White Supremists are a joke

We're all human? Who's content to be human? Junkies and battered wives are human, losers and sadists are human. I'm not content with human.

But you can't say that, because that's worse than racism.
Its the language.

Human, as in biped with no fur (barring those choice few we ridicule).
You're talking philosophy and settling with 'just human', there, is a crime.

I am open-minded, I fraternize outside my race, I have even formed intimate relationships beyond its boundaries. And I have found many Caucasian ethnicities, although undoubtably deficiant in Aryan blood, to be utter fools.
But being politically correct and saying that everyone is just peachy is stupid and I prefer even white nationalists, who at least burn the occasional church.
No, no, no- saying 'open minded libertine' for people like Julia Roberts, say, is mocking their romance of diversity.

An open minded non-thing/ism that makes no claim based on politically correct cant but is naturally open to what it chooses to be without limiting itself for some idealism is, at least, deserving of the title 'open minded'.

I fraternize with whomever- purple, black, yellow, hung- as well because I fucking want to. And Asians, if anything, have been a lot smarter/interesting than most Caucasians in my experience.
Its the language.

I know.

No, no, no- saying 'open minded libertine' for people like Julia Roberts, say, is mocking their romance of diversity.

Oh, I know what you meant, wasn't disputing.

I fraternize with whomever- purple, black, yellow, hung-

Well especially if they are hung, those are the people to really fraternize with!
What is your opinion of blacks who believe their race is superior to whites? Should answer your question.
How can a race be superior to another if there is no standard by which comparisons may be made?

//Doesn't matter, I feel I am superior and that settles the issue.