What would make Christianity more tolerable...to you?

Of course you do, and i am not saying otherwise.

They believe that god created the Earth and all life- 6,000 years ago. I am not sure how evolution fits into the Torah but most of your conservative Rabbi's would shy away from evolution entirely. Is that correct?

I'm no advocate of Judaism, but you probably right. In that sense the Pope has contributed to the evolution of Christian orthodoxy more than any Jewish authority I know of (which isn't saying much).

Ideally, Christianity would be in better shape had it not suffered the heresy hunters of it's early Roman founders, and avoided the creation of an official church.
Ideally, Christianity would be in better shape had it not suffered the heresy hunters of it's early Roman founders, and avoided the creation of an official church.
I reckon there would be thousands of splinter sects without the early unification efforts...all pounding on your door! :p

You know, i think nietzschefan may have taken on the persona of this T-Bone character.

Other than his perchance for buggery, we are kindred spirits. Well, he is more polite than me too...I suppose I should work on that and my knife work.
They believe that god created the Earth and all life- 6,000 years ago. I am not sure how evolution fits into the Torah but most of your conservative Rabbi's would shy away from evolution entirely. Is that correct?

Well that was the view a couple of 1000 years ago but would hardly hold true for most Conservative rabbis today or even many Orthodox rabbis.

See, for example:
Interesting that rabbis were questioning literal interpretations of the Torah even as far back as the middle ages...and yet so many Christian bible thumpers today still havent made it that far.

"Some medieval philosophical rationalists, such as Maimonides held that it was not required to read Genesis literally. In this view, one was obligated to understand Torah in a way that was compatible with the findings of science. Indeed, Maimonides, one of the great Rabbis of the Middle Ages, wrote that if science and Torah were misaligned, it was either because science was not understood or the Torah was misinterpreted. Maimonides argued that if science proved a point, then the finding should be accepted and scripture should be interpreted accordingly."
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I don't understand!! How can anyone argue what would make Christianity more tolerable to themselves?? That's like arguing what someones favorite color is.

The fact is that many Christians want everyone to believe in God, just the way they do.

Given this -if we are all to believe in God the way Christians do, or if we are at least to respect Christianity- some people think that some changes to Christianity would need to be made.
More Christ in the Christianity

But Christians are perfectly loving, don't you see?!
If you can't or don't, it is your fault!
How dare you doubt Christians?!
They know the one and only true God and you do not!
You are evil!

- That's what we often get for questioning the Christianity in Christianity.
One very simple thing would make it tolerable: A few grains of humility. I want the devout practitioners of Christianity to stop claiming that they know god's will in all things. Too often are little clips from the bible taken out of context to pardon or damn something the church does or does not like. It disturbs me.
Just occurred to me how strong the drive to unification is in Christianity. The sacrament of communion is a ritual of unification...the unio mystica with the divine in human form...as Jesus.

But this has a dark side as well, which manifests as the will to unify all of humanity under the same umbrella...with lethal force if necessary.