Which religion has the lead?

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Offended, not offensive. You and Jafir were offended and upset about my story. Why?

What? :bugeye:

I wasn't really offended per se, infact I thought it was funny and shared similar experinces, that wasn't a joke, I have actually converted more than one white woman while studying abroad and you know very well how my name is spelt Jeff.
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I know nine Muslims who are now Atheist, one Muslim that converted to Scientology (and then to "I just have faith in something"), one Buddhist who converted to being Catholic, many Christians who are Atheists, and then a LARGE number of people who believe the exact same religion as their parents (Xian, Muslim, Shinto, Buddhist, Hindu, etc...).

The trouble with Muslims that go Awol, is that they sometimes get fed up of a life of Western Decadence, and start taking aeroplane lessons.

My advice to Muslims is stick with your religion, work hard and raise a family.
What? :bugeye:

Get that editing in high gear, son.

I wasn't really offended per se

Ha. And per se?

, infact I thought it was funny and shared similar experinces, that wasn't a joke, I have actually converted more than one white woman while studying abroad and you know very well how my name is spelt Jeff.

Funny how you switch the tack to race, huh? The two of you really flipped out on this one. Is there some reason for that?

Get that editing in high gear, son.

Ha. And per se?

Funny how you switch the tack to race, huh? The two of you really flipped out on this one. Is there some reason for that?

and funny how you keep crying about a word and imagining things.
Hehe: "crying" about which word, again? I imagined your frothy flip-out?

The trouble with Muslims that go Awol, is that they sometimes get fed up of a life of Western Decadence, and start taking aeroplane lessons.

My advice to Muslims is stick with your religion, work hard and raise a family.

HAHA, you're kidding right?
muslims are what? and do what?
fed up of what?

wow, you are a master of ignorance.
A sarcastic way to tell you that your arguments are becoming increasingly deranged.
Why do I suddenly feel like Alex Trebek?

Modernized Islam: a "King James" English version of the Qu'ran that overall tones down the extremist quotes and more poetically renders them (where's Shakespere?!?).

There is no god but God.
Funny how you switch the tack to race, huh? The two of you really flipped out on this one. Is there some reason for that?

They varied in religious affiliation. I am not the one flipping out here, it's you, seriously, what the fuck is up your ass? I'm not even arguing with you, I even thought your intial comment was funny and shared a similar story, why are you getting so bent out of shape?
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