Which religion is from God?

enton said:
Christian values? What do you know about "christian" values? Have you ever met "christians"?
M*W: Met one? I used to be one! It's all a pack of lies and you are a liar. A stupid one at that! There is no such thing as "christian values." There may be human morals and human values, but christianity is the anti-christ, and you are its prophet. Do you honestly think you are earning any respect on this forum?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Met one? I used to be one! It's all a pack of lies and you are a liar. A stupid one at that! There is no such thing as "christian values." There may be human morals and human values, but christianity is the anti-christ, and you are its prophet. Do you honestly think you are earning any respect on this forum?
You have never been a christian. You were simply a doubter before and until now still a doubter. And why ask me if I think I am earning respect? Dusts cannot give respect, but merely contribute laughter and fun.
enton said:
Christian values? What do you know about "christian" values? Have you ever met "christians"?
you have'nt either, even if you looked in the mirror, you would'nt see a christian.
audible said:
you have'nt either, even if you looked in the mirror, you would'nt see a christian.
What? :eek: I guess you're right. I only heard christians in 1998, but in 2002 I decided to be a part of them, a brethren in God. You can mirror me in your thoughts.
audible said:
enton: do you know what a true christian is?
How do you feel the importance of your question? If I'll let you know, still you'll not know.
enton said:
How do you feel the importance of your question? If I'll let you know, still you'll not know.
wtf, answer the question.
or do I take it you have no Idea.
"Who are we to create a heaven and hell for ourselves, excluding animals and plants in the bargain, just because we have the power to rationalise?" Mark Twain
look_spanky said:
"Who are we to create a heaven and hell for ourselves, excluding animals and plants in the bargain, just because we have the power to rationalise?" Mark Twain
"Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:" Amos 9:2 (King James Version) Holy Bible
"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval." - Mark Twain

This applies to people call themselves true christians, and also to people who pretend they can nullify the truth by pointing out all the human misinterpretations, thereby absolving themselves of all negativity toward themselves..

P.S. The people who say we are just advanced animals are the worst of the latter group.

P.S. The people who say we are just advanced animals are the worst of the latter group.

You mean the smart group? So what are you cg? A not so advanced animal? Animals we are, but whoever said we were advanced ones? We're just different. If we're around a few hundred million years from now, then we might qualify as "advanced" like the dinosaurs, or bacteria. Very successful.

And if we're not "just advanced animals" then what are we? We have a soul? Is that it? Got that from the bible, did you? Or is it just your mushy, mystical brain screaming in denial of the fact that we are just another in a long series of biological experiments, probably doomed to fail in the long run?
you are narrow-minded, this allows you to figure things out. You are the one who is foolishly hopeful (mushy), hopeful that the human brain is more than a sieve that catches tiny amounts of information, and then spits out "facts" about all existence.
You are not comfortable with reality - we are not just animals anymore, and with our consciousness comes responsibility. You are not comfortable with the "fact" that facts are held together with weak forces.
You misuse the word "smart", when you call people "stupid", some of whom who are (at least) as intelligent as you are.
Ok, here we go...


you are narrow-minded, this allows you to figure things out.
Have you ever done any engineering work? Your above statement is a big NO . 'nuff said.

You are the one who is foolishly hopeful (mushy), hopeful that the human brain is more than a sieve that catches tiny amounts of information, and then spits out "facts" about all existence.
Did I ever say it was just a glorified pasta sieve? The brain is clearly an amazing engine of heuristic learning, information processing, and self reflection. I never diminish the awesomeness of the human brain. But it is still fundamentally just a machine. A big, mushy, wet, squishy machine.

You are not comfortable with reality
Yes I am. Except when it bites me in the ass. Lately I have many bite marks, but I don't confuse my (currently) painful reality with my wishes for a better future.

- we are not just animals anymore
I disagree.

and with our consciousness comes responsibility.
I agree.

You are not comfortable with the "fact" that facts are held together with weak forces.
Meaning what? I fully understand that what we "know" is in a constant state of flux and refinement, and sometimes total upheaval. Why do you think I'm so uncomfortable with things? Because I'm not a mystic? Because I don't glorify the mysteries of "the unknown" the way the sheep do? That I'm actually interested in what reality has to say and don't try to force my own feelings on it?

You misuse the word "smart", when you call people "stupid", some of whom who are (at least) as intelligent as you are.
I don't get the grammer of your sentence, but being the humble person that I am, I acknowledge that there are many people who are far more intelligent than I, many of them on this forum. My response to your statement

P.S. The people who say we are just advanced animals are the worst of the latter group. ”
You mean the smart group?
simply reflects the fact that I am in this "worst" group and you pissed me off. Besides, I never said "stupid", I only implied it.
enton said:
You are quoting Mark Twain, therefore in comparison to Twain, I quoted the Bible. :D
M*W: Twain wrote in a language we understand. The Bible was not, never has been, and will never be understood -- not even by you. The NT was written as a joke, possibly by the Romans, to control the Jews and, eventually, everyone in the HRE.