Which religion has the lead?

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Interview with Arab Atheist

Q: Which goes to show how culture and society aren’t entirely representative of religion.
A: The problem with us is that censorship created a different culture. Even if the government gives you rights to practice any religion freely you will still find trouble fitting in especially if you’re an insider. Like I said with me being an Arab, I feel like I lost 99% of my identity because I’m not Muslim. I know the situation is different in Lebanon and Jordan where non-Muslim Arabs are accepted but with me in the Gulf it’s really different.

Q: Yes Bahrain is the same way. There are many atheists and agnostics here, in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, and the Iranians I meet are almost never attached to religion. Many do describe themselves as atheists too as they are strongly against all forms of religion especially if it’s enforced upon them. This is what drives people away from Islam – nobody likes to be forced to believe anything.

A: You will be surprised as to how many people are like me here and feel the way I do but don’t feel comfortable enough sharing these ideas.
Watch China. mmmh...............

Google Task:
Try to find a picture of a clock or watch which has Chinese characters for the numbers.

Stop arguing with Shadow. He's desperate for attention.
I think it's because he's a Muslim:)
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And then?

They varied in religious affiliation. I am not the one flipping out here, it's you, seriously, what the fuck is up your ass? I'm not even arguing with you, I even thought your intial comment was funny and shared a similar story, why are you getting so bent out of shape?

No reversals, thanks. :) The point has been demonstrated, and it's late for that crap now.

I'm amused at your pretensions to ecumenicalism.

Stop arguing with Shadow. He's desperate for attention.
I think it's because he's a Muslim

who said he was arguing me?
and i'm trying deseperate to get an attention? that's a joke right? like i have no life, and i'm on a small stupid american site, trying to get attention? :bugeye:
and because i'm a muslim??? :confused: :bugeye:
who said he was arguing me?
and i'm trying deseperate to get an attention? that's a joke right? like i have no life, and i'm on a small stupid american site, trying to get attention? :bugeye:
and because i'm a muslim??? :confused: :bugeye:

Sciforums is most definitely European based.
who said he was arguing me?
and i'm trying deseperate to get an attention? that's a joke right? like i have no life, and i'm on a small stupid american site, trying to get attention? :bugeye:
and because i'm a muslim??? :confused: :bugeye:
According to WIKI Christianity is in the lead, 2.3 billion followed by Islam at 1.4 billion. about a billion Hindu and a half billion Buddhists.

Interestingly there are almost as many atheists as there are Muslims and more so than Hindu and Buddhists (1 billion atheists/agnostics). Now, why is THAT interesting (other than because I fall in that camp ;). I think it's interesting because regardless of culture atheists tend to think similarly - unlike theisms, it's not something we're taught to think, but a natural disposition. When given proper education, decent freedom of expression and good security almost any people from anywhere will come to the conclusion Gods and Goddesses don't exist. People don't "naturally" come to the same theistic conclusions (which is why one people think there's Aliens, others Goddesses while still others think there's a God). As such atheism naturally arises inside ANY society that is safe, somewhat free and prosperous - the goal of most modern religions.

Theism's ultimate triumph is Atheism - a nice little feed back loop.
I don't know if atheism itself is a goal of religion, Michael, but I do think it's a goal that all societies protect the rights of atheists to the same extent as any other moral belief or non-belief system.
No reversals, thanks. :) The point has been demonstrated, and it's late for that crap now.

Fuck you and fuck this pretentious ass attempt at an "argument," congrats, way to be a clueless dick and I'm not amused, this absurd.
Fuck you and fuck this pretentious ass attempt at an "argument," congrats, way to be a clueless dick and I'm not amused, this absurd.

That sounded very calm. Whassamatta? Something about my line of discussion is bothering you. What's clueless about it? Come on, you can tell me.

Lover's quarrel?


Strangely, I don't think he likes me very much. :shrug:
That sounded very calm. Whassamatta? Something about my line of discussion is bothering you. What's clueless about it? Come on, you can tell me.

What's clueless about it? I wasn't trying to argue, I wasn't trying to comment on your post in any other way whatsoever aside from what I said. I was being friendly mate and joking around and shared a simliar story and then you went on saying all this bullshit. That's what bothers/ed me.

Also me cursing doesn't mean I'm not calm, I don't know how many times I have to explain this to everyone here, really.
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What's clueless about it? I wasn't trying to argue, I wasn't trying to comment on your post in any other way whatsoever aside from what I said. I was being friendly mate and joking around and shared a simliar story and then you went on saying all this bullshit.

What? That a couple Muslim women I know converted from Islam to something else? That perspective makes it bullshit, eh? Well, that's incredibly stupid. Because there's lots more, you know.


That's what bothers/ed me.

Yes, I can tell.

Also me cursing doesn't mean I'm not calm, I don't know how many times I have to explain this to everyone here, really.

Just until it becomes true.
What? That a couple Muslim women I know converted from Islam to something else? That perspective makes it bullshit, eh? Well, that's incredibly stupid. Because there's lots more, you know.

To put it shortly, no, you're "arguments," are moronic and hilarious. I don't know how big that stick is that is up your ass but come on. I don't know how clearer I have to be here.

Just until it becomes true.

You are free to believe whatever you wish mate.
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