Which religion is from God?

enton said:
If you believe that there is God and if you`re acts are harmony to norms of society, you are probably following a certain way of life. The truth of the matter is, there are people who argue about religion, the fact that they don`t even know what religion is? A straight point here to consider is this: why are there many religions that are springing today? Consider first the word `religion`. Although many might contend how truthful I am the way I am talking here, it is still undeniable that many people belong to a certain type of faith.

There is the christianity. Many claim that they are the true continuation of the Church built by Christ. However, many are tested and found to be unbiblical in their doctrines. There is the Islam. Although I have no background about it, I might share a little findings, Isa Almasin as known by Muslims is considered to be a prophet but the last messenger according to the Islamic people is Mohammad. Well, Islam might have been a portamanteau word of Isa Almasin. Buddhism too has doctrines and Confucianism too. But the fact that they taught about an appearing of Jesus Christ, especially when Confucius emphasized his `golden rule`, which the Lord Jesus Christ used in the New Testament, the above-mentioned might just be considered are christianities in disguise. Well, I too am very doubtful about Judaist for Judaism is still waiting for the Messiah. As far as their quest is concerned, they are also christians in disguise.

But, which religion can be considered as that of God?
You may analyze this verse from the Bible: James 1:27
Or you may read these ones: I Timothy 3:15-16

It is emphatic that there is certain behavior that is to be present.
Notice also, the presence of charity and perfection in James 1:27
I'm not an expert on religion but I am a Christian.

I think that much of my belief is based on the words of Jesus, I like what He said and how He said it, I have seen many situations where Jesus teachings would be to prefer. Jesus wasn't like all the others, He changed many things that was rule in old times (eye for an eye - for example) also Jesus got many questions from regular people that He answered which can help us today with our questions (why Moses gave divorce laws even though it was wrong and which wife would be the one in heaven in case of decease and re-marriage for example).

Also it was said in the Bible that Jesus word would spread to the whole world and it did, Christianity - I heard - was the first religion to spread to all countries.

There may be exceptions in that it didn't spread to far-away villages in the amazonas etc. but it doesn't really matter since God gave us the spirit of truth - or "the helper" - so that no one would have to be taught about God anymore, He would be known in the heart.

Also there are interesting things in the Bible, one curious thing is that it said that the knowledge would increase near the end - for example, if that means that we generally would know more or if it means specifically that we would know more about God I don't know.

I think that if we were to follow Jesus teachings, we would be much better off, even if others didn't follow it and only we did - which means that I believe it is also individually right to follow the teachings of Jesus.

Some might say that turning your cheek is wrong when being hit, but violence indeed gives birth to violence and fire feeds fire. Turning your cheek is a recognition that you don't support the behaviour. If the one that hit you is actually a nice fellow which did it because of agression at the moment then his feelings of agression will become weaker when not being fed with agression. If it's someone really bad that hit you then maybe he actually want you to struggle so that he "redeems" himself - turning your cheek doesn't give him as much as fighting back. Of course we should run if we can or try to talk "him" straight or defend ourselves (putting up our hands etc.), but we shouldn't approve evil with using the same methods.
Yorda said:
It's our fault. He strikes us when we least expect. "I" take every step in my life, it's my responsibility.

and what is this "I" :rolleyes: , if you don't know that, you can't say that things are our fault. In reality, responsibility and the feeling of a free will is created by our minds, not consciously of course, but because of evolution, we became aware of ourselves..

People go to an eternal hell? No, they don't.

When Jesus said that people will go to a "fire", he meant the astral light, or the generator and destroyer of all forms. from that, people have created the doctrine of a "hell" which I agree is a very poor description

There is no god to condemn us just because we choose one thing over the other.

God is the being which stands between two mirrors and reflects itself eternally, creating false, illusional images of itself. Up and down are created by gravity. Gravity is created by mind... the self...!

WTF are you talking about
Yorda_7 said:
and what is this "I" :rolleyes: , if you don't know that, you can't say that things are our fault. In reality, responsibility and the feeling of a free will is created by our minds, not consciously of course, but because of evolution, we became aware of ourselves..

