Which religion is from God?

christianity seems to put forward the thought that somehow humans are "better" or more important than animals.why do we think so much of ourselves?and what do christians have to say about dinosaurs and their existance, because if my christian uncle is right, the world was only created 5-6 thousand years ago.some (christians) claim god planted the dinosaur bones there....not sure why the almighty lord with do that
look_spanky said:
christianity seems to put forward the thought that somehow humans are "better" or more important than animals.why do we think so much of ourselves?and what do christians have to say about dinosaurs and their existance, because if my christian uncle is right, the world was only created 5-6 thousand years ago.some (christians) claim god planted the dinosaur bones there....not sure why the almighty lord with do that
Hello, have you forgot "A Time For Us"? A Time for God, do you know it?
look_spanky said:
christianity seems to put forward the thought that somehow humans are "better" or more important than animals.

Is that so? In what way?

because if my christian uncle is right, the world was only created 5-6 thousand years ago.some (christians) claim god planted the dinosaur bones there....not sure why the almighty lord with do that

Our world was created about 5000 years ago-- this generation of humans. The Flood marked the beginning of this new world. Though I haven't seen anywhere in the Bible where it says that the earth would be only 5000 years old. It just says that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. The days don't mean time, but different levels of consciousness, since a "day" is light, and light in religions means consciousness.

You seem to think that the Bible means that the "physical" world was created 5000 years ago. But that world wasn't created, it has always been here.

Also, I don't understand what dinosaurs have to do with the Bible.

audible said:
no religions is from god, all are from man.

all religions are from god, through man.
Though I haven't seen anywhere in the Bible where it says that the earth would be only 5000 years old.

Genesis Chapter 5 - the entire universe was created about 6000 years ago, Earth included.
(Q) said:
Though I haven't seen anywhere in the Bible where it says that the earth would be only 5000 years old.

Genesis Chapter 5 - the entire universe was created about 6000 years ago, Earth included.
I still don't see it. It just mentions a lot of people and I guess their ages become 6000, but nowhere does it say that the physical universe would have been created at that time.

It just says: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

About man, the Bible says that he was created on the 6th day.

(of course, a day doesn't mean "24h")
What about the seven days. What if each day was really a representation of a lot more time.

The bible says a day, a morning and an evening, which means the Earth was rotating as it is today. There is no mention of a spun-up Earth.

Of course, its all just speculation.

I believe that the earth is extremely old but that the length of the days have changed. What say you?

The Earths rotation has been slowing progressively over time.

I guess their ages become 6000

And the little lady wins a prize!

(of course, a day doesn't mean "24h")

If the Earth's rotation has been slowing, a day would have been shorter than 24 hours, not longer.
(Q) said:
I guess their ages become 6000

And the little lady wins a prize!

i didn't want to count them.

If the Earth's rotation has been slowing, a day would have been shorter than 24 hours, not longer.

God isn't talking about time when he says "day". It's like the Bible is different to all people, depending on their level of consciousness. The words and sentences in the Bible have multiple meanings depending on the reader.

in the Beginning God said that he separated light from darkness, which means the negative and the positive poles which manifest everywhere in the universe. Light usually means consciousness in religions. He created light before the sun. So when God said that there was a separation between heaven and earth (god created heaven and the earth), he meant that there was a separation between consciousness and the material world, and thus it became visible (it was already there before unmanifested in nothingness). Earth doesn't just mean our planet.

Because light means consciousness, so does day, since god said that he called light the day. The 7 days are actually just different levels of consciousness. Like matter, vegetative, animals, humans and on the 7th day there is no creation. God rests on that day. rest also means "cease". If we reach that state of rest, the paradise, we cease to be.

(The number 7 is a special number. it is the number of the pyramid. god-man. The square is 4, the triangle is 3. They produce 7 but also 12 which is also another special number, the zodiac, god's faces, extended from the 4 elements. "12 apostles", "12 bags food left" etc. 40 means eternity, "they wandered 40 days in the desert", "it rained for 40 days and 40 nights". the cube meant matter, triangle meant god. the cube becomes a cross or a T when you open it. he was crucified on it, in the cube, matter, space-time. moses lifted the bronze snake on T and who watched it were cured.. )

Heaven is consciousness and earth is the material world, which is our unconscious mind. Heaven and sky are definitely different since god created the heavens on the 1st day and the sky on the 2nd day.

The first words, god created the heavens and earth, means god separated earth from the heavens. Only by separation, information is possible. No light without darkness. consciousness and the rest of the world... being is a duality. people feel that the infinity around them is outside them, so it's possible for them to say i am and they begin to exist
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It's like the Bible is different to all people, depending on their level of consciousness. The words and sentences in the Bible have multiple meanings depending on the reader.

in the Beginning God said.. blah, blah, blah...

That is what the bible means to you, as per YOUR own words.

But of course, you're insane, so your lengthy explanation is goobledegook.
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But for the first three days, there was no sun, moon or stars.

So, did god create the sun, moon and stars (galaxies, pulsars, quasars, nebulae, etc.) simply for the Earth's inhabitants enjoyment? Why not just create the Earth - what purpose would the creation of the rest of the universe serve?

That would explain why the men lived longer back then...they really didn't according to our days.

