White Supremists are a joke

You're right. The difference between a black man and a white man is exactly the same as the difference between a bonobo and a rainbow trout.
The difference between the bonobo and the trout is greater. But it's essentially the same thing.
Think of it as a V. The black man and white man are close to the bottom tip of the V, the trout and bonobo are at the top ends. But each deviate at the same angle and each are on different sides.

While irrational human supremacy does exist among people, is there no possibility whatsoever that some of those distinctions between humans and other animals are, in fact, rational and functional?

Tell you what: go corner a hungry wolf and try to reason with it. Offer it some cheese and grapes and chardonnay. After you pick yourself out of the tight coil left on the forest floor, let us know how it went. And, of course, as with all endeavors you undertake, watch where you step. I mean, it's nothing to go ruining your shoes over.
Try that with a papua new guinean cannibal and the result will be essentially the same.

I wasn't saying the differences themselves are arbitrary, as in not very different, the fact there are differences(significant differences) is arbitrary. Just because you as a human have specialised to be a certain way and a flea has specialised to be a different way doesn't make you better than the flea.
Your ancestral histories happened to branch in different directions.

The anti-racism argument focusses on how races are similar.
Usually these similarities could be extended outside of the human species.
We should acknowledge the differences between different strains of living organisms indiscriminately without preconcieved ideas of whats good.
African americans are bitter because they themselves have been convinced that the best person they could be is a white person, and it's hard for them.
They try to get a white education and aim to fill in white occupational niches. When they struggle and fail they can't help but feel inferior.
If I was in a bushmen tribe in africa I'd feel pretty lousy for not being able to track the oryx as well as those around me.

I agree with android 100%. People should be in the environment that crafted the animal they are, living the lifestyle that crafted the animal they are.
White supremecy exists because white people see other races struggling to succeed at being white.
Insulting racists isn't going to change anything, especially when your argument is essentially "black people can too be white, look at bryant gumble".
You're leaving out the majority and making them feel like shit for not being like bryant gumble.
This is the argument of those who come off as the least racist. The powerfully anti-racist people like you tiassa.
And they're setting it up for people who aren't striving to not be racist with every molecule in their body to notice that blacks generally aren't as good at being white as white people are. Without the knowledge of how races are different you can understand why they would come to that conclusion. It's accurate. Whats inaccurate is the idea that a white person is what everyone should want to be. That white culture is where everyone needs to try and fit and if they fail they are inferior homo-sapiens.
They shouldn't have it in their head that "white is right" for everyone.
You and your kind are partly responsible for this mindset.

We need to acknowledge the differences between the earth's ancestral lines of homosapien. From this we can accurately see how well people live up to their "standard".
Even a perfect example of the labrador will fail to rank in a beagle contest.
I can only conclude from your post that you reject Dawin, evolution, and differentiation of species.

As such, I'm not sure where to begin correcting you. In the meantime, the one thing your argument doesn't smell like is roses. Even LBJ couldn't ask loyalty in that case.
Lou Natic:
I agree with android 100%. People should be in the environment that crafted the animal they are, living the lifestyle that crafted the animal they are.

"Should be" is great, but the White race's success has imposed the White race's standards - arguably, standards that are harmful to the White race.
Like proficiency as a manager is selected for while aggression and curiousity are selected against. Not really in keeping with what's best for the White race.

Please don't tell me that the Jews engineered this, being a race of bankers.

We may posit a need to maintain certain values. "White" values, racialists like to call them, and then forget that their "white" values are often contravened most effectively by whites. I occasionally read www.amren.com. The webmaster likes to suggest that we must preserve "white" values like - wait for it - Christianity. A bit embarassing for the movement.

While I do see a need to maintain cultural and racial purity, though only perhaps to the point of seperatism, I don't see race as as much of a determining factor. Most white seperatists are quite the embarassment.

Hi, I'm black, A negro, or nigger, whatever you want to call me and I feel like some white supremists feel threatend by blacks. They feel like their losing ground.

