Where are the moderate Muslims?


Osama bin-Laden is not Islam
Al-Qaeda is not Islam
Taliban is not Islam
Suicide bombings is not Islam
Public stoning is not Islam
Honour killings is not Islam

Islam is peace

The fanatical few have hijacked your religion. They are dragging Islam through the mud and who suffers? You do!

Tell me, moderate Muslims, why are you not protesting against all these things?
Where are the demonstrations against all the abovementioned?
Where are the Muslim masses saying with one big voice "We do not support these things! They are anti Islamic!"
Where are your demonstrations against the corrupt repressive governments that control your brethren back home?

Unless you separate yourselves vocaly from all these crimes, people will paint you with the Islamist brush.
That is what you see on American TV. Look past that into Arabic TV and into the lifes of Middle Eastern people. They interview radicals, talk to them about stopping. Muslim people do not support the methods of suicide bombing, attacking towers, etc. I have said it many times on this forum.
Originally posted by Pakman
That is what you see on American TV. Look past that into Arabic TV and into the lifes of Middle Eastern people. They interview radicals, talk to them about stopping. Muslim people do not support the methods of suicide bombing, attacking towers, etc. I have said it many times on this forum.

You can give him million sites, you can give million answers. They will not staisfy him ever. You can point out any thing postive but he or they will always look for negetive. It is the irony of religious nutters, either muslims or christians or in this case Jews. They are looking for negetives and only negetives.
Originally posted by otheadp

Islam is peace

Tell me, moderate Muslims, why are you not protesting against all these things?
Where are the demonstrations against all the abovementioned?
Where are the Muslim masses saying with one big voice "We do not support these things! They are anti Islamic!"
Where are your demonstrations against the corrupt repressive governments that control your brethren back home?

Unless you separate yourselves vocaly from all these crimes, people will paint you with the Islamist brush. [/B]

Which world you are living in ? I dont blame you if you watch FOX JEWS and the crapy CNN....

Muslims all over the world condemnd terrorism, even our scholars issued FATWAS condeming terrorism, here you have some examples:

-Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Condemns Attacks Against Civilians: Forbidden in Islam


-BBC NEWS : Saudi clerics condemn terrorism


-Islamic scholars condemn terrorism in USA:


-A Message from the Council on American-Islamic Relations:


-Muslim Americans Condemn Attack :


-Bin Laden's idea of 'jihad' is out of bounds, scholars say:


-British Muslims condemn the terrorist attacks:


-Canadian Muslims condemn terrorist attacks:


- BBC: Islamic world deplores US losses:


-Muslim Reactions to September 11th:

http://www.crescentlife.com/heal the world/muslim_reactions_to_sept_11.htm



In the name of Islamic solidarity, we, the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), have gathered in Kuala Lumpur to state our collective resolve to combat terrorism and to respond to developments affecting Muslims and Islamic countries in the aftermath of the 11th September attacks...


-Muslim World Condemns Attacks on U.S:


- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY:Koran a Book of Peace, Not War, Scholars Say:

-BBC: UK Muslims condemn 'lunatic fringe':


-Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has strongly condemned the suicide terrorist attacks in New York and Washington:


And many more examples.....

The problem is the zionist-controled HYPOCRITICAL western media that wants to show Islam and muslims always as barbarians and terrorists, they dont give us the chance to speak and show you the 'OTHER' side of tolerant peaceful compassionate Islam, the REAL ISLAM.
Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
they dont give us the chance to speak and show you the 'OTHER' side of tolerant peaceful compassionate Islam, the REAL ISLAM.
Show the west the true Islam not by words because we've heard enough. Show us by bringing to justice these people behind these muslim terrorist acts, identify and stop the muslim terrorist organisations thriving in the UK, USA, and other Western countries.

Start acting now and do something positive against muslim terrorism, identify these people and stop terrorism. Muslims know who are behind these horrific acts, and where they are.

Words alone are not enough.
Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Vienna
Show the west the true Islam not by words because we've heard enough.

My dear Vienna, it's so hard to do that, when the US and UK are secretely training the next AlQaeda to fight a Soviet Union or another bigger enemy. It's kindda hard for us to stop the next khomeiny when the US endorses and supports his government and kicks the moderate Shah out of sight because he wanted to run his own country. It's hard to control those fundementalists when Egypt's authority is being overruled when the US human rights group fight to free Elzawahri from the Egyptian jail under the Egyptian government nose. It's hard for us to do anything because under the mask, you and all westerners thrive and love the idea of a twisted, corrupt, and backward Islam. Just think about it, how else can you be so self rightous like you are right now, if you didn't have your own twisted version of Islam to pick on.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Flores
My dear Vienna, it's so hard to do that, when the US and UK are secretely training the next AlQaeda to fight a Soviet Union or another bigger enemy. It's kindda hard for us to stop the next khomeiny when the US endorses and supports his government and kicks the moderate Shah out of sight because he wanted to run his own country. It's hard to control those fundementalists when Egypt's authority is being overruled when the US human rights group fight to free Elzawahri from the Egyptian jail under the Egyptian government nose. It's hard for us to do anything because under the mask, you and all westerners thrive and love the idea of a twisted, corrupt, and backward Islam. Just think about it, how else can you be so self rightous like you are right now, if you didn't have your own twisted version of Islam to pick on.
So I take it that you don't condemn muslim terrorism and you are going to do nothing about it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Vienna
So I take it that you don't condemn muslim terrorism and you are going to do nothing about it.

