Who really knows ?.

The entire evolution theory is not a fact, don't get it twisted. evolution at small levels of mutation and change are facts.

The entire evolution theory which goes into depths about ancient common ancestors right down to single celled life/organisms is not a fact.

Speaking also about the big bang theory, I do not agree with the big bang theory I think it is illogical and it is too flawed for me to take any more interest in it. It rests upon 3 pillars of 'evidence' each one weaker than the last.

Something cannot come from nothing, The big bang cannot deal with questions prior to its starting point which means I cannot determine a cause for the effect making it impossible to learn anymore from.

Why is it IMPOSSIBLE that something started from nothing?


Because of cause and effect, you can't haave complete notingness and then just like magic with no cause/reason/influence atall just have a universe or anyting for that matter. ofourse anything is possible on some level but we can't just say "it might be possible" and run with it or we can just run with any stupid idea that goes against every law our universe is governed by.

We have to take into account laws of the universe, like dimention, energy, gravity etc etc. we know cause and effect is apparent within every action within the universe so we should run with that idea. Even on a quantum level where we talk about random 'blips' in and out of existence. they are still functioning on a cause and effect basis we might not know the cause or where the cause even comes from but they are being influenced by some force or law.

The entire evolution theory is not a fact, don't get it twisted. evolution at small levels of mutation and change are facts.

The entire evolution theory which goes into depths about ancient common ancestors right down to single celled life/organisms is not a fact.

Speaking also about the big bang theory, I do not agree with the big bang theory I think it is illogical and it is too flawed for me to take any more interest in it. It rests upon 3 pillars of 'evidence' each one weaker than the last.

Something cannot come from nothing, The big bang cannot deal with questions prior to its starting point which means I cannot determine a cause for the effect making it impossible to learn anymore from.

I feel for your loss. Pax.
I was created and I am sure I did not create myself by myself .
I do not believe in both the evolution theory and the big bang theory .
I see it as impossible from something starting from nothing to create anything at all , let alone all this universe and beyond .
There are as much or were as much as minus infinity to plus infinity the number of things in all the universe and beyond .
How did life and this world start ?. Who first created whom ?.
Science and religions have no clue .
Anyone who pretends to know is just kidding one's self and othres .
Give me your thoughts .

Why? Simply because you do not understand physics, it isn't true?


There was a programme on UK tv recently - it explains perfectly well how life began. It involved an earth wide ice age, every bit of land and sea was covered. It seemed impossible that life could exist but it did, in the subterranean waters. This spectacular five-part series, presented by Tony Robinson, investigates the history of natural disasters, from the planet's beginnings to the present, putting a new perspective on our existence – that we are the product of catastrophe. Using the latest CGI effects and featuring scientific experts, the series reveals how the evolution of life on Earth has been shaped by lethal catastrophes that have caused mass extinctions, almost to the point of wiping out life altogether.

Single-celled life forms dominated the planet for more than 2 billion years, but everything changed 650 million years ago. Catastrophe struck. Earth froze from pole to pole and threatened to wipe out life entirely. 25 million years later, the ice melted. In its wake, the first multicellular animals arose. Far from extinction, the catastrophe simply seemed to raise the evolutionary stakes. If it wasn't for snowball Earth we may not be here today.

Snowball Earth was entombed in sheets of ice that were miles deep. Incredibly though, life somehow survived this global freeze for 15 million years. The exploration of Alaska, where life has developed strategies to survive in extreme cold and without light, reveals strategies that scientists believe may have helped life survive the rigours of snowball earth.

In the Australian outback, there are clues to another part of the story - life didn't just survive snowball Earth, it flourished. Stamped in the rugged rocks there is one of the multicellular organisms that evolved after snowball Earth. All of the animals on the planet, including us, are descended from creatures like this. It is almost impossible to imagine how life could have survived and developed in this epic ice age, but it did. And snowball Earth could be crucial to understanding the evolution of mankind itself.

250 million years ago, Earth was teaming with life of all shapes and sizes. The plains of the Karoo basin in South Africa, now arid scrub, were once lush and home to a rich and stable community of species. Diictodon was a small burrowing vegetarian. Cow-sized dicynodonts lived in herds on the flood plains. Both were prey to gorganopsian, the top predator, which somewhat resembled the fearful T rex that would follow much later. This was the Permian Age, but it vanished virtually overnight. 95% of all life went extinct in another of Earth's massive catastrophes.
There is no evidence that the TV program has any truth in it . If you follow physics, chemistry , math , and engineering , you will see that something starting from Zero or NOTHING can not possibly create anything at all . So going back to the start of life is a a good guide to the biggest mysteries of life . Those scientists who pretend to know , in fact they are only guessing .
I trust a guess from a knowledgeable scientist than an opinion in a public forum - no offence.
mike47 said:
Both Big Bang and Evolution are theories with absolutely no scientific truth to them . Prove me wrong .
What's your definition of 'scientific truth', have you got one? How do you know that BB and Darwinism don't have any, whatever you think it is?

How about those TV programs? Is the theory of electromagnetism (being all scientific and everything) a theory with any of your 'scientific truth' in it?
Do you know how electricity works, or TVs? You know they do work though, that should be obvious, even if you don't understand what makes them tick.

So how come electricity works? How come the scientific theory of EM is 'truth', but the two above theories, are not? How do you know this?
Actually, if there are infinite universes, God is real. Everything that can exist, does exist, and everything can exist, so everything exists.

If Everything that can exist, does exist & if there are infinite universes, the god thing still comes down to whether it does indeed exist & whether it created everything.
Your 2 IFs do not lead to god(s) existing or not existing.
The god described in the KJV cannot exist any more than a square triangle.
I agree with everything you said, those are wise words, except for this one.

The question for me is why? Why can't some eternal non-physical (possibly other dimensional) thing or being cause some other non-eternal physical thing to exist in this dimension? Can you prove that such a hypothesis is false? If so how?

Thank You!

That being would have had to pop into being from nothingness. If you try to make the being eternal you create a paradox which can not be resolved.

An eternal being can not progress through an infinite number of discrete states before they carry out the act of creation. That is a fulfilled infinite set, which not even imaginary characters can create (much as the paradox that an omnipotent god could not build a wall so indestructible that he would not be able to tear it down).