, and therefore can not be the answer. I am eager for other ideas, so if you come up with any please share them with me.
I was reading a book by David Eddings in which a "goddess" was explaining to someone the reason for her existence.

She said that she thought herself into existence as she existed prior to that only as a thought.
"Theories are only theories and not scientific facts at all."

Do the religious accept any scientific theories?
I was created and I am sure I did not create myself by myself .
I do not believe in both the evolution theory and the big bang theory .
I see it as impossible from something starting from nothing to create anything at all , let alone all this universe and beyond .
There are as much or were as much as minus infinity to plus infinity the number of things in all the universe and beyond .
How did life and this world start ?. Who first created whom ?.
Science and religions have no clue .
Anyone who pretends to know is just kidding one's self and othres .
maybe everything always existed
Give me your thoughts .
I was reading a book by David Eddings in which a "goddess" was explaining to someone the reason for her existence.

She said that she thought herself into existence as she existed prior to that only as a thought.
M*W: I've been doing this same thing for some years now, more specifically to become a billionaire, but it hasn't worked out yet. The goddess part happened to me a long time ago, so now I'm just waiting for the money.
MW, you are the Forum Goddess in my book. Remember, you can always think you're a billionaire...... Believers have exercised this type of thought process for centuries.
Being caught in your personal sense of self and identifying with your personal history is limiting your ability to KNOW. The Universe is INFINITE in many ways.. open your self to the possibilty that everything you want to know, you want to know it because it is KNOWABLE.. and become the being who is capable of knowing.. and that is not your little personal self.. temple-of-one
That being would have had to pop into being from nothingness.

No, I don't think so... It would be eternal so it would have no beginning point, right? And it would have no need to "pop into being" because it simply always was.

If you try to make the being eternal you create a paradox which can not be resolved.

And if you make the universe eternal you have the very same paradox, right? This apparent paradox would have to exist no matter what object you apply it to. So the "paradox" must only be apparent and not actual, since we actually do exist. If not, why not?

Something has to be either eternal or be able to "pop into being from nothingness".

You seem to be saying that both are impossible. And yet we exist.

Which one do you choose then?
The only way the Universe can be "eternal" is for the Big Bang to be recurring. I do not believe in "eternal", nothing can be eternal. Eg: Big bang was the start.
The only way the Universe can be "eternal" is for the Big Bang to be recurring. I do not believe in "eternal", nothing can be eternal. Eg: Big bang was the start.

I do not see any answers in what you said.

The universe seems to be accelerating as it expands. It does not appear to be slowing down so that it might eventually stop and then come back together so it can expand again. It looks like it will just keep on expanding, possibly forever, suffering an eventual total-heat-death in the process.

Scientific observation at its most basic level teaches us that this universe is not eternal. But I am no scientist. So perhaps someone else might be able to correct me. I would love to here a good explanation for how the universe can escape rudimentary physics. I really doubt there is one.

If nothing can be eternal then something must have the ability to just pop into being from absolute nothingness. Why is that idea any easier to believe in than the idea that an eternal something might actually exist?

By the way, what started the Big Bang?

When you exist there is no proof on how you came to exist to start ....!. Religion..?. Huh....it is just another human crap created by man to control man .
When you exist there is no proof on how you came to exist to start ....!. Religion..?. Huh....it is just another human crap created by man to control man .

why'd you post this thread in religion subforum then?
I'm sure evolution won't lose any sleep over your disbelief.
I am 100% sure people like you can NOT hold a debate based on logic, reason and objectivity . Also , I am certain that Big bang and evolution theories are just mere theories with no scientific teeth attached to them .
I am 100% sure people like you can NOT hold a debate based on logic, reason and objectivity . Also , I am certain that Big bang and evolution theories are just mere theories with no scientific teeth attached to them .

Good for you.