When Jesus said that people will go to a "fire", he meant the astral light, or the generator and destroyer of all forms. from that, people have created the doctrine of a "hell" which I agree is a very poor description

There is no god to condemn us just because we choose one thing over the other.

WTF are you talking about

What astral light mumbo jumbo are U talking about? And I dont think U know what Jesus meant dude - go light yourself a reefer perhaps U may have some enlightenment!!!!
Cyperium said:
I'm not an expert on religion but I am a Christian.

I think that much of my belief is based on the words of Jesus, I like what He said and how He said it, I have seen many situations where Jesus teachings would be to prefer. Jesus wasn't like all the others, He changed many things that was rule in old times (eye for an eye - for example) also Jesus got many questions from regular people that He answered which can help us today with our questions (why Moses gave divorce laws even though it was wrong and which wife would be the one in heaven in case of decease and re-marriage for example).

Also it was said in the Bible that Jesus word would spread to the whole world and it did, Christianity - I heard - was the first religion to spread to all countries.

There may be exceptions in that it didn't spread to far-away villages in the amazonas etc. but it doesn't really matter since God gave us the spirit of truth - or "the helper" - so that no one would have to be taught about God anymore, He would be known in the heart.

Also there are interesting things in the Bible, one curious thing is that it said that the knowledge would increase near the end - for example, if that means that we generally would know more or if it means specifically that we would know more about God I don't know.

I think that if we were to follow Jesus teachings, we would be much better off, even if others didn't follow it and only we did - which means that I believe it is also individually right to follow the teachings of Jesus.

Some might say that turning your cheek is wrong when being hit, but violence indeed gives birth to violence and fire feeds fire. Turning your cheek is a recognition that you don't support the behaviour. If the one that hit you is actually a nice fellow which did it because of agression at the moment then his feelings of agression will become weaker when not being fed with agression. If it's someone really bad that hit you then maybe he actually want you to struggle so that he "redeems" himself - turning your cheek doesn't give him as much as fighting back. Of course we should run if we can or try to talk "him" straight or defend ourselves (putting up our hands etc.), but we shouldn't approve evil with using the same methods.

The world would be a better place if more and more people know about this Truth - unfortunately powerful inviduals dont wnat to let go of the deviant sexual behaviour and evil relationships that they find so pleasing so their nature will always be evil - because thats all it basically is - the more violent the world the more able are these individuals to practise their deviant needs.

The Creator Loves You!!!!
Angelic Being said:
What astral light mumbo jumbo are U talking about?

read something before speaking. Astral light is what some scientists call ether. in hinduism: akasha. Paracelsus also wrote some about it.

The Creator Loves You!!!
Yorda_7 said:
read something before speaking. Astral light is what some scientists call ether. in hinduism: akasha. Paracelsus also wrote some about it.

The Creator Loves You!!!

I read before I speak or write or whatever!! Astral light is an attempt by demonists using eastern mysticism to find a relation between religion and science ( philosophy mumbo jumbo).

Do not confuse The Christ with your eastern mysticism or eastern religion or whatever.


The Creator Loves You!!!!
ellion said:
to say all religion comes from man excludes god. to say all religion comes from god, ecludes man. saying all religions have come through man includes all.

Philosophical mumbo jumbo!!

What U should say is this:
"To admit that there is GOD, is to be brave. To accept that HE is unique is to be knowledgeable. To know that HE is the GOD OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES is to be wise - when you have all three then you are indeed loved.

The Creator Loves YOU!!!
"To admit that there is GOD, is to be brave. To accept that HE is unique is to be knowledgeable. To know that HE is the GOD OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES is to be wise - when you have all three then you are indeed loved.