You are such a joke.....What the hell do you want me to do about it....? I'm living my life as second generation American, raising a family, holding a full time job, owning property, ect. I don't even go to a mosque or any religious institution because organized religion disgusts me. What do you want me to do? My time is occupied between my life duties and the most rebelious thing that I do is fund raising activities like preparing for the three day walk for breast cancer next August.

Please consider Socrates wisdom next time:
"A man who wishes to accomplish anything must have a private station and not a public one".

Meaning that your private life lived as a model life has more impact on the society than public associations and demonstrations. It's enough for me as a moderate muslim to live my life the right way and that's all the impact that I wish to make on this world.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Flores
You are such a joke.....What the hell do you want me to do about it....? I'm living my life as second generation American, raising a family, holding a full time job, owning property, ect. I don't even go to a mosque or any religious institution because organized religion disgusts me. What do you want me to do? My time is occupied between my life duties and the most rebelious thing that I do is fund raising activities like preparing for the three day walk for breast cancer next August.
OK, you're in no position to DO anything about it. Don't you even condemn it?
I told you that my position and the position of every moderate muslim is merely to live our lives properly. We don't have to pick and judge and carry slogans against filth to proof to you that we are right or to improve ourselves. Filth will sink on it's own and I don't want to be busy sinking with it even as one who is againest it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Flores
I don't even go to a mosque or any religious institution because organized religion disgusts me.

It's enough for me as a moderate muslim to live my life
So tell me...

How DOES a moderate muslim live a life when organized religion disgusts them and doesn't go to a mosque???

Originally posted by Flores
I told you that my position and the position of every moderate muslim is merely to live our lives properly. We don't have to pick and judge and carry slogans against filth to proof to you that we are right or to improve ourselves. Filth will sink on it's own and I don't want to be busy sinking with it even as one who is againest it.
I see, but surely even the qur'an is against this terrorism isn't it, and as a muslim you do follow the qur'an....don't you??
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the moderate Muslims?

Originally posted by Vienna
So tell me...

How DOES a moderate muslim live a life when organized religion disgusts them and doesn't go to a mosque???


Nowhere in the Quran does it ever mention that I should organize with other people and discuss my religion. Nowhere in the Quran does it say that I'll go to hell for forbidding to share my believes with others that are not close family members. Nowhere in the Quran is there any basis for the twisted corrupted filthy views of Bin Laden.
Originally posted by Vienna
I see, but surely even the qur'an is against this terrorism isn't it, and as a muslim you do follow the qur'an....don't you??

I'm againest all these things and more in the way I apply them to MYSELF. I'm against them and I don't adopt them or come near them...This is the extent of me acting on my belief. I'm under no obligation nor am I required by the Quran to step out of my life and fight corruption in the world. There is a god who created the world and he is responsible for the good/bad/evil or the world. I'm merely responsible for myself and my acts to be againest evil is to stay away from evil...period....Why can't you understand such a simple rule of humanity....called responsbility.
Vienna is utterly confused.

Let me ask you one question Vienna, and please have patience with me and answer me clearly.

Explain to me briefly and graphically how does the court of justice hang a man that have been sentenced to death for being a serial killer?
Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Flores
Let me ask you one question Vienna, and please have patience with me and answer me clearly.

Explain to me briefly and graphically how does the court of justice hang a man that have been sentenced to death for being a serial killer?
I don't know, you tell me.

Hanging doesn't exist in the UK. OK!
Re: Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Vienna
I don't know, you tell me.

It's easy Vienna. They put a rope around the guilty man's neck and tighten.

So I ask, why are you trying to hang Bin Laden and others by using other innocent muslim's neck. If you wish to hang Bin Laden, get yourself a rope, a horse, a strong tree, and most importantly a BIN LADEN. Unfortunately the west have the rope, horse, and the tree ready to go anytime without a BIN LADEN and every time they hear the world muslim, they hang whatever comes their way. Your logic defies all reason and doesn't apply to the simplest rules of justice that each man/woman is responsible for their actions.

You are actively saying over and over again that each and every muslim is guilty for the simple fact that they privately "submit to one creator" until proven innocent by your impossible unfair standards.
Re: Re: Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Flores

You are actively saying over and over again that each and every muslim is guilty for the simple fact that they privately "submit to one creator" until proven innocent by your impossible unfair standards.
You spew bullshit, thats not the way I think and you know it. However you are quick to defend against people who mention muslim terrorism, yet you show yourself as idle and silent in stopping it. Speaks volumes!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Vienna
However you are quick to defend against people who mention muslim terrorism, Speaks volumes!!!!!

I hope you got the message loud and clear. The message is that I hate your guts because your are one of the most prejudice, unfair, self rightous, angry, idiots on this forums. It's really unpleasant to read you, given that I do enjoy reading almost everyone here. You are indeed less than average white european trash that is floating and gloating over other's accomplishments...Wake up and smell the roses, UK is the slave dirty whore of the US, so kiss your fake pride goodbye and work the streets like you're trained to do, and realize that UK (The bad European apple) is the NUMBER ONE reason that Europe is not united nor advancing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vienna is utterly confused.

Originally posted by Flores
I hope you got the message loud and clear. The message is that I hate your guts because your are one of the most prejudice, unfair, self rightous, angry, idiots on this forums. It's really unpleasant to read you, given that I do enjoy reading almost everyone here. You are indeed less than average white european trash that is floating and gloating over other's accomplishments...Wake up and smell the roses, UK is the slave dirty whore of the US, so kiss your fake pride goodbye and work the streets like you're trained to do, and realize that UK (The bad European apple) is the NUMBER ONE reason that Europe is not united nor advancing.
Muslims always speak their true feelings when the truth is spoken.