What Turned You Away from God?

Eh, I'm calling you: "Piss, shit cock, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits" from now on.

They are just words and it is context which gives them meaning. I take this as lighthearted banter...:D
Of interest may be the "cornhole"game.
It is not a complicated game except for the terminology:
The following is a list of terms commonly used in cornhole:

Ace or cow pie: A bag lands on the board, which is worth one point.[11][12]
  • Airmail: A cornhole that dos not slide or bounce on the board but goes directly into the hole.
  • Back door or Dirty Rollup: A cornhole that goes over the top of a blocker and into the hole.[11][12]
  • Backstop: A bag that lands past the cornhole but remains on the board creating a backboard for a slider to knock into without going off the board.[11]
  • Blocker: An ace that lands in front of the hole, essentially blocking the hole from sliders.[11][12]
  • Cornfusion: When players or teams cannot agree on the scoring of a given inning.[11]
  • Cornhole or Drano: A bag that falls in the hole, which is worth three points.[11] The alternative name is a reference to a trademark, that of a sink clog clearing product.
  • Cornholio same as grand bag or as just cornhole, depending on region; named for the alter-ego of the character Beavis in the animated TV series Beavis and Butt-Head.
  • Cornucopia: Achieved when a player throws all four bags into the hole in one inning.
  • Dirty bag: A bag that is on the ground or is hanging off the board touching the ground.[12]
  • Flop: Type of toss that didn’t spin the bag horizontally or vertically. Without rotation or spin.[13]
  • Grasshopper: A bag that bounces off the grass or ground and lands on the board for a point.[12]
  • Screaming eagle, Eddie the eagle: A bag that goes beyond the board without hitting the board. Screeching like an eagle is an additionally accepted reaction to making such a mistake.[11][12]
  • Slippery granny: Scoring three bags in a row on the board only.[11]
  • Grand bag, double deuce, catorce four-bagger or four-pack: Four cornholes by a single player in a single round.[11] There is a tradition in some areas where any casual player who puts all four bags in the hole on a single turn gets to sign the board, often with some type of ceremony and recognition.
  • Trip Dip: When a single player cornholes 3 out of the 4 bags in a single round.
  • Hanger or shook: An ace on the lip of the hole ready to drop.[11][12]
  • Honors: The team who tosses first, resulting from the team scoring last.[12]
  • Hooker: A bag hitting the board and hooking or curving around a blocker and going in the hole.[11]
  • Jumper: A bag that strikes another bag on the board causing it to jump up into the cornhole.[11]
  • Madden: when a player violently throws the bag at the opposing player.
  • Perrego: When a player refuses to play Baggo because they're intimidated by their competitors.[11]
  • Police: The cornhole referee.[11]
  • Sally' or corn patty: A toss that is thrown too weakly and lands on the ground before reaching the board.[11]
  • Shortbag: When a bag lands on the ground just before the cornhole board.[13]
  • Shucker: When a player pitches a bag and it strikes an opposing players bag knocking it off the board.[11]
  • Skunk, whitewash or shutout: A game that, by some rules, ends in an 11–0 score.[11][12]
  • Slider: A cornhole that slides into the hole.[11][12]
  • Swish: A bag that goes directly in the hole without touching the board. More often referred to as 'Airmail'[12]
  • Shotgun: Throwing all your bags at once.[11]
  • Wash: When each team has scored exactly the same number of points in an inning, thereby "washing out" all points scored in the inning.

It's a very popular game in corn country.
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I am not sure I ever had a strong belief due to recognizing some of the stories from the bible as myths. Various conflicting accounts caused skepticism.

The Garden of Eden as the start of mankind did not seem valid although (at circa 6-7) I did not have a good notion of how the human race started.

The claim that Adam & Eve were created the same day & the later story of Eve being created from a rib or flesh from Adam's side were obviously contradictory.

I now believe that two different oral traditions stories were included in the first written version of the Bible.​

I attended Sunday school from circa age 6-7 to circa 13-15 because my parents took me there when they attended services, mostly due to my Catholic mother.

My Quaker father probably did not have a strong belief. I remember him saying
Religion is necessary to invoke good behavior on the part of those without any sense of ethics or fair play.
The Quakers (Society of Friends) are very behavior oriented.

The Sunday school I attended read the bible from cover to cover over a period of circa 1-3 years and encouraged discussion after each Sunday's reading.

The story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac astounded me & started me on the road to atheism. The story of Job pushed me further toward atheism.

