What would make Christianity more tolerable...to you?

Regardless of whether youre a believer or not, what would you change about Christianity that would make it more tolerable to gaze upon???

I know that even some Christians are uncomfortable with some aspects of the total package. Others like Mel Gibson believe that one must accept all or none.

Personally, I would remove the entire nonsense about the sacrificial atonement of Jesus...which is entirely Paul's idea anyway.

In fact, it might be enough to simply remove Pauls writings from the new testament altogether.
disgarding the bible and starting again with a book only professing good things good deeds, love. absolutely no negative and nasty stuff, and that includes the commandments, you dont need to tell someone not to kill if there whole being is exuding love.
M*W: Throw out the blibel. Just because a book is ancient doesn't mean that it is reasonable, believeable or right.
You can believe anything you want Max, i am not in any position to tell people if their beliefs are delusional. There is no stick up my a**. However, i have spent numerous ocassions with Jewish scholars and lets just say you will have to come up with some citations.

That being said, not all Jewish people can be expected to believe the same things entirely nor do other groups.
I have never discussed my own personal beliefs on this forum (at least i dont think i have)but i am will to accept anything.
You can believe anything you want Max, i am not in any position to tell people if their beliefs are delusional. There is no stick up my a**. However, i have spent numerous ocassions with Jewish scholars and lets just say you will have to come up with some citations.

That being said, not all Jewish people can be expected to believe the same things entirely nor do other groups.


If you don't want an answer to a question, don't ask the question:
They believe that god created the Earth and all life- 6,000 years ago. I am not sure how evolution fits into the Torah but most of your conservative Rabbi's would shy away from evolution entirely. Is that correct?

The Wikipedia article has references. I'm not going to waste my time doing more research for someone who obviously made up their mind already.
Several Modern Orthodox Jewish scientists have interpreted creation in light of both modern scientific findings and rabbinical interpretations of Genesis. Each of these scientists have claimed that modern science actually confirms a literal interpretation of Torah. All of them accept the scientific evidence that the age of the Earth and the age of the universe are on a scale of billions of years, and all of them acknowledge that the diversity of species on Earth can be explained through an evolutionary framework. However, each of them interprets certain aspects of evolution or the emergence of modern humans as a divine process, rather than a natural one. Thus, each of them accepts an evolutionary paradigm, while rejecting some aspects of Darwinism. Shai Cherry writes, "While twentieth century Jewish theologians have tended to compartmentalize science and the Torah, our Modern Orthodox physicists synthesized them.[8]

I said most conservATIVE\ORTHODOX..
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I said most conservATIVE\ORTHODOX..

I quoted what you said (twice). Sorry if I interpreted "most of your conservative Rabbi's" to mean "most conservative rabbis" not "most conservative and orthodox rabbis." But even if you're only concerned with the Orthodox, one of the largest Orthodox organizations,

The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA)[1] has maintained that evolutionary theory, properly understood, is not incompatible with belief in a Divine Creator, nor with the first 2 chapters of Genesis.

I'm not sure what you intended by including that quote about Orthodox scientists.
That's the best thing that could be expected. Every Christian should be their own sect!

Actually, from the perspective of a Non-Christian, this is what Christianity looks like anyway. Millions of little sects, each of them claiming they "got it right and everyone else is more or less wrong".
I want more Zombies and make some of them cute. Rewrite the whole last half of the Apocalypse so that there are Zombies. Lots of flesh eating Zombies.

Also, it should be clear that only Xians burn in Hell. So Xians go to heaven or Xians burn in Hell - the rest of us take another turn at the wheel of beef/karma cycle.

That'd do it
Regardless of whether youre a believer or not, what would you change about Christianity that would make it more tolerable to gaze upon???

That's a very good question. I would remove all assertions of the supernatural / paranormal and all instructions to indoctrinate children.
There is no point believing only part of Christianity it wont work. It's like saying 'now I need this car to get to heaven but I'm not really very fond of the crankshaft in the engine or the wheels, so I'm just going to remove them'. Do you really expect it to take you to heaven now?
There is no point believing only part of Christianity it wont work. It's like saying 'now I need this car to get to heaven but I'm not really very fond of the crankshaft in the engine or the wheels, so I'm just going to remove them'. Do you really expect it to take you to heaven now?
And yet thats exactly what Christianity is...a highly selective and modified version of the Gospel teachings. A process that started in the writings of Paul.
Yeah Carcano, but Christianity isn't highly selective, God is. He picks whoever he wants. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, nobody gets to the father except through me. Not Paul. Paul applied the Gospel to everyday life. He didn't modify it.
Yeah Carcano, but Christianity isn't highly selective, God is.
Fine, but we're not talking about God...if such a being exists. We are talking about the religion and its teachings.

And yes, Paul modified the teachings of Jesus to a great extent.

For example Jesus specifies that he has come ONLY for 'the lost sheep of Israel'...for jews, and cares little for any other culture.

Paul insists that his 'new' religion is for all, jews and gentiles alike.

Paul also insists that the suffering and death of Jesus was a ritual of atonement for the sins of all mankind.

Jesus says no such thing, and makes it clear he expects to be saved...not the saviour.

"My God...why have you forsaken me?"
I quoted what you said (twice). Sorry if I interpreted "most of your conservative Rabbi's" to mean "most conservative rabbis" not "most conservative and orthodox rabbis." But even if you're only concerned with the Orthodox, one of the largest Orthodox organizations,

I'm not sure what you intended by including that quote about Orthodox scientists.

Orthodox or conservative, what is the difference? Show me in your link where it refutes what i have said.
"Fine, but we're not talking about God...if such a being exists. We are talking about the religion and its teachings." Christianity isn't a religion to start with. Bible is God's word, his teachings.

"And yes, Paul modified the teachings of Jesus to a great extent.
For example Jesus specifies that he has come ONLY for 'the lost sheep of Israel'...for jews, and cares little for any other culture. Paul insists that his 'new' religion is for all, jews and gentiles alike."

-That's not true, Jesus said I come first for the Jew then for the gentile. Look into the woman at the well. She wasn't Jewish and Jesus said something along the lines of Jews first, but the woman replied even the dogs get the scraps on the floor of the masters table, Jesus gave credit where credit was due for the answer and took mercy upon her. Sorry for the bad quote was never the sort of person who could memerize the bible.

"Paul also insists that the suffering and death of Jesus was a ritual of atonement for the sins of all mankind."

-Look into the ritual sacrifice in the old testament and the prophecies about Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice, you soon will see thousands of years before Paul that this teaching was around.

"Jesus says no such thing, and makes it clear he expects to be saved...not the saviour.
"My God...why have you forsaken me?""

-That's a really good job at taking something way out of context and making it say something totally different. You should be a mormon.