Who really knows ?.

Because we learn new things. Even Newtonian physics still has applications, even though it was superceded by newer theories. It's not wrong, just incomplete.

Don't we also have "scientists" that disagree with each other over whether or not one theory or another is true and actually proved? Seems like that happens all the time on this forum anyway.

I really know the god of the Holy Babble cannot exist because it's too contradictory.
I really know that if an omnipotent god exists & wants me to know, it's not up to me to find out.
I really know I couldn't be happy for eternity if others are suffering.
I really know making or letting someone suffer for eternity is as sicko sadistic as can be.
I really know the Holy Babble is the worst moral authority I can imagine.
I really know that if we require a cause for the universe, we must require a cause for that also.
I really know requiring worship is very immature.
I really know that if we require a cause for the universe, we must require a cause for that also.

I agree with everything you said, those are wise words, except for this one.

The question for me is why? Why can't some eternal non-physical (possibly other dimensional) thing or being cause some other non-eternal physical thing to exist in this dimension? Can you prove that such a hypothesis is false? If so how?

Thank You!
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I agree with everything you said, those are wise words, except for this one.

The question for me is why? Why can't some eternal non-physical (possibly other dimensional) thing or being cause some other non-eternal physical thing to exist in this dimension? Can you prove that such a hypothesis is false? If so how?

Thank You!

It's not reasonable to pick & choose which you apply what to. What's good for 1 is good for the other. If you say the universe must have come from something then you must say that something must have come from something else or it all comes to naught.
Maybe our universe is part of a much bigger 1. Maybe our universe leaked from a parallel universe. Or other possibilities. I wish I could know. If I could then I'd be wishing I could know how that other came to be.
I heard someone say maybe life on Earth was created by advanced aliens but then the aliens had to be created by something. Then a god came into it & they said nothing created this god. Regardless of whether it's possible, if the question is required at 1 level, there's as much reason to apply it at each & every level.
Maybe our universe was created by a being who'd seem as a god to us but is just another normal being in the world it lives in, which was created by an even more powerful being living in a world created by an even more powerful being ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Maybe our universe always existed.
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It's not reasonable to pick & choose which you apply what to. What's good for 1 is good for the other. If you say the universe must have come from something then you must say that something must have come from something else or it all comes to naught.
Maybe our universe is part of a much bigger 1. Maybe our universe leaked from a parallel universe. Or other possibilities. I wish I could know. If I could then I'd be wishing I could know how that other came to be.
I heard someone say maybe life on Earth was created by advanced aliens but then the aliens had to be created by something. Then a god came into it & they said nothing created this god. Regardless of whether it's possible, if the question is required at 1 level, there's as much reason to apply it at each & every level.
Maybe our universe was created by a being who'd seem as a god to us but is just another normal being in the world it lives in, which was created by an even more powerful being living in a world created by an even more powerful being ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Maybe our universe always existed.

I guess I just think that no one really knows, and if no one really knows, then no one should act as if they actually do know, especially to the point of telling everyone else that disagree with them that they are totally wrong and messed up. Religion and Science can both be guilty of this, in my opinion.

As far as I can determine in my own little ideas, existence all would have to go back somewhere to something that is eternal, that must be a basis for everything else. Current science basically teaches us, in one way or another, that the universe is both eternal and non-eternal. It would seem that there would have to be something somewhere that is eternal and uncreated. But our own energy/matter universe does not appear to be it.

And by the way, why should we think that the laws that govern non-eternal things like I am saying this universe is, should, or must, or even can, apply to something that really is eternal?

Can you show me how I am wrong here? I would be in your debt.

Thank You!
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Science only can try to understand where we came from and how we got here. They have developed ways, through scientific experiments which provide facts that they then hypothesize and postulate about everything from the Big Bang to the Evolution of Man. All of the facts suggest to them that evolution does happen and a theory about it was developed and written about which today is accepted by millions as a scientific theory that can stand up against scientific evaluation and hold true to its findings. Same thing with the Big Bang, in essence, for science has done the same theorizing about that as well and it to is accepted as science theory. If you want to believe them , that's up to you to make up your mind. But if you don't then you should tell us all what your ideas are to how everything started and how humans arrived here. :)
I guess I just think that no one really knows, and if no one really knows, then no one should act as if they actually do know, especially to the point of telling everyone else that disagree with them that they are totally wrong and messed up. Religion and Science can both be guilty of this, in my opinion.

As far as I can determine in my own little ideas, existence all would have to go back somewhere to something that is eternal, that must be a basis for everything else. Current science basically teaches us, in one way or another, that the universe is both eternal and non-eternal. It would seem that there would have to be something somewhere that is eternal and uncreated. But our own energy/matter universe does not appear to be it.

