Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Gevidopa
At the time of which u speak, my friend-- It was the Soviet Union which was in existence-USSR--- get it-- the GODLESS COMMUNIST KAFIRS.... YES? Religion didnt seem to be their strongpoint at that time---much less christian fundamentalism.:bugeye:

really, - your ignorance is ENCYCLOPEDIC

Not only that you have no live cells in your brains, you seem to be blind and deprived from the gift of world travelling......Have you ever been to Russia, Moscow in particular??. Obviously not.

Well, I have, and I must say, the christian architecture is breath taking.....obviously your GODLESS state didn't demolish any of those ancient beauties.


This is the Kremlin and is the heart of Russian politics. The President of the Russian Federation resides in the capital building which is located within the confines of these walls. This picture gives a view of the Kremlin from across the Moscow River. It displays the onion domes of the many churches located within the confines of the walls of the Kremlin.
another thing.. i think it is morally wrong for a Muslim to say "well, look at the problems with the other religions. they have problems so I don't have to fix things at MY house"

there are enough books by Muslims how bad the Bible is... and visaversa, Christians books saying how bad Islam is.

what is needed more is Muslim books and scholars analyzing their own, Muslim, problems.
because only when a Muslim is doing the critisizing is when the criticizing has any real value.

otherwise, if an outsider is criticizing, it can always be dismissed as racist or "he's not Muslim so how the hell can he understand Islam?"
Originally posted by otheadp
another thing.. i think it is morally wrong for a Muslim to say "well, look at the problems with the other religions. they have problems so I don't have to fix things at MY house"

And isn't morally wrong for a christian to ignore their own houses and adopt Islam as a scapegoat for all their problems. If I'm not mistaken, the thread starter is exactly what you describe above....A non muslim who is saying over and over again..."Well, look at the problems with the muslims"...
Originally posted by otheadp
i wonder... is it possible to be pro-palestinian but condemn any use of suicide bombings?

Of course....I'm one of those that support Palestenians yet condemns the tools used by their corrupt leader.
isn't morally wrong for a christian to ignore their own houses and adopt Islam as a scapegoat for all their problems
it is very wrong

but in comparison, the Church gets internally scrutinized... A LOT.

the thread starter is exactly what you describe above
a) the idea for this thread i got from a Muslim lecturer at my campus. here's her web site. http://www.muslim-refusenik.com

b) what i'm trying to do is get Muslims evaluate and question themselves... my analysis of Islam, i think, doesn't carry much weight with Muslims since i'm not a Muslim

c) the attitude in your reply is exactly what i'm talking about. you are pointing at me and saying "i'ts not your place to judge me"
but that's in essence what i'm saying! it's not! you, as a Muslim should be doing that

the "you" is not you particularly, obviously, it's Muslim communities around the world.
this phoenomena is almost non-existant!
what is it that makes Muslims afraid of speaking, publically, vocally, passionately against all those horrible things that THEIR extremists are doing? why are they not separating themselves from it all?
Originally posted by otheadp
b) what i'm trying to do is get Muslims evaluate and question themselves...

LOL....you're quite a fresh breath of air....What's next? You're going to TEACH me how to reflect and form prespectives.

Originally posted by otheadp
my analysis of Islam, i think, doesn't carry much weight with Muslims since i'm not a Muslim

Then why are you trying to get me to evaluate myself?..LOL....Ever try to light up your own house before trying to become the street light pole.

Originally posted by otheadp
c) the attitude in your reply is exactly what i'm talking about. you are pointing at me and saying "i'ts not your place to judge me"

You're damn right. What you are doing is called, religious descrimination. Don't judge me because I believe I'm a creation just like everything else in this universe and that's I'm accountable to a creator for all my actions.

