Which is more important: Secular or Religious education

Which is more important: Secular or Religous education

  • Secular education

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Religious education

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
It's a big difference, as an example... There wouldn't be annoying things like: Gods, priests, "8 per 1000", religious education, interference in internal affairs of my country, fundamentalism and so forth.

So you would be aking for people to be indoctrinated with your own morals intead of another set?, or for people to have no morals or anything except religious morals?, clear things up a little I need to understand your agenda and angle a little more.

We all indoctrinate our children with sets of morals that have an inprint on there psyche. are you any better than they?.

Well yes they have had contact but so what? They obviously do not NEED to learn abstract thought in order to survive and thrive in their environment. All you have done is taken the Piraha and fit them into your own assessment of why they are the way they are, there is nothing in what you posted to indicate that one is the outcome of the other.

Are you seriously telling me that abstract reasoning evolved on a need to know basis? The Piraha don't need to count? They don't need to know what happens to a canoe when it goes around the bend? Well clearly if their criteria for reasoning is direct personal experience. Guess that is why they don't need history or stories or any of those other indirect abstract stuff.

No Sam I asked you assert that religious education is the cause of accomplishments in civilization I am asking you if you would also agree that it is the cause of civilizations failures? Its funny science takes credit for accomplishing many of the advancements in civilization but it also takes credit for some of its problems (pollution etc). Wonder why the religion cannot do the same?:rolleyes:

When they start talking about eliminating science because of all the bombs it creates, we can discuss it
So you would be aking for people to be indoctrinated with your own morals intead of another set?, or for people to have no morals or anything except religious morals?, clear things up a little I need to understand your agenda and angle a little more.

We all indoctrinate our children with sets of morals that have an inprint on there psyche. are you any better than they?.


If it hurts someone, it's wrong. Done with moral... It's basic philosophy.
If it hurts someone, it's wrong. Done with moral... It's basic philosophy.

So what's the problem then or you just don't want people thinking God exists?. I don't really understand why you are trying to engage me in some kind of formal debate, you don't even know my viewpoint on religion for one.

Before engaging an an enemy in battle you must know him.

So what's the problem then or you just don't want people thinking God exists?. I don't really understand why you are trying to engage me in some kind of formal debate, you don't even know my viewpoint on religion for one.

Before engaging an an enemy in battle you must know him.


Your personal stance on religion doesn't matter... You can believe in what you want or not. The thing that matters here is religious education.
Your personal stance on religion doesn't matter... You can believe in what you want or not. The thing that matters here is religious education.

So people should be free to learn religious education if they want when asked fromt he time they start school? and choose to refuse it aswell if they dont like it?.

What if people can chooose whatever they want to learn and every 5-10 year old can just choose what subjects they want to learn.?

So maybe send all the string theory believers on a different island? they can have a 11 island cluster in the carribean or phillipines.


No, because the string theory is recognized as not yet proven and it doesn't interfere with my life. No islands, but religion should be strictly personal.