Who created God?

jayleew said:
Did he know Adam would betray him?

Adam didn't betray God, neither did Eve, it was the serpent. Haven't you read the Bible, dude? But it was no one's fault, not even the serpents', and God made the serpent appear because God didn't have any other choice. He can't go against his own will, otherwise, he would be human.
jayleew said:
Nothing is decided in advance, do not misunderstand. God decided in advance that he will make man to keep THEM company. Did he know Adam would betray him? Who knows. He knew if Adam disobeyed, what would happen, and if he obeyed what will happen, but it was Adam's choice which future became the present.

first you say that nothing is decided in advanced and then you say that god's knew what would happen... in your statement itself, if god knows what's gonna happen then how can you term your will free???
if god knew what would happen when adam obeyed or disobeyed then why wouldn't he know adam's choice???
looks like god decides certain parts of our lives and we have to fill in the gap! :p
and who believes in that adam & even fairytale anyway??

jayleew said:
Yes, God has a plan of Salvation, he knows when he is going to come back, but it is not until everyone has had their last chance. We have the freedom to follow his plan or not. He knows how his plan will be accomplished, and it will be with or without you or me. Our choice.

this implies that we have free will.. so god cannot possibly know what our choice is gonna be.. if he did, then everything is actually decided!

jayleew said:
In short, he knows all futures, and knows where are hearts are now in the present and where that will end up, but we are allowed to change our hearts and change the future.

if he knows all futures then in what sense is your will free since everything's gonna happen according to his vision!
God is omnipotent and omnipresent. He is eternal, with no beginning and no end, in a dimension in which time is not a constraint. Personally, I can't conceive of such an existence, but that doesn't surprise me, I'm only human. So God knows what we will choose before we do, but that in no way means that He makes the choice for us. We are still free to choose what we want. And then He is able to use this knowledge as a given in fulfilling his plan.
Hapsburg said:
There is no god, and the bible is a book of lies.

There is a god, and the bible is a book of truths.

yank said:
then i guess you disapprove of evolution!

I think there is truth in the theory of evolution but everything is not true about it.
that is why prayers are not answered sometimes
sometimes? can you name a prayer that could be answers without someone’s free will being infringed upon?
The act of praying for something like patience is giving up your free will to be changed to be more patient, or why you would ask to be changed if you were not willing to change?
if you pray "please let me be more patient," then even if you wanted to be less patient after that, you could not. say, if I pray to be more patient, then there is a line to get free money, I would not want to be patient and let people go in front of me, but I would have no choice because god made me more patient.

moreover, you seem to be ignoring the quote of the bible in which people pray for other people to come, thus directly and undisputedly taking away free will. so what is it? is got not good, less than all-powerful, or is the bible wrong? (if the bible is wrong, then the whole religion is flawed).

I am getting sick a tired of people only taking half the argument. for example:
A large contributor to the odds is found in biochemistry.
I explained before how the weak anthropic principal works. if the universe is either infinity in a bang/crunch cycle, or there are an infinite number of universes (to name two scenarios) the odd of there being life is 100%. the weak anthropic principal says that since we are here, the only conclusion we can make is that we live in a universe that can support life. AND LIKE I SAID BEFORE, the odds are only against there being only 1 big bang with properties that can make life.

further more, why can't you admit when you are wrong (jayleew) its ok. I admitted that my reasoning to get someone to commit suicide was bested. and it has been proven that god does not know what future will happen, god (if god exists) can only know what possible futures there are. god cannot know, for sure, what we will choose if we have free will.
Yorda said:
I think there is truth in the theory of evolution but everything is not true about it.

if evolution is true then the fairytale of adam & eve is false...
and vice versa!
Yorda said:
Adam didn't betray God, neither did Eve, it was the serpent. Haven't you read the Bible, dude? But it was no one's fault, not even the serpents', and God made the serpent appear because God didn't have any other choice. He can't go against his own will, otherwise, he would be human.

