White Supremists are a joke

Yeah, but their must be some agreement between personal ideology and that of the whole; otherwise, the individual would seek another group that better represented his beliefs.

Possibly the beliefs of the organization are more structured and provide strength to the individuals own vague notions. But there is also that alluring attraction of strength in numbers.

Actually I'm going to polish exactly what I am saying.

It can't all be comfort in numbers- seen a Palestinian boy watching a Jew tear his home down and there was fire in his eyes.
Hearing the Lester Holts and Dan Rathers insist on Israeli actions being 'retaliations' makes my blood curl- imagine what it does to an Arab in Jordan.

Sitting back and watching a nation the size of New Jersey wield the military power of continents because its fucking Jewish stirs my anger, and I'm not even Muslim.
I don't even care for their plight, but I will say they are driven by a reactive hate to Jewish vanity.
So even if its organized reaction, I can’t rightly say its only a matter of comfort in numbers.

However, this differs from the general ‘angst’ of the southern white in love with militia groups. He’s daring, proud, and acerbic as only this fits a prototype- an extremist only skilled at being extreme.
Want to see authentic hate in him for a change?
Take all his food and leisure away.
So,this thing about jews...? Now, other than the palestinians, why would anyone give a hoot about the Jews. Every extremist seems to yake issue with them...why?
Android said:

If every country has the same population - as occurs with racial mixing - there is no more "diversity."

That's a very simplistic and superficial consideration of diversity, Android.

So,this thing about jews...? Now, other than the palestinians, why would anyone give a hoot about the Jews. Every extremist seems to yake issue with them...why?

Nigger, spic, chink, dothead and cracker is far more common than anti-semitism.
I think you're asking stupid questions for the sake of them.

That's a very simplistic and superficial consideration of diversity, Android.
Then define diversity.

And when you're done, elucidate on how its possible in a medium where everything is made equal or smeared together or obliterated.
Gendanken said:

Then define diversity.

"Variety or multiformity".

And when you're done, elucidate on how its possible in a medium where everything is made equal or smeared together or obliterated.

How is "everything made equal or smeared together or obliterated"?

Why should I elucidate on such a silly point raised in lieu of a more substantial response?

Tellyawhat, Gendy, answer me this, please:

How would every country have the same population?

Tellyawhat, Gendy, answer me this, please:
Tellyawhat, Tessie- so lucky you are that I've been so embroiled in school and work that time has distanced both my reply to you and my wanting to emasculate that affected arrogance of yours.

What's with the pink, Tessie?
Keyboard stuck on idiot-drunk-on- testosterone?
I'm just a little girl athking thtupid quethtionth, wight?

"Variety or multiformity

So you ask yourself.

In this age, where the Pueblo Indian is barely distinguishable from the urban one or where the black community aspires to Caucasian ideals so that a premium is placed on light skin and long hair- is that "variety and multiformity" you just quoted me not a verisimilitude?

How is "everything made equal or smeared together or obliterated"?

Why should I elucidate on such a silly point raised in lieu of a more substantial response?

Must it be pointed it out to you?

Maybe cutting it up into little pieces will help you:

Before colonization, Australia held close to 300 aboriginal languages.
Now there are only a handful and their culture has weakened- you can find these brown men and women discussing American television in English.
And they’re fat now.

Then the British influence in Asia, particularly India.
Now globalism so that that majority of the world with their fast foods and cell phones seeks to look, speak, and act alike.

This country alone spends millions of dollars to save Indian languages- ever seen a native, by the way? A Cherokee with a casino- he's become a fat pig only distinguishable from his fat pig American neighbor by the Cherokee name he clings on to as if that in itself is his culture.

There is a financial pressure to learn the language and ways of a dominant culture- this means English and capitalism.

Consider the medium used to spread this news quickly- television- as poison gas spreading over cultures and killing them off one by one when they hear its messages.

Still lost?

How can one, then, claim diversity in a medium where everything- despite the veneer of variety- fucking looks and acts the same?
When people are captured and assimilated against their will, the culture survives as a quiet rebellion instilling its people with strength, distinction and pride.
When people voluntarily prostitute who and what they are willingly the culture dies and you're left with a gaping hole filled with clones.

Still lost?

Population has nothing to do with it so...
How would every country have the same population?
Try again.
("She's simple, she's dumb, she's the pilot")

Gendanken said:

Before colonization, Australia held close to 300 aboriginal languages.
Now there are only a handful and their culture has weakened- you can find these brown men and women discussing American television in English.
And they’re fat now.

I'd love to see the historical argument that blames what we call multiculturalism.

