White Supremists are a joke

Those who relate ethnic supremacism (is that a word??) to animal behavior are, I think, not too far off. Hunting animals who travel in packs like wolves and lions have an overwhelming instinct to protect the survival of their own pack. That means that unless food is overly abundant because of a good year, they have to guard their territory against other packs of the same species.

We, being descended from hunter-gatherers that lived in packs, have inherited that instinct. Our definition of a "pack" has increased over the millennia to the point that human communities as large as 20,000 often function well without much formal government. But we tend to regard people who look quite a bit different from us as belonging to another pack.

Some of us regard the strangers with interest and want to know more about the place they came from, their customs, their culture, their art and science. Others regard them as competitors for scarce resources. Easy to tell which ones are the wave of the future.
Fraggle Rocker said:
Those who relate ethnic supremacism (is that a word??) to animal behavior are, I think, not too far off. Hunting animals who travel in packs like wolves and lions have an overwhelming instinct to protect the survival of their own pack. That means that unless food is overly abundant because of a good year, they have to guard their territory against other packs of the same species.

We, being descended from hunter-gatherers that lived in packs, have inherited that instinct. Our definition of a "pack" has increased over the millennia to the point that human communities as large as 20,000 often function well without much formal government. But we tend to regard people who look quite a bit different from us as belonging to another pack.

Some of us regard the strangers with interest and want to know more about the place they came from, their customs, their culture, their art and science. Others regard them as competitors for scarce resources. Easy to tell which ones are the wave of the future.

So you're saying that, white supremacists are like subhumans with primitive pack instincts?

Damn they are very much like dogs. I see it clearly now.
Has anyone here ever played sports? The feeling you get after a winning game is that of superiority over the opposing team, am I wrong? You don't feel that way because of an "inferiority complex", that is rediculous. I am not saying that I am for white supremicy, but I do not agree with your argument that it is based out of an inferiority complex. Most white supremacy is based upon a history of white supremacy in a family dating back to the early years of slavery. I beleive it is a historical hate passed on from a time when whites were sociologically superior to blacks.
Hi, I'm black, A negro, or nigger, whatever you want to call me and I feel like some white supremists feel threatend by blacks. They feel like their losing ground. I dont understand that because were only about 10 to 13% of the population. They used to view us as subhuman. in between a human and ape. a peice of property, so ofcourse they would feel superior.
Dr. Lou Natic said:

Only those on the most inferior plane would assume no one was inferior to anyone else.

You might have a point, Lou. Take this example for instance:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence

Those inferior, insecure bastards. How dare they malign our lives with that kind of crap, eh?
"They used to view us as subhuman. in between a human and ape. a peice of property, so ofcourse they would feel superior."

Exactly my point. I don't think that it's really a threatened feeling, but a long time view of blacks as being inferior, dating back the the times of slavery.
tiassa, you have to remember, that the Declaration of Indepandance did NOT include blacks in the statement "all men are created equal". They viewed blacks as property, not as men/women.

No...then they wouldn't feel "superior"...superiority suggests arrogance and narcissistic tendencies. Self respect and good sense of self esteem does not entitle superiority complex thought they are definetly characteristics of it.
Don't focus on the vocabulary, focus on whose it is.

Who is usually found maligning the higher?
A man steps in the middle of 10 idiots working out cold fusion, he’ll quietly scratch through the numbers and show them all its impossible.
They’ll be smearing his name and asking that timeless question of little people that just witnessed excellence “Who the hell does he think he is?”.
According to Jung, many people did not like Nietzche. According to Fenynmann, many people found Bohr an arrogant prude but could not avoid him.

Do tell me- why must the superior always be ‘arrogant’ and stuffy, conceited, and vile?

Supremacy of the undifferentiated crowd is the worst, and the most destructive, and what most of you advocate... you suck.
And you're enamored of every last one of the different "kind".
"They used to view us as subhuman. in between a human and ape. a peice of property, so ofcourse they would feel superior."

It's a pity I can't buy a slave for myself openly these days. :(
The blacks can f*** themselves, I want a pretty caucasian slave girl.
Ah, the good old days of Rome...
"tiassa, you have to remember, that the Declaration of Indepandance did NOT include blacks in the statement "all men are created equal". They viewed blacks as property, not as men/women."

That's right.
Its just that Tiassa would rather malign anything that sounds 'seperatist'.
He's just as supremist as stupid white boys with shaved heads.
Oh, there you go again, Prin--

er ... whoops. But yeah. There you go again.
Those inferior, insecure bastards. How dare they malign our lives with that kind of crap, eh?
You almost sound sarcastic.
As though your quoted paragraph isn't an excellent example of insecurity.
"Can't we all just get along?" is the phrase uttered by the man who doesn't like his chances of success if it comes down to competition.
The declaration of independence is insecure people reaching an agreement due to their fear of failure.
If some guys were playing a game of poker and they decided to stop playing and just split the money evenly it would be because they would be insecure about their hand, obviously right? Well how is that any different?

