What Turned You Away from God?

Everything would seem to hold a lot. There must be something of value within it to find you are still with us.
So you are saying, the reason I haven't committed suicide on this shitworld God has made, is because there is something of value in it?

Three options:

1. God doesn't exist. 2. God exists, but is a major apathetic pricky cunthole. 3. God exists, and is good, but weak and powerless.

If option 2. Then can't suicide because god will torture me for eternity if I do.

If option 3 or 1. I have reason to live. I have to fix this shitty shithole planet and save this asshole species or else i will have to possibly reincarnate into this shitworld endlessly.
So you are saying, the reason I haven't committed suicide on this shitworld God has made, is because there is something of value in it?

Three options:

1. God doesn't exist. 2. God exists, but is a major apathetic pricky cunthole. 3. God exists, and is good, but weak and powerless.

If option 2. Then can't suicide because god will torture me for eternity if I do.

If option 3 or 1. I have reason to live. I have to fix this shitty shithole planet and save this asshole species or else i will have to possibly reincarnate into this shitworld endlessly.

Option 4. Life will take care of itself, even if that involves the end of mankind, It's not your responsibility to fix anything.
Option 4. Life will take care of itself, even if that involves the end of mankind, It's not your responsibility to fix anything.

it is my god-damned responsibility. I use that word because if god is real, he is the god who damned this world!

now, if humanity goes extinct, you know what that means, if reincarnation is real........no more toilets, no more showers, living like a savage for a conceivable eternity...is that really what you want?
it is my god-damned responsibility. I use that word because if god is real, he is the god who damned this world!
If you want to carry the world on your shoulders, it's always there waiting for you. Again...not your responsibility.

now, if humanity goes extinct, you know what that means, if reincarnation is real........no more toilets, no more showers, living like a savage for a conceivable eternity...is that really what you want?
Toilets and showers are nice, yes. But what have we sacrificed for those comforts?
God lets good people suffer.

This is why I think God is very evil and that is if he even exists.

Any God who lets good people suffer severely and then die is a God not worth worshipping.
Wow. I don't think I've ever heard anything like that in normal conversation, because I'd remember the violent vomiting that would have followed.
Thus removing you from the conversation! Which works.

I can conceive of a lot of things I don't actually believe in. Santa - but the kids do. The whole Marvel comics thing. I know some of the storylines there, but I don't believe they are real. The Greek gods are pretty interesting from a perspective of how the Greeks had a god for just about everything. But again, don't really believe in them.
God lets good people suffer.

This is why I think God is very evil and that is if he even exists.
We all let people suffer.

I passed a homeless guy on the street this morning. I did not give him the keys to my car and my house.
Am I evil?
We can conceive of a lot of concepts that we don't actually believe in.
Wow. I don't think I've ever heard anything like that in normal conversation, because I'd remember the violent vomiting that would have followed.
This makes no sense. Why would any sane person have a problem with Seattle's statement?

Toad, you know Tolkien's elves aren't real, yes?
You know baby's aren't really delivered by storks, yes?
A lot of "atheism" isn't really a problem with "God", but "religious people".
Well yes. This is essentially a truism.

If theists did not talk about God (whether preaching or otherwise), then it would never cross an atheist's mind. By any atheistic account, God is literally nothing more than religious people talking.
But that self-centered imposition is as problematic as religion; indeed, it is fundamentally religious.
I disagree, self-centeredness is a psychiatric condition, where the person only acts from personal Self-centered interest.
OTOH, a religious zealot only acts from religious (God's) centered interest.....difference.

Of course, everyone acts from self-interest. Question is where the interest lies. In Self or in Other than self, that is what defines the psychiatric condition.

Of course, if you want to define religion as a psychiatric condition, I agree....:)
But that self-centered imposition is as problematic as religion; indeed, it is fundamentally religious.
What does the self have to do with it other than it's the self which evaluates truth? And isn't it evidence rather than faith based, since it's based on lack of evidence where evidence should be abundant?
This makes no sense. Why would any sane person have a problem with Seattle's statement?

Toad, you know Tolkien's elves aren't real, yes?
You know baby's aren't really delivered by storks, yes?
I'm sure Toad will be here to reply once he's left the vomitorium.