what stops you raping kids?

What stops you raping kids?

  • Your ethics, the fact that it is disgusting, the fact that you just wouldn't

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • The legal penelties

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I cant select of the above but i would feel left out if there wasnt another option

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Um..may I interject *ducks flung vase*...

"A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern that occurs in an individual and is thought to cause distress or disability that is not expected as part of normal development or culture. ...
Note the bolded part? that's the important part.

The thing is? abusers are HAPPY about abusing! They don't have the problem!

It's the wrecked people they leave in their wake that do!

The abuser enjoys hurting other people and will coldly go about doing so, while faking emotional response to cover his or her actual predaciousness.
So punishing them usually doesn't work, but they are NOT usually amenable to treatment.
Because they just fake it until they can get out and victimize again.

People like that basically have to be warehoused away from their chosen victims. That's it, that's all.

Mentally ill people generally are not happy about being mentally ill, and would like to be fixed.
Read only and bells maintain inspite of evidence to the contry that the only thing stoping people commiting crimes is the legal penelties. The fact that there actually is no evidence that being "tough on crime" actually works seems to have escaped both of them. The fact that the war on drugs has been a compleate failure, the fact that the death penelty does nothing to the murder rate. The fact that there were still homosexuals having homosexual sex even openly while there were laws against it seem to compeatly escape these 2.
here is an easy 12-16 year plan to completely eliminate pedophilia

kind of makes you wonder why people opt for criminal justice when there exists such a simple fool proof plan

So lets test this,


The penelty or because its wrong?

The truth is that its peoples ETHICS which stop the world going to hell in a hand basket and we would have a better time if we abolished the criminal sysytem and moved to treat people and attempting to reingage people insted of punishing because punishing does NOTHING

why would you waste your time with pedophilia
Bells you and read have constintly avioded providing ANY evidence as to the efficacy of the "justice" system. Its the most studied part of goverment, there is a whole section of the federal goverment which just handles this. So surly if its effective you should be able to produce some evidence that it works.


Is there a place without a CJ system we could compare it to?

Some things are just self evident.

Well to most of us at least.

As to your system (ill described), it indeed would be a CJ system regardless of what you call it, just the focus would be on "curing" people (even though we know there is no real cure for what motivates some people).

I presume the "treatments" would be mandatory (as it is today for many cases of mental illness) and that people would be incarcerated for the duration of their treatment?
here is an easy 12-16 year plan to completely eliminate pedophilia

kind of makes you wonder why people opt for criminal justice when there exists such a simple fool proof plan
Ah.. that made me laugh..


I laughed out loud at the 12 years in the Vatican...

As to your system (ill described), it indeed would be a CJ system regardless of what you call it, just the focus would be on "curing" people (even though we know there is no real cure for what motivates some people).

I presume the "treatments" would be mandatory (as it is today for many cases of mental illness) and that people would be incarcerated for the duration of their treatment?

And that is the catch..

I don't think Asguard quite comprehends the extent of the CJS and just how extensive it is and pervasive it is. From issuing fines for speeding to arresting murderers and taking said individuals through the court system to their subsequent incarceration. He has explaimed that the whole thing is a failure and all funds should be diverted to the Mental health system..

Because apparently everyone who commits a crime is mentally ill and can be rehabilitated and cured.

Here is the reality of Asguard's dream..

In 2007, a paedophile by the name of Desmond Buckby was released after 10 years in jail (which included and involved extensive therapy and rehabilitation). His crime was numerous child sex offenses, including the sodomising of a 10 year old girl. I don't need to tell anyone what kind of damage such acts do to children. Anywho, Mr Buckby was released in 2007, with the explicit orders that he was not to have any contact with children. At all. Less than a year after his release, he was found at home, with his neighbour's 5 children, whom he was apparently babysitting, watching a movie. He was subsequently arrested for having breached his supervision order (which specified no contact with children).

A judge recently advised that he would remain incarcerated because Mr Buckby he failed his rehabilitation so strongly that there was a huge risk of his re-offending. It may be that he may never be released. In other words, this individual cannot be rehabilitated and will remain a danger to children for the rest of his natural life.

So he will likely remain in prison indefinitely. Now this to me is the system working as it should. When rehabilitation fails, then the system does not allow the individual to be released because they pose such a risk to others, in this case children. This is a prime example of this system being beneficial.
So he will likely remain in prison indefinitely. Now this to me is the system working as it should. When rehabilitation fails, then the system does not allow the individual to be released because they pose such a risk to others, in this case children. This is a prime example of this system being beneficial.

I feel that way about anybody that rapes anybody else. Children or adults, rape is rape and does a great deal of damage to the victim.
But this thread gets my vote for "Dumbest thread of the year".