I doubt they feel intellectually "threatend" by someone who cannot distinguish "their" and "they're".

Mod Note: I know the text was dependent on a condition, but it still qualifies as inappropriate nonetheless.
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xev: "I doubt they feel intellectually "threatend" by someone who cannot distinguish "their" and "they're".
Typo, sorry, human error. sorry masta
I can only conclude from your post that you reject Dawin, evolution, and differentiation of species.
Then you're an idiot who lacks comprehension skills. Good luck with that.
tiassa said:
I can only conclude from your post that you reject Dawin, evolution, and differentiation of species.

As an aside, I think Darwin is widely misinterpreted, most grotesquely in "social Darwinism." It's dangerous ground to play with when people think linearly.


(If the emoticon above showed up, it should suggest nonlinear thinking lol northern lights)
Xev said:
I occasionally read www.amren.com. The webmaster likes to suggest that we must preserve "white" values like - wait for it - Christianity.

Christianity, which we almost could blame on the Jews, except the massive favor they did for us all in killing that idiot (Jesus).

White supremacists are what happen when people take racial ideology and make it defensive, blowing it out of proportion. Thus I agree with you there. However, keep in mind that no two races can exist in the same society without assimilating each other, so it's the interests of both whites and blacks (and hell, every other ethnocultural group) to isolate themselves and keep their own culture.

Of course, this leaves out the disease of white culture - Christianity - which will have to be extinguished by force, but that's for us IEs to decide. I've always gotten in trouble with the white supremacist crowd because I don't believe one has to say mean things about other races to simply say "I want to live among my own people and develop our culture." What's so hard about that? The hate stuff is just like neurotic delirium.
I think you're all missing the big picture here.

The average supremacist is clueless as to why it is he's so 'angry'- dare you to ask him, for fun, who Leif was.
Their main reasons for wanting to separate is because others do, they read the Turner diaries because others do and they never hate as much as when other white supremacists are watching.

Its a study of comfort in numbers and faith, ask a Christian about the Apocrypha or tell him his Jesus is a Jew and he'll look at you funny or pretend he already knew.
These blowhards have no fucking clue how to organize a true revolution because they don't want to- its the getting together to talk about niggers over beer that's both intoxicating and alluring.

They're like Church ladies sitting on pews talking about Jeezus, neither of those women truly hate Gentiles.

"This isn't as much hate as it is conformity in disguise, a needy disease all weaklings with no cause to keep them alive fucking suffer from.
The Nazi, the Czech, the neo-Bolshevik, the feminist, the mullah- none of them 'hate'. They love the alliance of other cowards to "hate" with."- g
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gendanken said:
These blowhards have no fucking clue how to organize a true revolution because they don't want to- its the getting together to talk about niggers over beer that's both intoxicating and alluring.

This I agree with, in most cases, but it's racist to lump them as a group, as many seem to be honest activists. Alex Linder, William Pierce, Bill White and others are clearly not beerdrinkingblowhards of that type, although I'd point to stormfront.org as a good example of the same (with a cross overhead and the Semitic eyes of Jesus looking on).

<i>"They love the alliance..."</i>

Strength in numbers.

<i>"Its a study of comfort in numbers..."</i>

Yeah, but their must be some agreement between personal ideology and that of the whole; otherwise, the individual would seek another group that better represented his beliefs.

Possibly the beliefs of the organization are more structured and provide strength to the individuals own vague notions. But there is also that alluring attraction of strength in numbers.
Dr. Lou Natic said:
The difference between the bonobo and the trout is greater. But it's essentially the same thing.
Think of it as a V. The black man and white man are close to the bottom tip of the V, the trout and bonobo are at the top ends. But each deviate at the same angle and each are on different sides.

The difference between a bonobo and a trout is also greater than the difference between a blond-haired, blue-eyed person and a dark-haired, brown-eyed person.

Seems to me it's a matter of degrees when we start trying to apply differences of species within humanity.

