What Turned You Away from God?

What turned me away from the biblical god was the bible.
What turned me away from the other gods were their stories, written by the people who believed in them.
The stories are just sooo silly!
... so they tell us, despite constantly acting to the contrary.
I'm glad to hear that other people of sound mind agree with me.
That's more than can be said among the various theists. They have been at war for thousands of years, just over a "WORD".
any religion that can not stand non violently on its own feet and debate its core essence is a cult.
Which are the ones that can?
No, wait, that was a bit glib. I'm not sure what standing non-violently means. Hinduism and Buddhism appear quite peaceful, though the histories of the believers are not and it's hard to separate faith from politics. Indeed, I think religion is politics, and faith is just another form of crowd-control.
Despite having a long history of adherents, shooting one's self in the foot never appears to go out of fashion.
Please, Sir, this would be the second time I've asked you as to how I've shot myself in the foot.

Please, tell me how dumb I am, or just shut up as I have previously suggested.
I'm a worthless human being
Should I kill myself, or, whatever.
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Please, Sir, this would be the second time I've asked you as to how I've shot myself in the foot.

Please, tell me how dumb I am, or just shut up as I have previously suggested.
It has something to do with the fine print on the whole unicorn analogy thing ... bit hard to stage a raging "against" stance when nothing but chirping crickets fills the stadium, eh?