Apparently, Asguard discovered a batch of logical fallacies (previously unknown to him) and emotionalism, and now we will all suffer from them until he gets bored of them!
In 2007, a paedophile by the name of Desmond Buckby was released after 10 years in jail (which included and involved extensive therapy and rehabilitation). His crime was numerous child sex offenses, including the sodomising of a 10 year old girl. I don't need to tell anyone what kind of damage such acts do to children. Anywho, Mr Buckby was released in 2007, with the explicit orders that he was not to have any contact with children. At all. Less than a year after his release, he was found at home, with his neighbour's 5 children, whom he was apparently babysitting, watching a movie. He was subsequently arrested for having breached his supervision order (which specified no contact with children).
So what you're saying is that he was found with children, not molesting them, and therefore his rehabilitation failed? In this case all he did was breach his supervision order. He may very well be cured but we'll punish him as if he wasn't. :shrug:
I'm getting old and they run too fast.

But this thread gets my vote for "Dumbest thread of the year".
Great minds think alike. Or in our case....
The Question of Validity, and Other Notes

Dywyddyr said:

But this thread gets my vote for "Dumbest thread of the year".

I think the question of validity hinges on the characterization from which the topic argument springs. In that case, I think it's too general.

If I'm not mistaken, this thread springs in some aspect from a discussion of E. coli and personal hygeine. It seems a tremendous leap from washing your hands to diddling children. Of course, I might be mistaken.

British comedian, leftist, and historian Mark Steel reminds that we have suspected, or even known, since Freud that the law is not the absolute threshold of an individual's behavior:

In effect, the superego sorts out our morality. That's why concepts such as the law are not the most important things to shape our behavior. For example, if murder was suddenly made legal, we wouldn't all, when we we're sat on a train, start stabbing people around us and then go, "Eh, legal, so you might as well."

And when we think of that, it's true. Many people speed, and while they might lament a traffic ticket, it's not going to stop them from speeding again. To the other, compared to drug addiction, the mere fact of the law certainly isn't going to stop someone from stealing your television for drug money. The law itself is not sufficient to stop me from smoking pot in public; rather, the decision is based on several relevant factors. Yes, the law comes into it, but only insofar as I'm not going to hit up in front of a cop.

Unless I'm really drunk. In New Orleans. Apparently. I don't know. I got away with that one, so call it a lucky night.

But the counterpoint of psychological dysfunction doesn't have an automatic threshold. It often seems to; it's hard to picture a child rapist who isn't sick in the head. But one can commit murder while legitimately believing they are defending themselves. That's why we have various heat of passion defenses that affect culpability, whether it's trying to strangle your brother after catching him banging your wife in the kitchen, or simply not stopping after putting down an assilant to the end that you've kicked his skull in.

I am, indeed, sympathetic toward a mental illness consideration of crime and punishment, but in the end not every petty vandal, two-bit identity thief, or date rapist is psychologically incompetent. Not every murderer is crazy. And, to be certain, I think there is an argument that some of the white collar crooks who just busted the worldwide economy might show, under scrutiny, sociopathic tendencies, but there is no incontrovertible proof that they are crazy. It just seems that way.

Let us, then, consider a version of the nearly incendiary topic question: What stops one from raping children?

Males in the United States face a curious conundrum. To the one, we recognize that sex and children simply don't mix. To the other, our culture inundates us with images and propositions sexualizing youth. There are days that the conversation goes:

"Well, how is that not hot?"

Uh, you realize she's only twelve?

"Um ... er ... well, fuck!"​

It happens. Even to my friends and I. There is a "nudge-nudge" custom among men; you no longer say, "Howzabout them gazongas!" Rather, you just nudge the guy beside you, tip your head slightly, and that's the only cue.

And yes, every once in a while, it's embarrassing. The tramp stamp turns out to be fake, and we're wondering who lets their fourteen year-old daughter go to the baseball game wearing low-cut jeans to show off her thong. And sometimes you just don't know until it's too late. Solution? Well, in the short term, hold off on the nudge-nudge until you've confirmed your target, so to speak.

(Some feminists might be shrugging at this point and saying, "Why not get over the idea that women are purely sexual objects?" And the answer is, Well, yes, I hear you, but it's not presently a practical suggestion on so large a scale. It should be noted in this context that the nudge-nudge is not purely about objectifying "hot" women. It can also mean, "Check out the tranny", or, "Did you see that Lambo cruising by?" It's a catch-all built from obscure components of tacit fraternal customs; the bottom line is you don't want to be caught gawking like a tourist.)

