Which god?

Yorda said:
There is no above or below. "Opposites" are two complementary sides of one spectrum.

D---by saying thee is an 'up' doesn't denigrate the 'down' if they are seen as being complimentary, whereas you seem to want to not notice the up and the down

Matter is also energy, just like spirit is.

D--matter-energy is not spirit/consciousness for the fomer has extension in space, not matter how subtle and the latter has no extension in space yet they are ALWAYs togther chekout de Quincey's 'energy talk' at www.deepspirit.com

God is not "energy" though, he is that which binds all opposites together and gives them an existence.

D--to say that 'God' is not energy reveals your transcendentalist assumtions to me. For GODDESS very MUCH is energy, as in immancence, and traanscendence

In reality, there is nothing except God.

D--hah..in REALITY i am sitting here typing to you, as you will be soon typin to me. and things are gonna get done. and i am going to have a shower, and some dinner, and then some....neveryou MIND..haha. THAT's reality. the other is conjecture

He rests himself between two mirrors.

D-- "HE" "HIMSELF"...so your god is male huh?

The human mind is what creates the universe and all things in it.

D--is that so? what does the animal mind do? the insect mind?

When you see, you are in a dualistic position, but when you are something, when you are what you really are, then you are in a divine reststate.

D--a divine...what? can you explain? are YOU in it? What's it like? if you dont know HOW do you know?

Matter is a creation of the mind and it should be respected because it's also a divine creation.

D--again as i said, your position, ie., that "mind CREATES matter" is an idealist position which i dont believe. It has 'mind' connected with a 'he-God'--usually, lordin it over 'inferior' 'female' 'matter'!

But if man obeys the law of matter, he makes the matter alive, and this is called satan.

D--haha..here we go, here we go. told you. matter is inevitably denigrated in this belief of the superiority of 'mind', so now 'MATTER' is called 'Satan'. an 'evolution' from it being known as Goddess/Serpent.

Every law in its right place and time is divine.

D--who is it 'divine' FOR. the ones lodin it over what they donsider evil, like women, children, people of a darker skin tone, Nature?

Satan is a necessary natural law which rests dead in matter and affects in a divine manner until man with his spirit makes it alive and obeys the law in its wrong place and time.

D--propaganda, compltely patriarchal of course.

Truly I tell you, the body is the temple of the self.

D--ohhhh, the proclamaaation...

There are no miracles or magic, only things that we yet don't understand. People don't know that the things they call miracles are as natural as everything else, or that the everyday-things they consider as natural are as miraculous than everything else.

give us some examples of miracle-like everyday things?
There is no up or down in space.
God is nothing where everything comes from.
He is not male or female, he is not fallen from unity (paradise).
Insects and animals has the mind of God.
Without human, there is no satan, because no other creature can put their spirit in matter.

It's a miracle that you can lift your hand and that magnets attract and repell.
It's a miracle that things exist and that the wind blowing from the north seems different than when it blows from the south.
Humans have given things a "name" (natural laws) so they also think they "understand" them with their whole being.
But the son of man doesn't know why life grows from a seed or why the growing stops at the time it stops.

There are no miracles for God.