Otherwise you are fucking hated more than anything in existence. In fact, for the entirety of the remainder of the existence of time itself you will be tortured in a bizzare realm of fucking demons and fire, created just for you - the heathen. While the asshat called god laughs. But when enough souls fill hell, then watch out! We get to band together with lucifer ("lucky luc" to his friends) and storm the pansies in the clouds and throw their asses into the pit. Then we'll see who's fucking laughing. We'll keep Jesus with us though, so we can stick him on a leftover pitchfork we scarfed from hell on our way out and prop his squirming ass outside the gates as a warning to any "saved" fucks who try to get in. Ha! Damn, I like the sound of that...
angelic being said:
"To admit that there is GOD, is to be brave. To accept that HE is unique is to be knowledgeable. To know that HE is the GOD OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES is to be wise - when you have all three then you are indeed loved.
this is a nice sentiment but with respect to the topic "which religion comes from god, which religion has man created" your post has no relation, does it?.

i am indeed loved, i know this!

i know supeluminal is loved, despite his threat to pitchfork jesus.
angelic being said:
Astral light is an attempt by demonists using eastern mysticism to find a relation between religion and science ( philosophy mumbo jumbo).
astral light is an environmental factor not a philosophical idea!
angelic being said:
ellion said:
to say all religion comes from man excludes god. to say all religion comes from god, ecludes man. saying all religions have come through man includes all.

Philosophical mumbo jumbo!!

What U should say is this: ..............

shall we go through this together, i think we could learn from each other?
Angelic Being said:
I read before I speak or write or whatever!!

I doubt you read enough. I think you should read all about "eastern mysticism" and philosophy, science and think about it for 40 years, then speak.

Astral light is an attempt by demonists using eastern mysticism to find a relation between religion and science ( philosophy mumbo jumbo).

You're writing before reading, talking without understanding. So what's wrong with this "philosophy mumbo jumbo" you talk about? They're just trying to find out the truth.

Do not confuse The Christ with your eastern mysticism or eastern religion or whatever.

I don't know much about eastern religions or mysticism, I don't need to pick any side, I just concentrate on truth. Anyway, you seem to have problem with eastern religions, why is Christianity "better" than eastern religions for instance? Perhaps you just don't understand them.

The Creator Loves You!!!!

Why does he make people suffer then? It he can't control his creation, it would have been better if he hadn't created us in the first place.
Yorda_7 said:
Why does he make people suffer then? It he can't control his creation, it would have been better if he hadn't created us in the first place.
And do you know why we affirmed that the Creator loves you?
Let me first answer your question.

Yorda_7 said:
Why does he make people suffer then?
Hello!!! Why do you ascribe the sufferings of people as makings of God?
People freewillingly choose his own path. God suggested aforetime that (you) choose life, but others choose death.

Yorda_7 said:
It he can't control his creation, it would have been better if he hadn't created us in the first place.
Don't ask hypothetical question because I will in effect respond hypothetically which is of course unbiblical.

In addition, why commented "it would have been better if he hadn't created us in the first place"? Again you are imposing hypothetical question.
enton said:
Hello!!! Why do you ascribe the sufferings of people as makings of God?

Since God, according to your views, personally created us with the possibilities to choose, which led to sin.

In my world view, no one is responsible. Responsibility is a product of the human mind-- an idea-- nothing "real" per se.

People freewillingly choose his own path. God suggested aforetime that (you) choose life, but others choose death.

Choose is a wrong word. People are just ignorant, it's not their fault if they make mistakes and "choose" wrong things. What I truly want to choose is eternal happiness to all beings in the world, but God doesn't let me choose that. So my free will isn't so free really.
Yorda_7 said:
Since God, according to your views, personally created us with the possibilities to choose, which led to sin.

In my world view, no one is responsible. Responsibility is a product of the human mind-- an idea-- nothing "real" per se.

Choose is a wrong word. People are just ignorant, it's not their fault if they make mistakes and "choose" wrong things. What I truly want to choose is eternal happiness to all beings in the world, but God doesn't let me choose that. So my free will isn't so free really.
You have made a mistake: Free will is different from freewill.
Okay, personally I invite you to observe people from the Church of God International.

Haven`t I mentioned before that you can`t read Free Will in the Bible?

But you can rent it at the video store:
