Which religion is from God?

Yorda said:
I've been an atheist, but most atheists have never been "believers". But I'm not a believer or an atheist. I'm nothing. I'm the thing which creates both of these opposites, the gravity which creates the illusion of up and down. They don't exist. They're both false. There is nothing, and that's the only truth. I've seen the evidence of atheists. I saw it was false... and I've seen the faith of the believers... and they're wrong...

I'm not doing this anymore. It's just happening, somewhere in space and time. Someone is doing it for me. It's not me. There is no me. There is only me.

your not alone though.
If science required absolute proof, the textbooks would be empty. So, to humor your postmodernist rant, it's true that few things outside of mathematics can be completely "proven."

But when applying the scientific method to the question of "god" and the "bible," what we see is a set of cultural beliefs created by man to serve man. We see no evidence of any "divine" intervention or influence and much evidence of anthropomorphic intervention and influence. The very literary style of the bible itself supports that.

The "faith" of scientists is supported by tests, which lead to the same conclusions which are eventually held as truths. These are the kinds of conclusions that have allowed us to build and fly airplanes, skyscrapers, converse via personal computers, place satellites in orbit around moons of other planets, etc.

Ironically, there is no "test" that can be applied to "god," the holy ghost, or any of the other non-existant entities of the supernatural.

But if you're satisfied with your 'brain-in-the-jar' argument, knock yourself out. I'd sooner believe that as a possibility than omniscent/omnipresent deity controlling us all for his sick pleasure. The very fact that atheists exist dispells the idea that a deity can be omniscent.
SkinWalker said:
Ironically, there is no "test" that can be applied to "god," the holy ghost, or any of the other non-existant entities of the supernatural.

Don't give up, you're still babies, in the beginning, learning to walk. The end has not come yet. This is just the beginning. Evolution is not over, the game is not over yet, people advance. Actually, I've already foreseen it. There will come a person, and he will prove with his own person that the origin of all religion is the same God, the same self... the borders between the 3 religions will go away.

Also the border between science and religion will go away, because people realize that everything is waves of motion, also matter, and everything between spiritual and material manifestations are powers of one original source, God's, expression. The expression of MIND... Everything is waves, as the sign of Aquarius shows: A "supernatural" entity, pouring waving water from a pot.

We're moving to that age, we're in the beginning. Everything is waves, generated by the vibration, the synchronized spins of the electrons around the nucleus of atoms. And I mean everything, everything between souls to matter is made of motion, waves... soul is another word for person. Even thoughts and emotions, and all the other things inside our brains are physical, material, just on a different wavelength, so we can only detect them with special organs in the brain, not with our hands.

I'd sooner believe that as a possibility than omniscent/omnipresent deity controlling us all for his sick pleasure. The very fact that atheists exist dispells the idea that a deity can be omniscent.

Sooner or later, man has to accept that he can't control his own destiny. He can't do what he wants. The higher self (God) within him will "punish" him if he does something wrong... and reward him if he does right. He does NOT forget. Karma. Cause and effect. It's our fault. He strikes us when we least expect. "I" take every step in my life, it's my responsibility. Even if I fall from stairs... break a leg... I punishes myself! The self within him, the higher self, the one that says, be yourself, don't lie...

The existence of atheists don't dispell the idea of an omni------ God, at least not for me. You haven't understood something. Do you mean hell? People go to an eternal hell? No, they don't. God is beoynd good and evil. God is nothing, where everything comes from. God is the being which stands between two mirrors and reflects itself eternally, creating false, illusional images of itself. Up and down are created by gravity. Gravity is created by mind... the self...!
Yorda said:
Don't give up, you're still babies, in the beginning, learning to walk.

I note how you chose "you're" or "you are," which implies that you are above the rest of us in that regard.

I would have thought if you were so enlightened or learned, you would have little use for a mere internet chat forum.
Whatever befits the biblical purpose!

I don`t say that all other religions are christianity in disguise. Well, search if you like. 1 John 4:1
Silas said:
Whoops! And the proselytising Christian preacher shows his hand!

They're only verses (rather than chapters or books), and they aren't copyright, so why the hell didn't you just quote them?