How can one, then, claim diversity in a medium where everything- despite the veneer of variety- fucking looks and acts the same?

You seem to attribute the sins capitalism to multiculturalism.

Population has nothing to do with it so...

... Try again.

Gendanken, do you ever have a clue what you're sticking your attitude problem into?
Dr. Lou: They shouldn't have it in their head that "white is right" for everyone ... You and your kind are partly responsible for this mindset.

Tiassa: ... how is it that those who wish to celebrate the positive aspects of diversity are responsible for insisting on a monochrome solution?

Android: There is more than one country on earth, Tiassa ... If every country has the same population - as occurs with racial mixing - there is no more "diversity."

Tiassa: That's a very simplistic and superficial consideration of diversity, Android.

Gendanken: Then define diversity ... And when you're done, elucidate on how its possible in a medium where everything is made equal or smeared together or obliterated.

Tiassa: Tellyawhat, Gendy, answer me this, please: How would every country have the same population?

Gendanken: Population has nothing to do with it so ... Try again.​

Pay attention to what you're getting into, Princess. If you can't be at least that observant, intelligent, or merely courteous, there's not much I can do other than point out the obvious.
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Pay attention to what you're getting into, Princess. If you can't be at least that observant, intelligent, or merely courteous, there's not much I can do other than point out the obvious.
Bad move, my bleeding idiot.

Dr Lou is inconsequential to what one would term 'intellectual dialogue' so he goes ignored- your dealings with android are in question.

What does celebration of multiculturalism do?
Know what all you campus nobodies accomplish with your over-romanticizing diversity? Write books and hold meetings.

You don't influence the patterns of assimilation.
You don't change the thinking underlying it.
You don't accomplish the goal of reinforcing a person's pride in his people, you only make the mood fashionable.
You don’t change anything.

Which is why one looks around and sees sameness- that's what I'm getting at.

Who 'celebrates' multiculturalism but those amorous few only going through a phase, like Madonna and her bendel, or those overly and stupidly optimistic?

And you forgot the pink text, monsieur.
Gendanken said:

Bad move, my bleeding idiot.

Given poor judgment you've shown thus far, I'm not worried about what you think is a bad move, Toots.

Dr Lou is inconsequential to what one would term 'intellectual dialogue' so he goes ignored- your dealings with android are in question

Are you capable of following a progression? Go back and read through the posts to see how that part of the discussion developed.

Nonetheless, the issue remains the same.

And you have yet to answer it. What are you afraid of, Princess?

Know what all you campus nobodies accomplish with your over-romanticizing diversity? Write books and hold meetings.

Charming and senseless. What the hell are you talking about?

Which is why one looks around and sees sameness- that's what I'm getting at.

Again, you seem to be writing the sins of capitalism onto multiculturalism.

Who 'celebrates' multiculturalism but those amorous few only going through a phase, like Madonna and her bendel, or those overly and stupidly optimistic?

Too many people to list. Your misanthropy clouds your judgment, but we already knew that.

And you forgot the pink text, monsieur.

It ain't pink, Princess Plum.
What are you afraid of, Princess?

Afraid or reciprocating this:
Your misanthropy clouds your judgment, but we already knew that.

Your romanticism clouds yours, and?
This thread is mostly you pronouncing your blind optimism- where have I missed anything?

You'll never see because you are so compassionate, so hopeful, and so common and apologetic you'll close up at the slightest hint of oppostion.
Why do you do that?
Give you a bigot and you'll never sit down to speak with him- what are you so ignorant of?

To wit-
Again, you seem to be writing the sins of capitalism onto multiculturalism.
And what's wrong with that?
Its precisely the reason for it.
To further my point and make it clearer to you-
You seem to think that differences between humans are marginal or solely based on skin color.

Never even courted the possibilites that the psychologies themseleves are so different from each other one can't help grouping one kind as inferiour or superior to another?

And that the superiour one would be what all the inferiour psychologies would seek to submit to or merge with?
Says Anus:
In short, I believe the question of "inferior" or "superior" races is an issue for assholes to debate, and I don't want any part of it; the races are different, and have different types of ethnocultural societies they prefer, and that objectively is clear, but "subjectively," I prefer a society of my own kind, with shared ethno-cultural values, and I don't view that as insulting to African-Americans or any other ethnic group; in fact it's the opposite: the highest respect I can grant to any group is to insist that they be separate and be allowed to do things their own way, since otherwise is to presume that my way is better, and thus to impose it upon them as an "improvement" over what they are. That's crass racism, no matter how much we disguise it as Judeo-Christian liberalism. I don't have any use for racism, but I do believe in eugenics, as it is one of the foundations of a society which is always moving toward higher goals.

