Who created God?

God arose as a manifestation of our unconscious mind. That's not to say it doesn't exist. If people believe in Him, and act on that belief, then God exists as a force in people's lives. Wether He really exists separately from our minds is unknowable.
Energy is constant, but space(void) cannot create the electron.
don't be so sure about that. ever hear of quantum foam?
Why is it so hard to accept the creation by faith. We open a can of greenbeans in faith that it is not going to poison us. We have faith that we won't be killed in a car accident on the way to work.
I have faith in my green beans and car because of proven fact about their safety record. god is not based on facts or records.
If you don't believe in a being, then you are rolling the dice, and the odds are against you. If you believe in a being, then you have nothing to lose (right or wrong).
you do realize that this statement makes no sense, right? how is it ok to believe in the wrong god, but not ok do believe in no god? moreover, believing in a god will never be a winner, because you are on longer living your own life, you are living the one you were told to live by some book.
Why does it take some tragic event for people to realize that we need God? We think we are immortal, until we are faced with death.
because god is a coping mechanism created by our own minds to help us survive.
I hope that God is there on the other side of death as he promises
why not find out right now? grab a symbol of your god go to a place where you will surely be killed if you try to convert people (Christian could do this in Iraq or Afghanistan pretty easily). better yet, stop eating and drinking, your god will surely reward your faith that you will be saved. I mean, why stay here if you can go to heaven now?

please have a friend or family member email me a copy of your death certificate, so I can know how strong your faith really was big_cato@hotmail.com
nothingness is the only "thing" which doesn't need a cause. this way, it's also the first cause, and the only necessity. it's the greatest truth because if something else exists, and that stops, nothingness immidiately takes its place.

causes probably exists only in the human mind. we never saw our birth and we will not see our death. so maybe we're eternal.

i think this world and everything in it is probably created by human imagination. maybe mind can be likened to a blank paper, there's nothing on it, but everything can be put there, with some imagination. i can't "imagine" anything existing separately, outside my mind.

atheists and those who believe in god continue to argue because there's truth in both. maybe in the future one of them will win, or they will merge (sort of)
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what a load of crap.
nothingness is the only "thing" which doesn't need a cause. this way, it's also the first cause, and the only necessity. it's the greatest truth because if something else exists, and that stops, nothingness immediately takes its place.
nothingness can't take anything's place, it has not place.
i think this world and everything in it is probably created by human imagination. maybe mind can be likened to a blank paper, there's nothing on it, but everything can be put there, with some imagination.
that has been thought of (plato's "The Allegory of the Cave" google it). however, it does nothing for us, because if everything is illusion, then there is no point in living, I suggest you take your theory and join jayleew in death. if you believe in your theory that is.
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jayleew said:
who/what created the universe? Who/what created the electron?

Maybe the electron (and the universe) was always there. That is just as likely as a creator that doesn't exist in the universe or before the universe. Indeed, the creator hypothesis implies that it had to create itself or be the result of another creator. -or that the creator was always there. If that's possible, then the universe being infinitely old is possible and more probable, since we have evidence for the universe but none for Supernaturalist concepts like creators.
thank god (hehe, pun intended) for another rational person.
jayleew said:
The problem you have is your perception of Christians is distorted by Christians. God doesn't agree with religious people.

When is the last time Gawd showed up face to face and spoke to you personally? How do you know God doesn't agree with religious people?

Does he hate them? Maybe, but I don't claim to know what goes through a mind of a being who created the universe. I don't like "Christians" because they give the term "Christian" a bad name. Corinthians and Romans talks about these "Christians"

Christians give not only give Christians a bad name, but they give Christian God a bad name too.

"Christians" put God in their own box to their own level of understanding. They want to believe that things like Haley's comet is a sign from God. Who knows, I don't care really. Everything is relative with "Christians".

Everything is relative with Christian God. He was so pissed at people sporting tatoo that it was a death penalty prior to Jesus. Now is okay with it. What about now? The society has changed drastically from 2000 years ago. What does he like now?

The one thing that I have found in my journey is that if you don't believe in God, you may as well kill yourself because sinning (ignoring everyone and everything but yourself) day in and day out is pointless to eternity, and doing good is pointless to eternity.

What is sinning? Wearing clothing made of two pieces of fabric was sinning but then it wasn't. What about now? God hasn't told any one anything for 2000 years. How do you know what is sinning and what is not?

So, if you are going to believe in a god, then the God of Abraham is THE God because it is the ONLY one that is the least poppycock with circumstantial evidence that it is the truth. It is the ONLY ancient belief today that was not made in the last few hundred years. It is the ONLY belief where one could have a good (even if controversial) argument that every prophecy told has come to pass.