A friend of ours long had a thing for the "young girl" look. Slight frame, small breasts, tight ass, all that. He even had a long-standing lolita joke for an online handle. But he was never actually after genuinely young girls. In the end, he found a female contemporary who might be the greatest statistical anomaly I've ever known: A woman who fits his aesthetic preference, who likes his sexual kinks, and would rather simply get high and play video games with him all day. (How would you not marry that?) But in genuinely "young girls" he wasn't interested. Aesthetics only go so far and, frankly, he never expected to find the conversation and other such engagement he preferred in teenagers.

So while we all sort of chuckled nervously about the whole situation, it turns out he had a handle on it the whole time. It's a fairly healthy outlook.

But it's a far cry between that sort of outlook and the predator. One does not simply cross a line from healthy to unhealthy.

Perhaps it is controversial, but there is no bright line on this. Indeed, one might suggest the point of sexual conduct is an unquestionable indication of offense, but I would only suggest that circumstances become problematic at some point before one acts.

What is the difference between an adult's responsibly established and conducted aesthetics and the predator? There are at least several gradations; the difference is not a single behavior but, rather, a complex. For some, sexual contact with children might be part of some desperate and dysfunctional attempt to repair a perceived wrong in one's own youth. For others, it is possible there is a raw and primal attraction. Perhaps the former can be reconciled; the latter probably cannot. In either case, though, the question should not be one of crime and punishment, but, rather, of safety.

Compared to a farmhand failing to appropriately wash his hands, the question of child rape unquestionably enters an arena in which one must consider mental health. But not every such dysfunction can be reconciled. Indeed, in the case of predatory sexuality, reconciliation seems to be the exception.

This is the problem of leaping from farmhand hygeine to drugs and buggery to child rape:

"The truth is that its peoples ETHICS which stop the world going to hell in a hand basket and we would have a better time if we abolished the criminal sysytem and moved to treat people and attempting to reingage people insted of punishing because punishing does NOTHING"


Not everyone can be rehabilitated to the point of reengagement. Psychologically, it is unhealthy for a society to fixate on the criminal system as a vendetta against wrongdoers, but in the end some degree of quarantine is required, and even for those we can rehabilitate.

One can easily argue for a reorientation of the priorities of a criminal justice system. But it is nearly impossible to abolish the concept of a criminal justice system, and it seems at least somewhat shortsighted to argue for such an outcome.


Steel, Mark. "Sigmund Freud". The Mark Steel Lectures, #103. BBC 4, London. October 21, 2003. Television.
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asking a pedophile to babysit is like asking a currently-practicing alcoholic to guard the liquor store overnight...

Ya know he's gonna crack open a few...

You mean that it's probably not a coincidence that a convicted pedophile might be babysitting 5 kids? I'm shocked at such a notion. :shrug: Just kidding:D
Child sexual abusers are NOT mentally ill.

They lack empathy.

They do what they do in several ways...they either have no empathy at all, therefore are sociopathic...

And I suppose an active variant of that is the sadistic person who enjoys inflicting humiliation, agony, and terror on the child...

Or they project their desires onto the child, saying "The child wants it," working to cause arousal in the child, not realizing that if they cause that arousal that produces a profoundly deeper degree of damage.

Or they minimize the damage, thinking "Oh, he/she won't remember." Or " Ah, it's harmless."
No. To the child, someone, usually a trusted adult, is doing something that is tortuously painful and really enjoying doing it.

But they all stem from an inability to empathize with a child and a child's needs.

None of it has anything to do with mental illness.

Moral impairment does not equal mentally ill.

So to answer the question, I may be mentally ill, but I am not morally impaired. I work hard not to hurt people.

And you really should think about some of the things you say, Asgard. This isn't academic for everybody.

I don't think it's even empathy. There are people on the autistic spectrum who find empathy a really hard skill to learn and yet they manage to be moral individuals who avoid causing pain or fear.

Yes, duh, you can be immoral and not mentally ill. Otherwise rational people with no psychological issues manage it just fine...
My 2 cents on the definition of mental illness...

I'd define an act as coming from insanity if the person either had lost the ability to think rationally therefore didn't realize it was wrong, or genuinely lacked the ability to control their actions, or both. Example..I had a friend with BPD who once flipped out and threatened to rape me. One he'd gotten his mind back he was shocked half to death at his little fit and apologized like crazy...THAT is clearly mental illness. He didn't WANT to do that shit.

On the other hand, some people don't care or don't believe that the shit they do is wrong...How is that illness, when you know you harm, but don't give a millionth of a fuck?
So what you're saying is that he was found with children, not molesting them, and therefore his rehabilitation failed? In this case all he did was breach his supervision order. He may very well be cured but we'll punish him as if he wasn't. :shrug:

His supervision order was clear. He was not to have any contact with children. At all.