Originally posted by otheadp
but that's in essence what i'm saying! it's not! you, as a Muslim should be doing that

SHOULD.....???? Get a life please....ever heard of what happens to people that hated the onion so much and tried to insert themselves between the onion's peels to convince each peel to rebel againest the other......I'll tell you, the only lesson they learned is that "onion is stinky"....I don't care if you don't like onions, I love it raw or cooked and will continue to eat it...Now you get out of our business and enjoy your steak instead.
Originally posted by otheadp
but it is fought. very strongly.
many many priests are exposed and brought to justice.
P S:

oh really !!!!!!! so you said it was fought and you expect us to take your words for that !!!!!!


have they had internal audits of their charities?
has there been a single.. ONE... demonstration against al-qaeda... ANYWHERE in the world.. by MUSLIMS?
and not only al-qaeda... but militant [so called] Islam ?
P S:

Have the christians have any DEMONESTRATION against PEADOPHILIA in the church ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD????????



i have seen plenty demonstrations on my campus against the invasion of iraq, and pro-palestinian demonstrations...
but not a single time, have i seen, Muslim students organizing something small to show "we are Muslims, and we are disgusted with these tactics.. these suicide bombings..." etc.
P S:

As I said, I dont blame you if you watch FOX JEWS and the ZNN ( zionist national news ).....there was plenty of demos in many parts of the muslim worlds, one of them took place in THE WEST BANK IN FRONT OF THE UN OFFICE BY PALESTINEANS CONDEMING 9/11........but of course, your biased hypocritical media did not show it.
Originally posted by Vienna
LOL!!! My god that photo is a good likeness of me.

I am still waiting an answer, are you to embarrassed to answer ?

Originally posted by otheadp
i wonder... is it possible to be pro-palestinian but condemn any use of suicide bombings?

Yes it is possible....but I am wondering if it is possible to be an Israeli and condemn the nazi-like occupation of the palestinean land !!!
Then why are you trying to get me to evaluate myself?..
who else is going to do it if not you? me??

What you are doing is called, religious descrimination
if you go back to my previous posts i've said that a) it's not my place to judge you since i'm not a Muslim. b) my judgement wouldn't carry much weight anyways, for the same reason -- i'm not a Muslim

SHOULD.....???? Get a life please....
your attitude is very problematic.
you're saying "you can't judge me. it's religious descrimination"
and, you're saying "i refuse to judge myself and my religion"
so you're refusing to self-evaluate, by taking the easy way out -- calling me a bigot. *clap clap*

who IS GONG TO do that? who SHOULD do that?

Yes it is possible....but I am wondering if it is possible to be an Israeli and condemn the nazi-like occupation of the palestinean land !!!
a) if it's possible, are you such a Muslim? do you think the Muslim militant groups are wrong by using suicide bombings in Israel?
b) yes it is possible to be Israel and condemn the so-called occupation. just read Israeli news papers and you'll see that Israeli society is divided about the issue.
c) again, you are pointing the finger at the other side... that's an easy escape. what if the Israeli society was completely unified regarding the "occupation"? would that make suicide bombings ok?

a) your'e doing the same thing. why point out the fault of others? take care of your own shortcomings.
b) i tell you again... the Church gets very scrutinized both from the upper echelons in its own organization, and by the public, and by the courts, and by the gov't, and by the media.
there are new rules for priests (introduced speicfically for the prevention of abuse) on how to conduct ceremonies... so they won't get a chance... priests also get lectured on how to avoid this sort of behaviour.... etc etc.
No free training here!!! disperse.

Originally posted by otheadp
SHOULD.....???? Get a life please....
your attitude is very problematic.
you're saying "you can't judge me. it's religious descrimination"
and, you're saying "i refuse to judge myself and my religion"
so you're refusing to self-evaluate, by taking the easy way out -- calling me a bigot. *clap clap*

who IS GONG TO do that? who SHOULD do that?