Good point. But I think we would also have to assume the Earth orbited the Sun much faster, as well. After all, the bible does state that men lived many 'years' more than now. Was a year one orbit around the Sun?
(Q) said:
It's like the Bible is different to all people, depending on their level of consciousness. The words and sentences in the Bible have multiple meanings depending on the reader.

in the Beginning God said.. blah, blah, blah...[i/]

try to calm down q, you messed up the italized code. take a glass of water and listen to music

That is what the bible means to you, as per YOUR own words.

but everythings subjective. not just the bible. everyone understands it differently, that's why there are so many branches born from the bible, christianity, mormonism, catholism...

But of course, you're insane, so your lengthy explanation is goobledegook.

but.. i dont want to be insane.. you are not angry at me are you? becuz i said that day means consciousness? i didn't want make you sad :(

it is said: you don't see the stars on the day, but still they are there. so just because you don't see da light (god) on your days of ignorance, it doesn't mean it isn't there.

dalahar said:
they really didn't according to our days.

They did live longer! Honestly, I don't understand why people think it's something weird that people lived for 777 years.
(Q) said:
So, did god create the sun, moon and stars (galaxies, pulsars, quasars, nebulae, etc.) simply for the Earth's inhabitants enjoyment?

Not just that.

Why not just create the Earth - what purpose would the creation of the rest of the universe serve?

He did only create the earth. Earth means matter. the material world, at the same time as it also means our planet. there's people in the rest of the universe also.

After all, the bible does state that men lived many 'years' more than now.

it's because the anak (highly developed race of giant humans, word means long neck, brain), who didn't identify themselves with their body, lived long and they made children with the primitive race of humans and the anakim, we were born from the mixture, so in the beginning we inherited their mind and lived long, later balance came and now we only live 73 years.

after the anak "went away", they still lived in human bodies with their own mind and they are recognized as philosophers, artists and great scientists of ancient times (like jesus, hermes socrates etc.)
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everyone understands it differently, that's why there are so many branches born from the bible

If the bible can be interpreted in so many ways, then it is of little value, especially when those mixed interpretations tend to conquer and divide humanity.

but.. i dont want to be insane..

Then, stop being insane.

you are not angry at me are you?

Of course not.

I don't understand why people think it's something weird that people lived for 777 years.

It has been shown that the further back we go, the shorter the life spans were. Why should we assume they were longer, especially by hundreds of years?

Not just that.

Then what?

there's people in the rest of the universe also.

There is no mention of that in scriptures. Why would you assume such a thing?

it's because the anak...

Have the remains of one of these 'long necked' beings been discovered? What evidence do you have they existed?
(Q) said:
If the bible can be interpreted in so many ways, then it is of little value, especially when those mixed interpretations tend to conquer and divide humanity.

yet it exists

Then, stop being insane.

but it's fun. but im not insane all the time

It has been shown that the further back we go, the shorter the life spans were. Why should we assume they were longer, especially by hundreds of years?

u havent looked far enough. the atlanteans lived million+ years ago. 30000 years ago they stopped existing.

the law of the universe is change. everything changes. but very slowly. but sometimes the transition must become apparent. so, at the time when the highly developed humans lived, there also lived a very primitive race humans in the woods. the giants didn't reproduce anymore, so they vanished from the earth.

Not just that.

Then what?

i said below

There is no mention of that in scriptures. Why would you assume such a thing?

why nut? everything can't be written down on a single book. the rest of the law, which is living, therefore changing, is in our hearts. that's what god originally wanted to do: to write the law on mans heart, not in "stone".

Have the remains of one of these 'long necked' beings been discovered? What evidence do you have they existed?

i've seen some skulls, but they vanished long ago from earth, and their skeletons sunk with atlantis and lemuria. still you can see that people are of many sizes, both mentally and physically. this is evidence of such beings. there's also ancient scripts which tell of them, and their stories and knowledge, though the information has become partly distorted. the zodiac was also invented by them.

later, atlantis will rise again, but will there be skeletons left of the giants, tens of thousands years later? i think the long necked giants also lived at the place where sahara is now. when it was destroyed, the the flood came

if you know the bible, there was a giant called goliat, david beat him. goliat inherited the physical size of the giants, david inherited their mind, so he beat him though he was physically small. but the original giants existed tens of thousands years ago.

there's a bit about it here http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/sd/sd2-3-07.htm
The whole christianity thing is like a childrens fairytale but for adults.its unbelieveable some of the utter crap that people believe.luckily for the world christians will never be in control...
look_spanky said:
The whole christianity thing is like a childrens fairytale but for adults.

christianity is the truth from the truth, to all people.

its unbelieveable some of the utter crap that people believe.

its unbelieveable that people believe the most loveful things.

luckily for the world christians will never be in control...

luckily for the world god will always be in control...
enton is ominous by his absence, I ask him a testing question and he f**ks off.
audible said:
enton is ominous by his absence, I ask him a testing question and he f**ks off.
M*W: It's Sunday. He's probably at church. But did you happen to notice how he mysteriously disappeared when confronted about his Christian values of giving to others?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: It's Sunday. He's probably at church. But did you happen to notice how he mysteriously disappeared when confronted about his Christian values of giving to others?
Christian values? What do you know about "christian" values? Have you ever met "christians"?