I wasn't saying the differences themselves are arbitrary, as in not very different, the fact there are differences(significant differences) is arbitrary.

I disagree. The fact that there are differences reflects circumstances, processes, and results. Nature is not extraneous; diversity is not arbitrary.

Just because you as a human have specialised to be a certain way and a flea has specialised to be a different way doesn't make you better than the flea.

"Better" certainly is arbitrary.

But there is a difference between acknowledging life and surrendering to it.

The anti-racism argument focusses on how races are similar.
Usually these similarities could be extended outside of the human species.

Focusing on the similarities is a practical necessity of acknowledging the fact that human beings come together in societies.

African americans are bitter because they themselves have been convinced that the best person they could be is a white person, and it's hard for them.

I think it's a little different, if that principle is valid at all. It's not so problematic that the "best person they could be is a white person", but rather that the "best person they can be should hate them for who they are", or that the "best person they can be should be so dishonest".

A friend of mine, classic "peanut butter" sees this whenever he's in the states. His family treats him as black while expecting him to believe "white". It's a weird conflict for many inasmuch as the best he's supposed to aspire to holds him as a second-class citizen among society.

The best people blacks can be are people, period. Many of them know this. That's why "the best person they could be is white" annoys them so much. Escape one false classification to play in another, and never, ever be yourself.

Should I hate white people? After all, as an American "banana", I was once told by a white school principal that the key to breaking the racism of my fellow students was to act more like them and make a greater effort to fit in.

They try to get a white education and aim to fill in white occupational niches. When they struggle and fail they can't help but feel inferior.

Too bad "an education" has to be "a white education".

If I was in a bushmen tribe in africa I'd feel pretty lousy for not being able to track the oryx as well as those around me.

That's a rather odd comparison, poorly founded.

Look at gays, for instance. Over a decade, now, of prominent social discourse comparing gays to horrible things: Child molesters, animal rapists, corpse-lovers, and in that they compare gay partners to children, animals, and corpses.

If the "traditional" education wasn't so viciously erroneous, would it hurt so much to believe?

So how 'bout that dark skin? Match up American history with nonwhite skin and you'll find that what hurts blacks about education and occupational niches is not that it's all "white", but that it's largely dishonest, vicious, and hurtful.

People should be in the environment that crafted the animal they are, living the lifestyle that crafted the animal they are.

We are humans. That ought to be enough. Treating skin color like the difference between a striped, furry quadruped a largely-furless biped seems rather an exaggeration of the differences.

White supremecy exists because white people see other races struggling to succeed at being white.


So white supremacists exist because of society? After all, if the societal standard is aimed at being "white", and the black person is trying to succeed at being "white", it would seem that white supremacists are uncomfortable with the social standards that empower their supremacist arguments.

Is there such thing as a "self-hating supremacist"?

Insulting racists isn't going to change anything, especially when your argument is essentially "black people can too be white, look at bryant gumble".

What insults racists isn't necessarily anyone else's concern any more than what insults anybody else.

The equivocation postulated by folks who argue as you do, Lou, is absurd and insulting in itself.

What isn't insulting about being held to a second-class standard? What isn't insulting about being held to a second-class standard and then criticized for having a second-class standard? What isn't insulting about someone's personal comfort in a subjective belief being asserted as grounds to deny you basic civil and human rights?

How would you propose people go about showing respect for such hatred?

Tell us, how society respect those who aim to destroy it?

You're leaving out the majority and making them feel like shit for not being like bryant gumble.

I invite you to start making sense at any time, now.

This is the argument of those who come off as the least racist. The powerfully anti-racist people like you tiassa.
And they're setting it up for people who aren't striving to not be racist with every molecule in their body to notice that blacks generally aren't as good at being white as white people are.

That seems rather absurd. Perhaps you don't remember the 1990s, when liberals were accused of subverting society by radio hosts because they objected to perceptions of racism inherent in standardized testing.

