What would make Christianity more tolerable...to you?

Besides the basic premise, I think the Catholic Church showed promise when they acknowledged evolution. They are always a little behind the times, but the fact that they can update their interpretation to fit revealed scientific truth is a positive development.
They may have acknowledged that some evolution has taken place...but what do they say about the origin of life?

That it appeared by random chance arrangements of amino acids, or divine intervention?
Are you serious?
Absolutely, if the Vatican has embraced evolution, does that include ALL of it...right back to the origins of life itself???

Al Gore for example believes in some hybrid of creationism and evolution.
So are you saying that Catholics are more advanced than Jewish religious belief?

I think the Jews are quite advanced already. They have a tradition of debating the meaning of scriptures, questioning everything.

They may have acknowledged that some evolution has taken place...but what do they say about the origin of life?

That it appeared by random chance arrangements of amino acids, or divine intervention?

They have some way to go, of course, but something along these lines would make Christianity more tolerable.
I think the Jews are quite advanced already. They have a tradition of debating the meaning of scriptures, questioning everything.

Of course you do, and i am not saying otherwise.

They believe that god created the Earth and all life- 6,000 years ago. I am not sure how evolution fits into the Torah but most of your conservative Rabbi's would shy away from evolution entirely. Is that correct?
Really, what I see is a total poverty of meaning, context, or indeed anything.

I'm sorry to hear that but it doesn't change anything.

Just for the sake of it..

You've never had ice cream. You try some ice cream. That is the baseline, (which everything else is judged from). You then try some rum and raisin ice cream and it tastes wonderful. No, you don't need to have tried shit tasting ice cream to like the taste of the rum and raisin - your like for it works from a baseline, (norm).

It's quite simple to understand really.
So there is an evil 'quality' (defined by the will to harm), but no evil 'entity'...as in the Devil.
Essentially, yes.
This is because Wicca generally views all in the universe as necessary parts of the cycle of life. The God and Goddess are symbolic of feminine and masculine polarities in this cycle, each being a part of it equally; chaos and order, death and life, famine and plenty, disease and prosperity, peace and storm- all are viewed as inherent and even necessary parts of a cyclical universe striving to find balance in itself.

Without a concept of sin there would be no concept of virtue either...two sides of a coin.
You can have unethical actions existing without them being a "sin", per se.:D
You've never had ice cream. You try some ice cream. That is the baseline, (which everything else is judged from). You then try some rum and raisin ice cream and it tastes wonderful. No, you don't need to have tried shit tasting ice cream to like the taste of the rum and raisin - your like for it works from a baseline, (norm).
Ok, but categorizing something sweet like ice cream cant be regarded as a baseline. A better example would an unsalted cracker or something that tastes neutral.
I don't understand!! How can anyone argue what would make Christianity more tolerable to themselves?? That's like arguing what someones favorite color is.
Essentially, yes.
This is because Wicca generally views all in the universe as necessary parts of the cycle of life. The God and Goddess are symbolic of feminine and masculine polarities in this cycle, each being a part of it equally; chaos and order, death and life, famine and plenty, disease and prosperity, peace and storm- all are viewed as inherent and even necessary parts of a cyclical universe striving to find balance in itself.
How does good and evil figure into that?

Is evil also a necessary part of the world?

Do you want it in your own life?
A better example would an unsalted cracker or something that tastes neutral.

The unsalted cracker would be the baseline. One day you'd eat a cracker that was very salty and invent a word to describe its differences in comparison to the baseline cracker.
I don't understand!! How can anyone argue what would make Christianity more tolerable to themselves??
Well the process of amendment started right from ground zero...with Paul making subtle changes in the interpretation of Christ's ministry.
Well the process of amendment started right from ground zero...with Paul making subtle changes in the interpretation of Christ's ministry.

so?? what does that have to do with what I think would Christianity better?