You are young in your understanding. Adam chose to take the apple, so he is as at much fault as the serpent and Eve. In so doing, he said, "I know God told me not to eat, but forget it, I'm going to eat." That act is defiance. It is rebellious. Adam felt guilt and tried to pawn it off, but he was kicked out of the garden along with the snake and Eve.

What are you talking about? God did not make the serpent appear. Please clarify. No, the serpent did the tempting. Each party involved was punished. The sepent was made to crawl for the rest of his life. Child bearing pain was established. And man forever would have to toil the ground to eat. All three rebelled.
Yorda said:
There is a god, and the bible is a book of truths.

I think there is truth in the theory of evolution but everything is not true about it.
Wow, you are stuck waaaaaaay back in the Dark Ages, aren't' ya?
there is no god. go home.
Nothing is known for sure about the nature of God's omnipotence, but the Bible gives us clues to God's heart and to how he works. I am putting the clues together, but I could be wrong. I can just tell you what the Bible says about God.

yank said:
in your statement itself, if god knows what's gonna happen then how can you term your will free???
if god knew what would happen when adam obeyed or disobeyed then why wouldn't he know adam's choice???
looks like god decides certain parts of our lives and we have to fill in the gap! :p
What is to understand? Tomorrow, I might go to work or I might not. So, I know the future. Now, I know myself and I enjoy going to work. So, if nothing changes my motivation, I will go to work. So, am I infringing on my free will to go to work? It is the same, but God knows all hearts and knows all possibilities.

From what we have in the bible, we can surmise (but not know for sure) that God didn't know. I don't think he knew what was going to happen because he came down to be with Adam in the evening, as he always did every day. Well, that day Adam was nowhere to be found and so God called for him. Now, if God knew what Adam had done then he would have known where Adam was and not have asked.

God decides the beginning and the end, we make up the rest.

yank said:
this implies that we have free will.. so god cannot possibly know what our choice is gonna be.. if he did, then everything is actually decided!

Nope, he doesn't know. But, he can say, "I know yank is a good person and will help that grandma out because I can trust him because he has not let me down before, so if that happens the grandma is going to give him $100 for helping out, but if he doesn't he is going to be hit by a car."

I'd hope he can trust me, but some he cannot trust, so he is not so optomistic I bet.
yank said:
if he knows all futures then in what sense is your will free since everything's gonna happen according to his vision!
If everything was gonna happen according to his vision he would have wiped out the Isrealites long ago. God said he regretted making man and will make a new nation of Moses. Moses asked him to stay his wrath. I can see God waiting and hoping that Moses would ask him to stay his wrath, but God had a plan if Moses said nothing.

As far as our nation, God waits for everyone to make the final choice, the choice when they cannot be persuaded any longer either way.
cato said:
sometimes? can you name a prayer that could be answers without someone’s free will being infringed upon?

if you pray "please let me be more patient," then even if you wanted to be less patient after that, you could not. say, if I pray to be more patient, then there is a line to get free money, I would not want to be patient and let people go in front of me, but I would have no choice because god made me more patient.

You are right, but prayer is about opening the door. When you pray you are giving God permission to intervene. If you are not willing to give him permission to work, then your prayers are worthless and will go unanswered because God knows your heart that you are not willing to give up your will.

If you don't want to be more patient, then don't ask.

cato said:
moreover, you seem to be ignoring the quote of the bible in which people pray for other people to come, thus directly and undisputedly taking away free will. so what is it? is got not good, less than all-powerful, or is the bible wrong? (if the bible is wrong, then the whole religion is flawed).

I am not sure what you are referring to, but I think you mean praying for other people to come to church?

If that is your question, God can knock on the other person's door, but if they don't answer, they won't come. God can't make anyone come to church. It's just like with my cousin who is not a believer. I can tell him Jesus this Jesus that, but if he doesn't want Jesus, I am wasting my time.