You such a fucktard.....When did I refuse to self-evaluate myself??? I do evaluate myself all the time, but don't hold your breath that I would share this information with you. What does your majesty suggest that I do...hold a public convention or write a book about my self assessment....How about if you invite me to speak about my muslim experience infront of your class so you can get an A..... My private life is my fucking business and all you're doing is religuos discrimination and a labeling exercise.

If you think that I'll train you into becoming a human being, then you're dreaming.....As I said before, get a life...you're too damn boring, you and your labeling shallow homeworks.
but don't hold your breath that I would share this information with you
yes. keep it secret. the world must not know that you don't support suicide bombings! :rolleyes:

hold a public convention or write a book about my self assessment?
YES! make the general non-Muslim public know you're NOT A FUNDAMENTALIST... that there are Muslims in the world that are AGAINST fundamentalism.. MANY of them!!
and, SHOW OTHER MUSLIMS THEY SHOULDN'T BE AFRAID to be vocal against atrocities committed by their extremists.. that they shouldn't be afraid to separate themselves from it all!

How about if you invite me to speak about my muslim experience infront of your class so you can get an A.....
i couldn't care less about getting an A.
i do care about social harmony.
you'd be doing yourself and your community a great service if you do speak publically.
dialogue is good
being secretive and non-dialogue-ish is not good.

My private life is my fucking business and all you're doing is religuos discrimination and a labeling exercise
i don't need to know about your private life. i need to know you're against Muslim fanatics... until you publically say so, i'll be afraid of you. get it?
You such a fucktard
you do realize name calling reduces you and the strength of your arguments... don't you?
Originally posted by otheadp
a) your'e doing the same thing. why point out the fault of others? take care of your own shortcomings.

Now stand infront of the mirror and repeat these wise words to yourself 50 times. If it makes you feel any better, you may stand directly under a hot lamp to make your self-interrogation excercise more effective.

Good luck with your issues....and in balancing the chemical imbalance in your brain.
Originally posted by Flores
Now stand infront of the mirror and repeat these wise words to yourself 50 times. If it makes you feel any better, you may stand directly under a hot lamp to make your self-interrogation excercise more effective.

Good luck with your issues....and in balancing the chemical imbalance in your brain.

the ancient greeks said pride is the worst sin of them all. those who are proud are punished the most severely by the gods.

PAKMAN, i'm waiting for your response... since you're the most level headed Muslim on this board
Originally posted by otheadp
the ancient greeks said pride is the worst sin of them all. those who are proud are punished the most severely by the gods.

When you are done with the fifty repetition self evaluating excercise, please repeat the above 100 more times to yourself....Drink plenty of fluids, and again good luck balancing the chemical imbalance in your noggin.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Flores
I hope you got the message loud and clear. The message is that I hate your guts because your are one of the most prejudice, unfair, self rightous, angry, idiots on this forums. It's really unpleasant to read you, given that I do enjoy reading almost everyone here. You are indeed less than average white european trash that is floating and gloating over other's accomplishments...Wake up and smell the roses, UK is the slave dirty whore of the US, so kiss your fake pride goodbye and work the streets like you're trained to do, and realize that UK (The bad European apple) is the NUMBER ONE reason that Europe is not united nor advancing.
M*W: Flores, don't beat your beautiful Muslim head against a brick wall (or stubborn worthless Brit) who is also a degenerate psychopath. You do not have to answer to him or to anyone. He's pissed off because the UK is no longer WASP. He promotes de-evolution back to the Dark Ages. He needs to be on some serious psychotropic medication.
flores, don't reduce yourself to childish bickering.

are you against "Muslims speaking out against Muslim fundamentalists"?
do you think it's un Islamic to organize mass demonstrations BY THE PEOPLE (Muslims) showing this?
do you think it's counter-productive? would increase hate? what is it that you don't like about it????
there's a Muslim girl at my campus who is going to organize a demonstration for Muslims against suicide bombings (by palestinian groups among others).

do you think she is pathetic? a traitor? a zionist agent?