If everyone has their 'ethno cultural' specialty with each race of equal caliber to any other race but only differently channeled…..

If none is superior to the other…..

Then someone one must have forced almost all of these races to recognize the superior quality of Arabic numerals as opposed to Roman ones, for example.
Bit of a shift for you.

Fuck off with the "just different". Difference allows conquest, conquest creates a superiour/inferiour dichotomy. "Just different" is kiddie bullshit.

"Johnny can't do basic math or read at his grade level, but he is not a moron. He's just different!"

Grow a pair, mister "Norsk Arisk Black Metal"
Bit of a shift for you.

Fuck off with the "just different". Difference allows conquest, conquest creates a superiour/inferiour dichotomy. "Just different" is kiddie bullshit
Thank you.

What the fuck? All the carpal tunnel spent on a tightass (Tessie) and his black counterpart (Fuckhed) summed up in one sentence.

To all who can read, read it.
Last spring you seemed a bit averse to my racialism. Maybe I recall incorrectly.


Yes, the races are different. Yes, they are simular. Probably more simular than different, but so are men and women. Jesus I know I don't have a dick.

I won't necessarily say Caucasians are the master race, much as I'd love to (hehee, wouldn't that upset people!), in part because I've met Caucasians who were absolute losers compared to Asians and Hispanics I knew and had respect for. Using your race to play any card is being a cop-out.

But saying "they are just different" is ridiculous. Difference allows for ranking. Ranking allows for superiourity. I wouldn't say it's based on race, more latitude and ethnicity. And even so it's not determined.
Superiority surely exist, but it is very individual to define, am I superior becasue I am smart or just stronger, etc.

Just different is agreeably a stupid political correctness newpeak expression. I would assume and state that I am superior to someone born without extremeties and with only half a mind. Hey, prove me wrong.
Last spring you seemed a bit averse to my racialism. Maybe I recall incorrectly

Testing waters.
You came off as the neo-Bolshevik getting hard over swastikas.
Laughable, so had to find out.


Yes, the races are different. Yes, they are simular. Probably more simular than different, but so are men and women. Jesus I know I don't have a dick.

I won't necessarily say Caucasians are the master race, much as I'd love to (hehee, wouldn't that upset people!), in part because I've met Caucasians who were absolute losers compared to Asians and Hispanics I knew and had respect for. Using your race to play any card is being a cop-out.

But saying "they are just different" is ridiculous. Difference allows for ranking. Ranking allows for superiourity. I wouldn't say it's based on race, more latitude and ethnicity. And even so it's not determined.
No shit.

Women are just 'different'- but its damn obvious the ill-skill with math and physical weakness compared with men.
True we're all human but to deny the differences among humans when even the physical traits are so varied is cheeky, modernized politics.

Funny thing about this "affirmative action"- doing what a Nazi or a chauvinist would do but reversed.

Anyway, you raise a race (muha, raise and race) harshly and it dominates those raised up like zombies.
So the Indos storm down from the Caucases and impose themselves on the milder natives raised in milder climes, for example.
It happens.

So quit with the romantic, apologetic bullshit that makes diversity its own caricature, you’re all sounding like Julia Roberts hugging on Denzel Washington.



Hanging out with Mongols.


Aha, my little friend Tessie, this open minded libertine, and his libertine friend Prozac are a load of Pretty Women.
Fuck you.

Google, copy-pasted so quickly didn't realize who wrote the I Love Black people bit: Ann oh-suffer-me Coulter.
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Communist? I can't see how I ever came across as that. Maybe NS but you have to blame the music. :) Nazis are herd animals, I throw bottles at them.

True we're all human but to deny the differences among humans when even the physical traits are so varied is cheeky, modernized politics.

We're all human? Who's content to be human? Junkies and battered wives are human, losers and sadists are human. I'm not content with human.

But you can't say that, because that's worse than racism.

Aha, my little friend Tessie, this open minded libertine, and his libertine friend Prozac are a load of Pretty Women.

I am open-minded, I fraternize outside my race, I have even formed intimate relationships beyond its boundaries. And I have found many Caucasian ethnicities, although undoubtably deficiant in Aryan blood, to be utter fools.
But being politically correct and saying that everyone is just peachy is stupid and I prefer even white nationalists, who at least burn the occasional church.

Superiority surely exist, but it is very individual to define, am I superior becasue I am smart or just stronger, etc.

Sure, and then superiourity changes. A man who is good socially may be given authority over a man who is physically strong and beautiful, but the strong and beautiful man could take the authoritarian in a fight.