James 1:27: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.​
1 Timothy 3:15-16: but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.
16. By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh,
Was vindicated in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Proclaimed among the nations,
Believed on in the world,
Taken up in glory.​

So all other religions are "really" Christianity in disguise, and these verses, what, prove that Christianity is the "official God-approved" one?
battig1370: > "There Is Only One Religion From God which is the Religion of Love which is from God.

the preacher: > "which one is that battig, as it's certainly is not christianity."

battig1370: > You are certainly correct in saying, "it's certainly is not christianity"

You ask me which one is that? Seek and you will find the kingdom of Love.

The people that belong to the Religion of Love which is from God are scattered through out the world as individuals doing their works with Love.

Very soon the shepherd, the man of love, will sound the alarm to his people to come together to inherit the kingdom of Love which is from God.

Peace be with you, Paul
Avatar: > "They all come from human imagination."

battig1370: > Explain who the they are, and what human imagination?

Peace be with you, Paul
Gods/godesses of course. Most humans. Since prehistoric times.
Unability to sufficiently explain some processes/manifestations leads to introduction of new explanationary properties of existance.
Just like scientists did with ether before Einstein came with his theory of relativity and just like we now have introduced dark energy.
enton said:
Whatever befits the biblical purpose!

I don`t say that all other religions are christianity in disguise. Well, search if you like. 1 John 4:1

Buddhists say Christianity is Buddhism in disguise but not quite as advanced morally and intellectually.

Sermon of the Mount is absolutely not original.
mustafhakofi said:
simple answer "none", all from man.
Can you help me ask about the intention of the moderators here why they include religion in Philosophy?
Prince_James said:
Clearly the religion from God is Hinduism.

So clear, in fact, that I shan't elaborate.
Hello, this thread is long go finished. So please understand why I post here: I reviewed and noticed the "quote" above. Do you noticed it? The poster mustafhakofi once resplied:

Enton: Which religion is from God?
Mustafhakofi: simple answer "none", all from man.

Simple scrutiny is needed.

Is that true that none among the religions in the world today is from God, and that all of these religions are from man?
You know, I didn't realize it was finished. Never even bothered to check the debates for the discussion.

Yes, I notice this quote, but are you now asking me the question that all these religions come from man?

If so, my answer: I cannot tell you if they come from man or from some deity or some other being. I do not know the source of revelation. What is most likely, however? Man.
Prince_James said:
You know, I didn't realize it was finished. Never even bothered to check the debates for the discussion.

Yes, I notice this quote, but are you now asking me the question that all these religions come from man?

If so, my answer: I cannot tell you if they come from man or from some deity or some other being. I do not know the source of revelation. What is most likely, however? Man.
Because we are certain that we belong to mankind.

But not all religion comes from Man. There is a religion that is from God. And the only reliable source for this is the Bible.

And you know why religion is handed on earth when in Genesis you can`t read the term "religion", it`s because the first living soul which God called "man" fell by will.

We must never forget that we are in the very core (the earth). Do you get what I mean? If scientists discover proton, neutron, electrons, atom and nucleus of an atom. Certainly, scientists nowadays don`t doubt that this earth is in the very inside of the vast universe of God as you can refer to the Bible, the heaven of heavens.

So, because God is merciful. He had not totally ended the human race but he washed the earth by means of the deluge (Noah`stimes).

You may ask: Is religion an ordinance of God? If so, why was not it popular in Noah`s days? The answer is: it`s not yet in his time. Why? Because God knows that men will continue to generate knowledgeably. (And today we are witness of that fact.) And because of this, God saw that some of the seeds of the Noah might fall into the hand of the wicked one. Therefore the Spirit of God, according to the Bible, sent messengers the prophets proclaiming the words of the Invisible God to the intention that God can save, if not all, those who commit to Him their ways.

So much for that. I`m not preaching I`m explaining biblically.
enton said:
But not all religion comes from Man. There is a religion that is from God. And the only reliable source for this is the Bible.

How do you know that the Bible is a reliable source, and that it is the only reliable source? Why are you ignorant to other religions, they all come from the same "God". They come from the Atlanteans.
to say all religion comes from man excludes god. to say all religion comes from god, ecludes man. saying all religions have come through man includes all.