So how is it that the powerfully anti-racist people who are trying to make it so that one's education is not necessarily a "white" education responsible for, say, your conscience? Seriously, "ebonics" was a major liberal fuck-up, but how did ebonics contribute to blacks being white, or anybody's perceptions of the success thereof?

Is it that liberals haven't accounted enough for your ignorance? Or would we be "elitist" if we did?

Perhaps if we lived in a society that strove to empower people to be people instead of "white", such questions wouldn't present themselves.

Whats inaccurate is the idea that a white person is what everyone should want to be.

Ebonics, standardized testing, ESL in public schools--tell me, Lou, how is it that--
• Empowering nonwhite dialect
• Eliminating ethnically-restricted language from standardized tests
• Empowering non-English speakers​
--these things contribute to the idea that a white person is what everyone should want to be?

They shouldn't have it in their head that "white is right" for everyone.
You and your kind are partly responsible for this mindset.

If "white is right" is the problem, what is the solution? Oh, right--homogenous societies.


So remind me again, Lou: how is it that those who wish to celebrate the positive aspects of diversity are responsible for insisting on a monochrome solution?

We need to acknowledge the differences between the earth's ancestral lines of homosapien.

Enumerate them. Please. I'd love to see that list.

Even a perfect example of the labrador will fail to rank in a beagle contest.

My cat has blue eyes. Does that make her a witch?

In the meantime, differentiation of species is not arbitrary, no matter how you try to assert it.
Roman said:
And anyone who talks about "rouge nations" is completely laughable.
Not at all. Clearly a linguist who still feels communism (the reds) remain a threat despite the end of the cold war and the fall of the iron curtain.

On a serious note I am amazed that you are all still talking as if there was such a thing as race. Doesn't anybody actually make an attempt to be even within a decade or so of current thinking on key aspects of a thread they are posting on?
tiassa said:
That's why "the best person they could be is white" annoys them so much.

Racial separation benefits blacks as much as whites and Asians... let it happen, and you become like the mixed-race societies of South America and the Middle East, e.g. failures.
android: And how does that square with your being of mixed ethnicity - Scots German, I believe?

So remind me again, Lou: how is it that those who wish to celebrate the positive aspects of diversity are responsible for insisting on a monochrome solution?

Because most of the time, "celebrating diversity" becomes a very rigid insistance on maintaining a non-racist status quo. It seems more to mean "token acceptance and fetishizing popularized aspects of alien cultures" than anything else.

The issue becomes one of identity. For example, I appreciate many aspects of East Asian culture, the emphasis on reserve and politess, simplicity and elegence, but I need not co-opt such things. I am proud of my Northern European heritage, but I need not define myself wholly by it.

The White Supremicist and the Wigger are fundamentally the same person - one who cannot craft an identity but by adhering blindly to what they wish to incorporate.

To diversity, the solution becomes monochrome when everything blends into the most popular aspects of shit.
I don't wholly agree with white seperatism - or black seperatism, or asian or hispanic seperatism for that matter - however I do empathize with the concerns.

This is always a possible result:

Bowser said:
Possibly the beliefs of the organization are more structured and provide strength to the individuals own vague notions. But there is also that alluring attraction of strength in numbers.

Your analysis assumes they are defective. Were we to apply the same belief to all humans equally, you would find civilization itself fits your criteria. Without organization, and collective action, any cause is lost.

tiassa said:
So remind me again, Lou: how is it that those who wish to celebrate the positive aspects of diversity are responsible for insisting on a monochrome solution?

There is more than one country on earth, Tiassa.

If every country has the same population - as occurs with racial mixing - there is no more "diversity."

android said:
Racial separation benefits blacks as much as whites and Asians... let it happen, and you become like the mixed-race societies of South America and the Middle East, e.g. failures.

And just exactly how do you propose to prevent it?
Repo Man said:
And just exactly how do you propose to prevent it?

It is one point on my agenda, inseparable from the others, but I hope to bring about my alternate view of a future society through art and philosophy, and by changing attitudes, change the future.

Note: that's a totally generic answer but, as with many generic things, it is also correct.
