What's heaven like?

Its a place where we can eat anythig we want and never gain weight.
Everything and everyone would be beautiful, cooperative and smiling.
There would be no bills. Everything for free!
No work. We would all just lay about or do what we want maybe if we feel like it since we have all eternity.
We would feel an orgasmic passion running through our veins at all times like the first rush of love...but then we wouldn't really notice it as it would be happening all the time for eternity.

...Its a commercial and it just aint true!

therefore the notion of sense gratification (ie the selfish basis of material existence) as the notion of heavenly perfection is absurd

Therefeore the most people can imagine is some sort of impersonal liberation (merging into light etc) as the only relief from their material propensities because they are not familiar with the activties of liberation
Lightgigantic: therefore the notion of sense gratification (ie the selfish basis of material existence) as the notion of heavenly perfection is absurd

Well yes but what else do we have to go with? I don't think it fair to call material existence 'selfish'. Why is it selfish to use the senses we have? Why is it selfish to work from a material world when we actually live in a material world? Its not something we can readily ignore.

LG: Therefeore the most people can imagine is some sort of impersonal liberation (merging into light etc) as the only relief from their material propensities because they are not familiar with the activties of liberation

The 'activities of liberation'. This is when it becomes pedantic. You have adopted an assumption have you not? How do you know the 'activites of liberation'? Religious doctrine yes? Death is not something one can read about or imagine, its an experience we don't live to talk about, this being the case why even bother attempting a description of 'heaven'. We rely on our imagination or the imagination of another.
Well Lucy, LG like anyohter theist makes up shit as they go! They don't have evidence to back up their rhetorical bullshit, they go by the assertions of others, who they deem as authorative in the matter. Just look at the absurdiities he spouts here, as if his word was the final end all of how things are when one dies, like if he knew anything, from experience. He has invented an existent of our soul in a nether existence before becoming human, and calles this reality a selfish materialistic existence. What more do we need to prove that he is full of shit?

Gospel of Thomas, 113:
His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"

"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."
Godless: ...He has invented an existent of our soul in a nether existence before becoming human, and calles this reality a selfish materialistic existence.

Well said and I love Avatar's gem he plucked from the gospels.
Its a place where we can eat anythig we want and never gain weight.
Everything and everyone would be beautiful, cooperative and smiling.
There would be no bills. Everything for free!
No work. We would all just lay about or do what we want maybe if we feel like it since we have all eternity.
We would feel an orgasmic passion running through our veins at all times like the first rush of love...but then we wouldn't really notice it as it would be happening all the time for eternity.

...Its a commercial and it just aint true!

I try not to think on heaven. I would like to be surprised, but according to this room, itll be a disapointment.
Heaven: any place of complete bliss and delight and peace.

I'm already there.
as an atheist hanging out on a discussion thread that deals with religion, your peace will be short lived

Doubtful, however as a theist hanging out in a sub-forum of a science board, your fantasies will be exposed. ;)
What's heaven like?

The mutual love of a good woman.

Awwww... :p

If Heaven, in the sense of a physical plane, existed, it would most certainly be malleable and subject to the pressures of our final consciousness at death. Essentially, it would be a mental construct at best, based on our subjective desires and whims - a virtual reality simulation if you will (assuming that we are not reincarnated, which then it would be, depending if you believe life is an illusion).
Everyone either say what heaven will be like or shut up. And none of this rubbish either:
Therefeore the most people can imagine is some sort of impersonal liberation (merging into light etc) as the only relief from their blah blah blah..
In particular: will there be ice-cream?
Doubtful, however as a theist hanging out in a sub-forum of a science board, your fantasies will be exposed. ;)

not if you rely exclusively on confidence statements like these

either way, you are too grumpy to have attained the platform of perfect peace, so it appears that your assertion of having attained heaven (by your own definition) is another confidence statement
not if you rely exclusively on confidence statements like these

either way, you are too grumpy to have attained the platform of perfect peace, so it appears that your assertion of having attained heaven (by your own definition) is another confidence statement

Or perhaps his definition of a peaceful bliss is a place where he can bait and argue with theists telling them all about the IPU in his attic?:p

But I agree he is far too grumpy to have attained heaven! :D
not if you rely exclusively on confidence statements like these

I rely on observations, like the exposure of your fantasies, which have yet to be observed.

either way, you are too grumpy to have attained the platform of perfect peace, so it appears that your assertion of having attained heaven (by your own definition) is another confidence statement

It's another observation, based on the definition I provided above. You're confused simply because your heaven is another fantasy, unattainable, and has no meaning.

If I appear 'grumpy' to you, it's mainly due to theists fantasies of heaven having direct influence on my heaven.
I was under the impression that unlike being a good boy and saying your prayers, nodding your head and smiling at everything wasnt a requirement for heaven entry.:p
Or perhaps his definition of a peaceful bliss is a place where he can bait and argue with theists telling them all about the IPU in his attic?

You've mistaken, once again, the nature of my heaven, as it cannot be fantasized by theists, who fantasize a heaven away from their dreary lives of delusion and worship.

Simple really, give up your god delusions and you'll easily find heaven on earth. :)