The reason white people have deemed themselves superior to races they have come across is very simple.
Within their own race, there has naturally been things which rank some above others. Cultural evolution deemed certain traits important, and sexual selection altered the animal in accordance.
So white men had it in their head that a great man is this and that and such and so forth, and they had been loosely bred to be that animal for a long time.
When they came across negroes they found people who hadn't been bred for the traits which their culture deemed as superior, and were generally "inferior" in the context of the white culture. They had their own traits which were important in their breeding. But to white people they were just poor excuses for white people.
I don't believe it was an innaccurate assessment, they were superior to blacks, superior at being white people.
Black people were superior at being black people but white people didn't originally bother taking much notice, white man was a stronger force and thus dominated the black man.
As time went on black people interbred enough with white people, and white culture rubbed off enough on black looking hybrids for them to start evidencing they are people to the critical whites.
And now black peoples superior traits are put on display in sporting events and rump shaking music videos.

People today who are drawn into being white supremecists may have a complex with themselves and need to grasp on to whatever it is about themselves that has worth. But white supremecy wasn't born of this inadequacy.
You couldn't have really expected the original "white supremecists" to think any differently. After having it so engrained that certain traits were admirable and favourable and were indeed what made man great, they found people who were lacking in these traits in comparison to themselves.
Even the people who were against the mistreatment of black people were against it from an aristocratic standpoint, like mistreating "simple blacks" lowered them as a person. Much like some are against animal cruelty for this reason. They don't think of animals as equals but rather think that it is not admirable or noble behaviour to be mistreating them.

The original white supremecists didn't realise their set of favoured traits were largely arbitrary, just like human supremecists don't realise the traits which they think put them above animals are largely arbitrary.
Aborted Fetus said:

tiassa, you have to remember, that the Declaration of Indepandance did NOT include blacks in the statement "all men are created equal". They viewed blacks as property, not as men/women.

Convenient, ain't it?

Rather, you help make the point.
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lostmind said:
"The blacks can f*** themselves, I want a pretty caucasian slave girl."
avatar, How old r u?

I'm a free and a noble man with full citizen rights and I want to obtain a slave. You know where I can buy one?
The world today...
Dr. Lou Natic said:

You almost sound sarcastic.

Almost? Shucks, boy. I'll have t' try harder.

The declaration of independence is insecure people reaching an agreement due to their fear of failure.

If you say so. But what failure did they fear?

If some guys were playing a game of poker and they decided to stop playing and just split the money evenly it would be because they would be insecure about their hand, obviously right? Well how is that any different?

In poker, one chooses to risk the fruits of their labor. The Declaration of Independence responded to the theft of the harvest.

The original white supremecists didn't realise their set of favoured traits were largely arbitrary, just like human supremecists don't realise the traits which they think put them above animals are largely arbitrary.

You're right. The difference between a black man and a white man is exactly the same as the difference between a bonobo and a rainbow trout.

While irrational human supremacy does exist among people, is there no possibility whatsoever that some of those distinctions between humans and other animals are, in fact, rational and functional?

Tell you what: go corner a hungry wolf and try to reason with it. Offer it some cheese and grapes and chardonnay. After you pick yourself out of the tight coil left on the forest floor, let us know how it went. And, of course, as with all endeavors you undertake, watch where you step. I mean, it's nothing to go ruining your shoes over.
tiassa said:
Those inferior, insecure bastards. How dare they malign our lives with that kind of crap, eh?

Considering they did not include negroes or women in that "all men," your argument is kind of destroyed here ;)

In my view, the question is not which races are inferior but that each race is different and should have its own space. For those who want to race mix, no problem - we already know what you're going to become (mixed-race populations in the Americas, Middle East, India, and North Africa).

Here's my take on it:

lostmind said:
Hi, I'm black, A negro, or nigger, whatever you want to call me and I feel like some white supremists feel threatend by blacks. They feel like their losing ground. I dont understand that because were only about 10 to 13% of the population. They used to view us as subhuman. in between a human and ape. a peice of property, so ofcourse they would feel superior.

White supremacists are what happen when people take racial ideology and make it defensive, blowing it out of proportion. Thus I agree with you there. However, keep in mind that no two races can exist in the same society without assimilating each other, so it's the interests of both whites and blacks (and hell, every other ethnocultural group) to isolate themselves and keep their own culture.

Of course, this leaves out the disease of white culture - Christianity - which will have to be extinguished by force, but that's for us IEs to decide. I've always gotten in trouble with the white supremacist crowd because I don't believe one has to say mean things about other races to simply say "I want to live among my own people and develop our culture." What's so hard about that? The hate stuff is just like neurotic delirium.
Android said:

Considering they did not include negroes or women in that "all men," your argument is kind of destroyed here

How so?