Does that answer your question??

cato said:
I am getting sick a tired of people only taking half the argument. for example:

I explained before how the weak anthropic principal works. if the universe is either infinity in a bang/crunch cycle, or there are an infinite number of universes (to name two scenarios) the odd of there being life is 100%. the weak anthropic principal says that since we are here, the only conclusion we can make is that we live in a universe that can support life. AND LIKE I SAID BEFORE, the odds are only against there being only 1 big bang with properties that can make life.

Calm down. There is no reason to be fed up because of miscommunication. I know its frustrating, but this is the vehicle we have chosen.

I don't understand, you are saying if there are two scenarios that odds of there of being life is 100%? That is not logical.

There are two pieces of cheese, one is blue cheese, the other is cheddar, therefore the odds of there being a mouse is 100%. This is not logical.

I have conceded that the big bang theory is a theory, just like the bang/crunch cycle. With that said, if objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects are moving apart, then it is likely that they once were together.

Are you talking about multiple universes?
Are you talking about life on other galaxies? Please clarify. I don't quite understand what you are trying to say here.

cato said:
further more, why can't you admit when you are wrong (jayleew) its ok. I admitted that my reasoning to get someone to commit suicide was bested. and it has been proven that god does not know what future will happen, god (if god exists) can only know what possible futures there are. god cannot know, for sure, what we will choose if we have free will.

If I am wrong, say what I'm wrong about and prove that I am wrong. If you can't, I MAY not be wrong.
Yorda said:
There is a god, and the bible is a book of truths.

I think there is truth in the theory of evolution but everything is not true about it.

Yorda, you are a little confused, but don't worry because 10 years ago I thought Evolution was God's vehicle because I was lied to in public school. I was taught that Evolution was 100% true. They didn't say that, but presented it as fact.

There is hope, seek the truth of Evolution. Read "The Case For Creator" by Lee Strobel. Dr. Michael J Behe disproves evolution using Darwinian premises and the science of biochemistry. Basicallly he has found that there are tiny mechanisms that are at the molecular level that cannot function if slightly modified in any way. These mechanisms are the building blocks of life (part of DNA). There are more findings, and I don't want to trash his work (I may have already butchered it), so do the research. Darwin said if there are these mechanisms, then his theory is worthless (I butchered his quote, but that was the gist). Darwin couldn't know for sure, but he knew he had to check. The microscopes back then only went to the cellular level where the cell was a Jello with a nucleus dot.
Lori_7 said:
God is omnipotent and omnipresent. He is eternal, with no beginning and no end, in a dimension in which time is not a constraint. Personally, I can't conceive of such an existence, but that doesn't surprise me, I'm only human. So God knows what we will choose before we do, but that in no way means that He makes the choice for us. We are still free to choose what we want. And then He is able to use this knowledge as a given in fulfilling his plan.

Then throw in that he is three in one, and that they have been around since the dawn of creation. Let US make man in OUR own image. Wow! If we understood this fully, we wouldn't need God, we would be God. Why would anyone want a God who they can understand all his doings and mysteries?

Like I said before, if there is no God, life is not worth living.
jayleew said:
Yorda, you are a little confused, but don't worry because 10 years ago I thought Evolution was God's vehicle because I was lied to in public school. I was taught that Evolution was 100% true. They didn't say that, but presented it as fact.

There is hope, seek the truth of Evolution. Read "The Case For Creator" by Lee Strobel. Dr. Michael J Behe disproves evolution using Darwinian premises and the science of biochemistry. Basicallly he has found that there are tiny mechanisms that are at the molecular level that cannot function if slightly modified in any way. These mechanisms are the building blocks of life (part of DNA). There are more findings, and I don't want to trash his work (I may have already butchered it), so do the research. Darwin said if there are these mechanisms, then his theory is worthless (I butchered his quote, but that was the gist). Darwin couldn't know for sure, but he knew he had to check. The microscopes back then only went to the cellular level where the cell was a Jello with a nucleus dot.

i know how evolution works... the basic and the most important thing is "magnetism". books don't tell you that, though. i don't think there was one living cell and we all come from it... i think there were millions... and millions of creatures were born at the same time... just like with plants and trees... there wasn't one single ancestor which made all trees... trees were born everywhere at the same time... same with living creatures.
jayleew said:
Then throw in that he is three in one, and that they have been around since the dawn of creation. Let US make man in OUR own image. Wow! If we understood this fully, we wouldn't need God, we would be God. Why would anyone want a God who they can understand all his doings and mysteries?