God of Abraham came from the Pagans as proven by comtemporary scholarship. Jesus = Horus = Krishna. Jesus is doom's day cult leader and a lunatic.

So, we are left with the choice. Do we believe or not. Do we follow God or not. That has always been the choice for milleniums.
If we choose to believe and there is a God, we have everything to gain.
If we choose to believe and there is no God, we have lived a great life that will echo an eternity.
If we choose not to believe and there is a God, we have everything to lose.
If we choose not to believe and there is no God, who cares (we are dead anyway).
Pascal's wagers. Yawn. It's so stupid.

So, the best choice is to believe in the most evident religion, in the hopes that it is true. That is the beginnings of having faith.

How can believe anything without prove be a virtue?

I find it ironically exciting to see that the more someone tries to disprove Christianity, the more they find the truth in it.

Christianty is already disproven. It's just that Christians are so biased that they are unwilling to consider the evidence objectively.
cato said:
however, it does nothing for us, because if everything is illusion, then there is no point in living, I suggest you take your theory and join jayleew in death. if you believe in your theory that is.

Some people think: "If the universe is illusory, it is of no interest; I'd rather die". This is a mistake: "illusive" only means "part of my mind". And for this reason, an illusive universe is much more interesting than a real one: if real, it would be a foreigner to me, there would be no possibility of communication or love with it. I could not even be conscious of it.

Fortunately the universe is inside me; it is me. My mind. So, I can communicate with it, I can love it, and I can change it by changing my thoughts.
there would be no possibility of communication or love with it
wrong, that is one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard (nothing personal, I just think you need to stop thinking existentially, it's is pointless).

I can change it by changing my thoughts.
fundamentally, you cannot. you can make decisions to do things that affect other parts of the universe, but you have no abnormal power over it. if I choose to mow my lawn I change part of the universe. but to claim you can change fundamental aspects of the universe is preposterous.

p.s. I will thank you not to post any more irrationality.
i think most probably God is a being created by human's imagination to explain the unknowns.
exactly... god is the answer to the inexplicable!

There has to be a creator of some kind and that is God.
then why isn't there a greater cause behind god's creation?
Saint said:
i think most probably God is a being created by human's imagination to explain the unknowns.

can you please change your avatar it's very scary.
jayleew said:
Why is it so hard to accept the creation by faith. We open a can of greenbeans in faith that it is not going to poison us. We have faith that we won't be killed in a car accident on the way to work.
Don't confuse the "faith" required for religion with the "faith" that is actually nothing more than a matter of probability.

Every time you open a can of greenbeans "in faith", you are actually merely coming to the conclusion that you are probably not going to die from being po1soned. It's a matter of probability. Nothing more. And it's entirely subconscious.
If you had three cans of greenbeans, and you and two friends opened one each, and the other two died from poison before you ate yours, would you still eat from yours? No? Why not? Do you not have "faith" in your greenbeans anymore? Or is it because subconsciously the odds are now not what they are that yours isn't po1soned.

This is the same "faith" that you place in friends.
You say you have "faith" in them because you have built up, subconsciously, through cummulative direct observation, a probability that they will continue to perform as such.

Likewise, you don't place "faith" in a stranger - you take a gamble that they will act according to your wishes - again this is probability. You probably wouldn't be surprised if they didn't act according to your wishes.

Religious "faith" is different.
This requires an absolute belief (i.e. 100%) that you are correct, on zero previous actual observation.
There is no probability that you might be wrong - despite logic to the contrary.

p.s. why is this site filtering out the word "po1soned"?
yank said:
can you please change your id it's very scary! :p

my ID???

my name you mean.....????

back to the topic.

GOD created the universe. and God is inifinite. No thing created God.
Saint said:
If Everything must have a cause (causes) in order to exist, then, who created God?

If God does not need to be created, then how can he exist?

Human has created all the gods, all the hells, all the demons.
Jeremirroer said:
GOD created the universe. and God is inifinite. No thing created God.
As likely as a large purple dinosaur-shaped entity holding our Universe in its podgy hands while it sings inane songs devised to drive children mad, or as likely as an infinite other possibilities.
psycho-sth-african said:
Hi...There has to be a creator of some kind and that is God...Whako

The question is no longer if god created everything, the question is how did god existed and what created it.
cato said:
wrong, that is one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard (nothing personal, I just think you need to stop thinking existentially, it's is pointless).

you can't be conscious of something outside your consciousness. so... if the world existed apart from our mind, we couldn't interact with it.