And by the way, why should we think that the laws that govern non-eternal things like I am saying this universe is, should, or must, or even can, apply to something that really is eternal?

Can you show me how I am wrong here? I would be in your debt.

Thank You!

No 1 should act or talk as if they know something they don't know. If everyone followed that, science would be better & religion wouldn't exist.
You're essentially asking again the same question I answered.
Everything is eternal. Nothing can be actually created. When we speak of creating, we mean changing something into another form. If the big bang is correct, the universe existed before that then changed. Every thing came from some thing(s). If the big bang is not correct, this still applies.
It is logicly obvious something cannot come from nothing. Otherwise things would happen at any time, any number of times, for no reason at all.
1) Evolution by natural selection has been observed in the laboratory, both micro-evolution and macro-evolution. It is a 100% proven fact.

2) The Big Bang theory says nothing about whether spacetime existed before the current(?) expansion. It says that at one point in time (T = 0 if you wish) the universe was in a hot, dense state and that for some reason (on one knows) it expanded and continues to expand. All observations show this to be the general case. It is a virtual 100% proven certainty.

This Mike47 character seems like a bit of a dipshit.
Superluminal, the big bang theory does have a good amount of evidence and observation behind it, but I wouldn't call it as solid as the evidence behind evolution, and in the end we can't test it or reproduce it.

I do "believe" (if you will) in the big bang, however I'm more interested in what caused the big bang.
I believe that adding - by natural selection - lowers the level of proof. Is this intentional?
No. Evolution by itself is just a word that means things change with time. No one disputes this. Your knowledge evolves over time. Your tastes evolve. The binary states within a microprocessor evolve. Chemical reactions evolve.

Evolution by Natural Selection is the real name for the process that everyone is so interested in. That all life evolved from precursor forms that were different than they currently appear. That we didn't all just pop onto the scene, complete and ready to rock, 6000 years ago.
suppose i say i can make the word superluminal evolve into a new word then i come up with luminalsuper.
No. Evolution by itself is just a word that means things change with time. No one disputes this. Your knowledge evolves over time. Your tastes evolve. The binary states within a microprocessor evolve. Chemical reactions evolve.

Evolution by Natural Selection is the real name for the process that everyone is so interested in. That all life evolved from precursor forms that were different than they currently appear. That we didn't all just pop onto the scene, complete and ready to rock, 6000 years ago.

the problem is evolution by natural selection and the examples you will give do not mean that much. do you really believe it shows the proof needed?

is it that much different than a piece of ice melting into a pool of water?
the problem is evolution by natural selection and the examples you will give do not mean that much.
Well, you've already decided that anything I can show- like the fact that bacteria evolve, by natural selection, to form new antibiotic resistant strains - is meaningless. Or that e-coli bacteria have evolved to form a new subspecies that metabolizes a formerly untapped source of food:


I picture you as an ostritch with it's head in the sand, certain that if he can't see the lion then the lion can't see him...
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well i think we are the aliens experiment.. becuase who built the pyramids???? they are still researching that today as we speak... well i think it was the aliens that built them becuase our technology then was was far off from building huge prymids... i believe thats where the whole show begin . also i think they gave us math matics aswell, becuase we just cant come up with it ourself. when people say if were their experiment why dont we look exactly like them, well becuase they probly cant survive on earth with the conditions so they might of modified the alien and cross it with the monkey or something then created human. THen that human was taught the math matics, and how to survive and how to produce. so then as that human makes his family the information gets past down.
well i think we are the aliens experiment.. becuase who built the pyramids???? they are still researching that today as we speak... well i think it was the aliens that built them becuase our technology then was was far off from building huge prymids... i believe thats where the whole show begin . also i think they gave us math matics aswell, becuase we just cant come up with it ourself. when people say if were their experiment why dont we look exactly like them, well becuase they probly cant survive on earth with the conditions so they might of modified the alien and cross it with the monkey or something then created human. THen that human was taught the math matics, and how to survive and how to produce. so then as that human makes his family the information gets past down.
No, no, and... no.

You should leave now before the carnage begins. Save yourself!
We Are The Aliens Experiment!

well i think we are the aliens experiment.. becuase who built the pyramids???? they are still researching that today as we speak... well i think it was the aliens that built them becuase our technology then was was far off from building huge prymids... i believe thats where the whole show begin . also i think they gave us math matics aswell, becuase we just cant come up with it ourself. when people say if were their experiment why dont we look exactly like them, well becuase they probly cant survive on earth with the conditions so they might of modified the alien and cross it with the monkey or something then created human. THen that human was taught the math matics, and how to survive and how to produce. so then as that human makes his family the information gets past down.