Like I said before, if there is no God, life is not worth living.

Exactly...which is why people need to give up on trying to deduct Him with their intellect and egos and such, and just meet Him for crying out loud. I don't suppose that many people would enjoy the dose of humility. But humility is the key to enlightenment.

And I indeed would not want my life if it did not belong to Him; I do not wish to live without Him. I have made this abundantly clear to Him. He is the only One who saves my life, and so it belongs to Him. What He has done with it has absolutely blown my mind in the best way possible. I could have never imagined what He has done for me, through me, to me...I could have never imagined being so grateful and happy or wanting to live this much...forever.
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When you pray you are giving God permission to intervene.
1. what if you ask for something and change your mind later? if you can change your mind later, then it was never up to god, it was just something you decided to do for a while.
2. This means that prayer cannot affect other people, which is a direct contradiction of Christianity (and other religions). (see below quote)
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."- MATTHEW 21:22
so what is it? is got not good, less than all-powerful, or is the bible wrong? (if the bible is wrong, then the whole religion is flawed).

ONCE AGAIN, let me explain the weak anthropic principal: if we exist, then the universe must be able to have life. but we would not know if the universe wasn't able to support life, because we would not be there. therefore, if there are an infinite number of universes, or the one we are in goes through a infinite cycle of bang/crunch with different fundamental forces each time, (different breaking of symmetry) then the odds of one of those times (out of an infinite number of times) producing life, at least once, is 100%. the only thing the odds are against is a finite number of big bangs, and I never said that was the case. And we no nothing of the other universes, just like the weak anthropic principal predicts.
Yorda said:
i know how evolution works... the basic and the most important thing is "magnetism". books don't tell you that, though. i don't think there was one living cell and we all come from it... i think there were millions... and millions of creatures were born at the same time... just like with plants and trees... there wasn't one single ancestor which made all trees... trees were born everywhere at the same time... same with living creatures.

And who knows how long this has been going on? It's clear that Adam and Eve weren't the first beings on this earth, or the only beings on earth at that time. The Bible encompasses and details a relatively short period of time within an eternity. I don't believe that Creation began with Adam, and I do not believe that it ends with us. But I do know that the Bible contains exactly what we need to know right now to bring us to where we need to be to move on. And that is in communion with Him.
What the heck, let's jump in with both feet. ;)

jayleew said:
There is hope, seek the truth of Evolution. Read "The Case For Creator" by Lee Strobel. Dr. Michael J Behe disproves evolution using Darwinian premises and the science of biochemistry. Basicallly he has found that there are tiny mechanisms that are at the molecular level that cannot function if slightly modified in any way.
The "evidence" he brings to the table is, of course, hopelessly false. Such variants are found in many different living things all operating quite nicely, wouldn't you know.

Yorda said:
i know how evolution works... the basic and the most important thing is "magnetism"
What does magnetism have to do with Evolution?

Yorda said:
millions of creatures were born at the same time... just like with plants and trees... there wasn't one single ancestor which made all trees... trees were born everywhere at the same time... same with living creatures.
And your evidence for this is?

Lori_7 said:
Exactly...which is why people need to give up on trying to deduct Him with their intellect and egos and such, and just meet Him for crying out loud. I don't suppose that many people would enjoy the dose of humility. But humility is the key to enlightenment.
I always find this argument cruel. To paraphrase, "If you don't find God it's your fault not God's". Of course, people are flawed and imperfect while God is perfect and omnipotent. It seems to me the onus is upon God.
