Where are the moderate Muslims?

Re: markx

Originally posted by otheadp
i think you missed the point of the thread.
it's 4 pages long... but i urge you to read the whole thing

I think you missed it all not in a bad way but you kinda did miss the whole thing. It was started as rant and doesn't have any room for reasonable argument since you will not accept any thing reasonable, because it will not satisfy you. There is nothing wrong with that, individuals are different in their thinking and you have a right to be different. 20 years ago it wasn't even a discussion, if you know what I mean.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Vienna
OK, you're in no position to DO anything about it. Don't you even condemn it?
As a Christian, are you supposed to be “condemning”? Is that the "Chrisitian" way of things? IS that what Jesus would do?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Flores
I hope you got the message loud and clear. The message is that I hate your guts because your are one of the most prejudice, unfair, self rightous, angry, idiots on this forums. It's really unpleasant to read you, given that I do enjoy reading almost everyone here. You are indeed less than average white european trash that is floating and gloating over other's accomplishments...Wake up and smell the roses, UK is the slave dirty whore of the US, so kiss your fake pride goodbye and work the streets like you're trained to do, and realize that UK (The bad European apple) is the NUMBER ONE reason that Europe is not united nor advancing.

Originally posted by Vienna
Muslims always speak their true feelings when the truth is spoken.
Vienna - your point of view (on a number of threads) does sound quit bigoted to me as well. As for you statement above "Muslims always speak their true feelings when the truth is spoken." Can you elaborate - it seems to have no obvious meaning.