What's heaven like?

So you feel I am less than honest about my beliefs?

May I ask why?

What, am I to wade through the 10K+ posts of yours to show you what is so blatantly obvious to everyone but you?

Stop playing dumb.
What, am I to wade through the 10K+ posts of yours to show you what is so blatantly obvious to everyone but you?

Stop playing dumb.

Its obvious to everyone that I'm not a Muslim? Are you high or something?:confused:
This all sounds like a lovers quarrel...:) could it be, that the above display is simply foreplay? LOL....

Opposites do attract!
LOL!!! that was hilariously funny. How embarrassing must of been for that poor girl! The thought of only a fart, and blown with confidence, turned out to be a slimy turd! as the guy said! Holy Shit!!

This all sounds like a lovers quarrel...:) could it be, that the above display is simply foreplay? LOL....

Opposites do attract!

LOL!!! that was hilariously funny. How embarrassing must of been for that poor girl! The thought of only a fart, and blown with confidence, turned out to be a slimy turd! as the guy said! Holy Shit!!


There is an unhealthy obsession with bodily functions here :bugeye:
Basically, I understand that bowel movements is a popular conversational topic in Indian society

Maybe just amongst the old