White Supremists are a joke


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
They are supremists because they have inferiority complexes.
Therefore, they act out in order to feel a sense of superiority.
Any secure person wouldn't believe one person is inferior in anyway to another.
Focusing on the Inferiority/Superiority of others would be irrelevant and a waste of time compared to focusing on your own good qualities as a person, and how you can use them to bring hapiness and wellness to those around you.
White power! :cool:
maybe they act so because they feel superior
not because they want to feel such?
Not quite. Anybody that truely felt superior does not necessarily have "feelings of superiority."
They have feelings of self respect, and a good sense of self esteem.
Not aparant in the behavior of whites who go around parading some collective intangible sense of "power" to mask their insecurities.
cool skill said:
Not quite. Anybody that truely felt superior does not necessarily have "feelings of superiority."
They have feelings of self respect, and a good sense of self esteem.

No...then they wouldn't feel "superior"...superiority suggests arrogance and narcissistic tendencies. Self respect and good sense of self esteem does not entitle superiority complex thought they are definetly characteristics of it.

Not aparant in the behavior of whites who go around parading some collective intangible sense of "power" to mask their insecurities.

Insecurities?...Maybe...I see more frustration, anger, misdirected contempt, fear of change, lack of acceptance of change. Insecurity is a part of it but it isn't the ruling cause.
Not quite. Anybody that truely felt superior does not necessarily have "feelings of superiority."
But that doesn't exclude superiority, does it?
They have feelings of self respect, and a good sense of self esteem.
They? What and how many people have you inquired?
Not aparant in the behavior of whites who go around parading some collective intangible sense of "power" to mask their insecurities.
How many people have you inquired? Why are you sure they feel insecure? Maybe they feel disgust?

p.s. I'm not a white power junkie! :D think it's stupid,

but I don't trust your critical thinking,
because you do conclusions, but there is no factual backing,
only poor, inductive assumptions (3 birds you've seen are white, therefore all birds must be white)
or maybe you have seen no birds at all?
Disgusting any sort of racial or ethnic supremacy is.
Why do we as humans have to do this.
My country is still battling with ethic superiority complex (the sangokujin crisis).
Hideki Matsumoto said:
Disgusting any sort of racial or ethnic supremacy is.

Yes it is.

Why do we as humans have to do this.

It is everywhere, the human species only gives it a name and attaches emotions and thoughts to it. While we percieve ourselves to be above "animals" we, time and time again, show that at almost every level we act just like them.

Those who favor it will give you the excuses of advancing of humans and stronger future generations through selective breeding....they, however, will show no credible data for those assertions.
That's because it's a generalization.
Cool Skill doesn't have to go to every single human on earth, and psychoanalize their degree and nature of white supremist feelings or attitudes towards white supremacy.
From direct and indirect experience along with miscellaneous data, I can come to practical conclusions on the nature of the white supremist individual particle.
The particle may have a plethora of emotions that would make him/her develop a supremist attitude.
We feel a certain way, and therefore act or react a certain way.
From an emotional point of view, supremist projections have their roots in our internalized sense of inadquecy.
From direct and indirect experience along with miscellaneous data, I can come to practical conclusions
Them, pray, tell us of the data, your experience, so we can potentially come to the same conclusions. Or else it is just your subjective stance with no reasons I should believe you.
Any secure person wouldn't believe one person is inferior in anyway to another.
Horseshit. Only those on the most inferior plane would assume no one was inferior to anyone else.

Races are different rather than inferior/superior, each containing a spectrum of the qualities of human.
But individuals most definately can be inferior or superior to one another. I'd actually argue that no 2 people are equal, and that all of humanity could be put into a ranked order.
And I believe there would need to be atleast a 5 billion person gap between me and you.
Those who want power and control use many means to either retain that idea or change the status que to gain advantages over others no matter who or what they may be.
How do they keep there hats all pointy when it rains? Lots of starch?
Why do they always have a dog called Skeeter? is it a requirement for membership?
Silly twats
Yah, we're so much better than those white supremacists.

Those stupid inbred redneck morons!

We're like a superior race or something.
hay, if you think white supremascists are bad try the Japanese supremascists! they are pro Japanese military and want Manchuria and korea as colonies again. They are also the ones behid that lovely word (Sangokujin) which is a derogatory word for all other asians.
( =~The 3rd classers). supremacy SUCKS!
Supremacy of the undifferentiated crowd is the worst, and the most destructive, and what most of you advocate... you suck.
Hideki Matsumoto said:
hay, if you think white supremascists are bad try the Japanese supremascists! they are pro Japanese military and want Manchuria and korea as colonies again. They are also the ones behid that lovely word (Sangokujin) which is a derogatory word for all other asians.
( =~The 3rd classers). supremacy SUCKS!

Yeah. Any kind of supremacist is a moron. Fuck those guys.

We should round them up and put them in camps. Their presence pollutes our society. Who is with me?

Don't let the white supremacists rape your daughters.
It's not OK for a white man to be proud of his race but it's OK for a minority to be proud of their race and say that they are superior for -insert reason-
Why do supremists think they're better than everyone?
Well, what is a supremist...
Supremacy sucks.
Yes, we're no different than animals.
Horseshit, no race is superior, just different, but all humanity could be in ranked order, and there'd be a 5 billion person gap between you and me.
Vice versa.
Rednecks suck.
Japanesse militants suck.
You all suck.
Everyone but white people can be proud of his race?

It's ironic that a debate over supremacy results in people trying to act supreme... but I guess that's the way of it!
weed_eater_guy said:
Horseshit, no race is superior, just different, but all humanity could be in ranked order, and there'd be a 5 billion person gap between you and me.

Vice versa.
Rednecks suck.
Japanesse militants suck.
You all suck.
Everyone but white people can be proud of his race?