My father & I were more closely bonded than most father/son pairs. I was born when he was circa 50 years old & semi-retired. He had more time for me than most fathers.​

The request to kill his son seemed demonic to me rather than a request from a god worthy of worship or respect.

I could not believe that any father would consider obeying the request.

I was certain that my father would not consider complying.

The fact that the request was actually test of faith did not impress me.

I expressed my view & there ensued a discussion/argument between me & the Sunday school teacher.
It might have been better strategy for the teacher to avoid discussion/argument.
I am not sure I ever had a strong belief due to recognizing some of the stories from the bible as myths. Various conflicting accounts caused skepticism.

The Garden of Eden as the start of mankind did not seem valid although (at circa 6-7) I did not have a good notion of how the human race started.

The claim that Adam & Eve were created the same day & the later story of Eve being created from a rib or flesh from Adam's side were obviously contradictory.

I now believe that two different oral traditions stories were included in the first written version of the Bible.​

I attended Sunday school from circa age 6-7 to circa 13-15 because my parents took me there when they attended services, mostly due to my Catholic mother.

My Quaker father probably did not have a strong belief. I remember him sayingThe Quakers (Society of Friends) are very behavior oriented.

The Sunday school I attended read the bible from cover to cover over a period of circa 1-3 years and encouraged discussion after each Sunday's reading.

The story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac astounded me & started me on the road to atheism. The story of Job pushed me further toward atheism.

My father & I were more closely bonded than most father/son pairs. I was born when he was circa 50 years old & semi-retired. He had more time for me than most fathers.​

The request to kill his son seemed demonic to me rather than a request from a god worthy of worship or respect.

I could not believe that any father would consider obeying the request.

I was certain that my father would not consider complying.

The fact that the request was actually test of faith did not impress me.

I expressed my view & there ensued a discussion/argument between me & the Sunday school teacher.
It might have been better strategy for the teacher to avoid discussion/argument.

Ignorance is bliss.
You guys are funny. I don't have the time to address 13 replies--I have a life and a job. Sorry. If you are curious or have doubts, there's no harm in exploring the subject further. I don't consider myself an authority, though I do enjoy talking on the matter. There are plenty of resources online.

Best wishes.
You guys are funny. I don't have the time to address 13 replies--I have a life and a job. Sorry. If you are curious or have doubts, there's no harm in exploring the subject further. I don't consider myself an authority, though I do enjoy talking on the matter. There are plenty of resources online.

Best wishes.
I have explored it further than you can imagine. Much further than necessary but for curiosity & a desire to understand people.
We do not need you to advise us to do what most, if not all, of us have done.

If God were not supernatural, it would be constrained by the laws of physics and nature.
Pantheists, for instance, don't see any contradiction there. Not all conceptions of deity necessitate it being above the laws of nature.
Just because humans are biologically programmed to believe in religion doesn't make the truth of religion any more true.

Religion is bullshit, simply as that and it doesn't exactly take a genius to see that.
Just because humans are biologically programmed to believe in religion doesn't make the truth of religion any more true.
Very well said.

Even if one goes with the old adage "there are no atheists in foxholes", doesn't make it any more true either.
The OP question is backward. I repeat, what turned god away from me?
I cannot turn away from what I do not know exists. Supposedly, god knows I exist so if it is of any importance, god can get us together. Certainly, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

The OP question is backward. I repeat, what turned god away from me?
I cannot turn away from what I do not know exists. Supposedly, god knows I exist so if it is of any importance, god can get us together. Certainly, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

You not good enough. Sorry. :)
God simply doesn't exist in my opinion.

I think it is just human nature to believe in God.

Our brains were 'designed' by millions of years of evolution to believe in something more powerful than ourselves but it doesn't make the existence of God any more scientifically true.

The way I see it the world we live in is governed by the laws of physics, chemistry and biology therefore God is not needed to explain anything because everything is just physics and chemistry.
God lets good people suffer terribly, including completely innocent children. THIS is what turned me away from God.

But I'm not saying that religion is completely bad though.

Many people who are religious give a lot to charities and other causes and many of them try to help poor people who are in need.
God lets good people suffer terribly, including completely innocent children. THIS is what turned me away from God.

You seem to presume that God's purpose, as such, should somehow make sense to you.

A lot of "atheism" isn't really a problem with "God", but "religious people".
A lot of atheism is a problem having any reason to believe in the concept of God. We can conceive of a lot of concepts that we don't actually believe in. God is simply one of them.
We can conceive of a lot of concepts that we don't actually believe in.

Wow. I don't think I've ever heard anything like that in normal conversation, because I'd remember the violent vomiting that would have followed.