Where Are Huge Fossils Forming?

Did you know that 99% of the fossils in the vast sedimentary layers on the continents are marine creatures, hmmmm, I wonder how that happened?

Read my fkn response. Could I please get your name and place of tertiary education please. I dont believe you have real qualifications... and if you do I am going to suggest to my mate (who works for our Denel and who has been offered a job in your country to make weapons), not to go. Simply for their kids.

People who are like you in my country and are witch doctors.. or sangomas. I would be fkn scared of an education system then pumped you out with qualifications. Really really scared...
People who are terrified of alternative models for geological and human history really have some serious problems, you need to get a life wizard.

If the model is as ridiculous as you say, then you have nothing to worry about, right?

But since you are terrified, hmmm, that says it's not as ridiculous as you make it out to be, so thanks for the indirect endorsement!!!
I told you that about five times, you don't remember?

LOL. Oh yeah, that's right. You said that "the planet between Mars and Jupiter exploded and the debris initiated the deluge."

Then I asked you what caused the planet to magically explode out of nowhere. And you replied:

"I don't know."
The center of the orbits of the comets is between Mars and Jupiter, so there was the planet, and I explained that when it exploded, such induced the Deluge, so I answered your question, and now you are floundering about.
By the way, the "Oort Cloud" does not exist, which of course is supposedly the "comet maker" which supposedly injects a fresh supply of comets into the solar system while those orbiting in the solar system burn up.

Since there is no Oort Cloud, the solar system is much younger than popularly advertised.
iac said:
so we should expect huge creatures like elephants, crocodiles, horses, cows, and bears, to be in the process of being entombed then lithified within vast sedimentary layers somewhere today, the fossils of tomorrow, so where is this happening today?
Mt St Helens probably made a few hundred fair sized animal fossils.

I recall a news report of a sub finding a cow on a deep abyssal plain, in a mudslide zone - mudlisdes on the continental shelves bury lots of stuff. mostly marine, of course. But ya gotta wonder what the future octopus paleontologists will make of that skeletion, in its oceanic sediments.
Man, find some swamp (real one) around, fossils and gas are being formed there right NOW. No doubt all kind of animals (even people) are being preserved there. Peat is a fossil fuel, albeit lowquality one. Just death alone is not enough, you need to die in the right spot to become a fossil not a feed.
IAC, do us all a favour and go stand in La Brea Tar Pits, (where on average 10 large animals are trapped every 30 years). I'll have my descendants dig you up in a few million years...

The address is:

La Brea Tar Pits.
5801 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036.


[Oh, I see you're on the "Ban List" again. What on Earth for this time? You really must be a martyr...:rolleyes: BTW, feel free to take my advice regardless!]
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Well, I hate to see him banned, yet I can't say what he was doing wasn't basically trolling. There's no point in debating anything if the other side won't talk about any of the points raised. I hope he comes back ready to debate things; I enjoy a good argument, and fine dining.
Actually, I saw a documentary in which an Elephant got stuck in quick sand, and was completely engulfed.

Amazing, huh?
i've worked with coal and i can tell you first hand that fossils exist in it.

LOL - damn, I was going to post that but I forgot. Nice.

I'll add this one: petrified wood. Extant process.

Actually, I saw a documentary in which an Elephant got stuck in quick sand, and was completely engulfed.

Amazing, huh?

IAC, do us all a favour and go stand in La Brea Tar Pits, (where on average 10 large animals are trapped every 30 years). I'll have my descendants dig you up in a few million years...

The address is:

La Brea Tar Pits.
5801 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036.


[Oh, I see you're on the "Ban List" again. What on Earth for this time? You really must be a martyr...:rolleyes: BTW, feel free to take my advice regardless!]

Man, find some swamp (real one) around, fossils and gas are being formed there right NOW. No doubt all kind of animals (even people) are being preserved there. Peat is a fossil fuel, albeit lowquality one. Just death alone is not enough, you need to die in the right spot to become a fossil not a feed.

Mt St Helens probably made a few hundred fair sized animal fossils.

I recall a news report of a sub finding a cow on a deep abyssal plain, in a mudslide zone - mudlisdes on the continental shelves bury lots of stuff. mostly marine, of course. But ya gotta wonder what the future octopus paleontologists will make of that skeletion, in its oceanic sediments.

Very nice, all. Between all of this data and the arguments which we have presented in the past (which haven't been even touched by IAC), I hope IAC can finally return to the real world and get out of his fantasy land (which even the Bible does not support).
Actually, I saw a documentary in which an Elephant got stuck in quick sand, and was completely engulfed.

Amazing, huh?

Don't be so quick to gloat; it was probably just Raptured free, you know. After all, animals don't leave remains behind. Ever.

OK, I'm done taking the piss.