What he did was befriend the neighbour's children, buy them gifts and invite them over for meals, as well as other activities, such as invite them over to play video games.

When people like Mr Buckby do it, it's called grooming.

This is a man who had raped and sexually molested many children. There is no cure for him. The risk of his re-offending was huge in the first place. He was resistant to rehabilitation as he did not deem himself as having had a problem. Upon having breached his supervision order, he was sent back to jail, for more rehabilitation and treatment. He ended up refusing as he did not believe he had done anything wrong in the first place (ie raping the girls) and he did not believe he had a problem. Hence why he may now never be released.. because he poses such a risk to children as if he is released, he will re-offend. No if's or buts.

Tiassa said:
If I'm not mistaken, this thread springs in some aspect from a discussion of E. coli and personal hygeine. It seems a tremendous leap from washing your hands to diddling children. Of course, I might be mistaken.
Oh no. You are not mistaken.

Asguard took particular offense to my saying that if someone was responsible for the E. coli outbreak, that they should face some legal sanctions, even if it is a case of negligence. Asguard went from claiming that it would be useless to punish a family farmer who just didn't wash his hands in the morning after using the toilet, to then stating that if I support what he deems punishing someone for their negligence, then apparently nothing can stop me from raping children or entering a school and mass murdering them. At the time, I had stated that if a company was at fault for the E. coli outbreak, then they should face sanctions... He also claimed that people who kill others through their direct negligence of lack of diligence (and possibly even more - not sure really as his responses were a tad hysterical and manic) should not be punished because the guilt of their actions would be punishment enough.. This is after he ranted about a plane crash investigation that led to criminal charges - again no citation given...

Yes, I too am trying find the connection between it all..

So here we are, with an OP directly accusing myself and Read Only apparently claiming that the only thing that stops any criminal activity is the law.. which we never did. The other thread had Asguard peppering us with 'what if' scenarios which are supposedly real (with no citation) and then demanding scientific proof that the criminal justice system works - while he ignored the links and reports posted.

Asguard posits that the law itself is bad as it does not prevent people from criminal behaviour. In fact, he goes so far as to claim that there can be no real crime, just aberrant behaviour, all of which amounts to mental illness. So his solution is to demand that the criminal justice system itself be desolved and all funds diverted to the mental health system. He has yet to prove that all 'criminals' are mentally ill, that even all who rape children are mentally ill. I'd ask you, are you mentally ill and requiring a psyche evaluation if you speed? How about if you park in a 'no parking zone'?

I would never deny that some are mentally ill and it is that illness which allows them to or drives them to horrendous crimes. But that does not apply to everyone who commits a crime. Because not everyone who commits a crime is mentally ill and not everyone who is mentally ill will go on to commit a crime of any sort. And that is where Asguard's demands fall to pieces.
Because not everyone who commits a crime is mentally ill and not everyone who is mentally ill will go on to commit a crime of any sort.

The voices in my head say thanks;).

The vast majority of criminals are perfectly sane...and I'd like to say as a major depressive and PTSD-suffering person, I think this whole discussion plays into the negative and inaccurate stereotype of MI people as all dangerous.

I'm very much not dangerous to other people, unless you are clearly dangerous to me first. Then I reserve the right to be dangerous back. But that's fair, I think.

As far as being dangerous to myself...my wife has the key to my gun lock for a reason, and unilaterally may lock it up, or order me to the ER, and I am not allowed to say no. That's our agreement.
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Child sexual abusers are NOT mentally ill.

They lack empathy.

They do what they do in several ways...they either have no empathy at all, therefore are sociopathic...

And I suppose an active variant of that is the sadistic person who enjoys inflicting humiliation, agony, and terror on the child...

Or they project their desires onto the child, saying "The child wants it," working to cause arousal in the child, not realizing that if they cause that arousal that produces a profoundly deeper degree of damage.

Or they minimize the damage, thinking "Oh, he/she won't remember." Or " Ah, it's harmless."
No. To the child, someone, usually a trusted adult, is doing something that is tortuously painful and really enjoying doing it.

But they all stem from an inability to empathize with a child and a child's needs.

None of it has anything to do with mental illness.

Moral impairment does not equal mentally ill.

So to answer the question, I may be mentally ill, but I am not morally impaired. I work hard not to hurt people.

And you really should think about some of the things you say, Asgard. This isn't academic for everybody.

Good post. I think that if you let yourself, you can allow moral barriers to degrade slowly until you are capable of doing "anything" (Chinatown).

There is probably a great deal of self-indulgence involved too. I deserve this, and I am special, so I don't have to follow the rules.

It happens in a lot of areas. Paying taxes. Treatment of subordinates. Parenting skills (or lack thereof). Traffic laws.