what stops you raping kids?

What stops you raping kids?

  • Your ethics, the fact that it is disgusting, the fact that you just wouldn't

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • The legal penelties

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I cant select of the above but i would feel left out if there wasnt another option

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

What we said is that people who commit negligent acts that results in the death and injury to people should face legal action. We also stated that companies and corporations have to follow the law and safety standards so that if something they produce injures someone, then they should face legal sanctions. I and I believe Read Only also stated that laws that govern organisations act as a deterrent to ensure they comply with safety standards, codes and regulations to ensure the public's safety and well being or face legal consequences. You were the one who started harping on about family farms and the farmer who didn't wash his hands after wiping the shit from his backside before handling commercial food products should not be punished because in your mind, that is acceptable behaviour and a mistake that should just be ignored. Even though the farm being investigated is an organisation and run like one. You have continuously made stuff up in that thread and tried to find every excuse possible to excuse behaviour that could very well be criminal due to its nature and effect on the general population.

Please stop misrepresenting what was said in that thread and stop lying.

I understand you have this inherent need to take flights of fancy and ignore what is written and only read and see what you assume people are saying. But this needs to stop.

You, sir, are an idiot.

This is what you took out of that thread. Yet another lie and demand for something that was, in that thread, completely irrelevant and obscure. Because apparently, holding companies and producers to some sort of basic standard that protects society as a whole is tantamount to raping children.

Thats all fine and dandy to hold people accountable , but in the States it has gone over board. Did you ever stop to think that if a corporation produced sub standard products the door opens to competitors capturing there market share by making a better product . That the market determines what sells and this farm is now in the hot seat of lost sales because of the mishap . Oh yeah I forgot every body shops at Wal-mart and buys cheap china goods
So lets test this,

Why should even such idiocy cross some ones mind, to rape
The penelty or because its wrong?

The truth is that its peoples ETHICS which stop the world going to hell in a hand basket and we would have a better time if we abolished the criminal sysytem and moved to treat people and attempting to reingage people insted of punishing because punishing does NOTHING[/QUOTE]
I think a more pertinent question that you should answer is this..

Do you think child rape is a criminal offense? Do you think it is a crime to rape a child?


I don't know what a pleasure would a such bastard have , unless he is mentally sick sick

The same thing that stops me from raping anyone, killing anyone, going out of my way to hurt someone or steal from anyone. If I wouldn't want it done to me I won't do it to anyone else. Also, I expect society to have laws against those things, as I want people that do those things removed from society.

The penelty or because its wrong?

I'd say that for most people the answer is neither of those.
What stops most people is simply they have no desire to rape someone.

That probably takes care of well over 90% of the adult population.

Of the remainder, those who have even seriously consider it, I'd venture to say that the majority are prevented from acting out on this desire because of the fear of what would happen to them if they were caught.

Then there is the small residual who are driven to want to do this to a greater extent then they fear punishment, but even this group is likely to severely curtail their proclivity since they still don't want to get caught, since that will prevent them engaging in the activity they seek.

So even for these few, it's quite logical to assume that the fear of punishment reduces the frequency of the actions.

The truth is that its peoples ETHICS which stop the world going to hell in a hand basket and we would have a better time if we abolished the criminal sysytem and moved to treat people and attempting to reingage people insted of punishing because punishing does NOTHING

And yet not one country on the planet has come to the same conclusion as you.

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no bells what i said and what you either disagree with or cant understand is that the legal system doesnt work, its a joke. Legal santions dont work, companies think of them like they do tax and people either dont commit crimes because they wouldnt anyway OR dont care about the penelties. I understand this is challanging your very existance but im sorry, the criminal "justice" system should be abolished and the funding transfered into the mental health system.

1. What is it that you think the mental health care system would do that prisons do not?

2. Are you against incarceration? I mean as in mental institutions. One can spend a life sentence in a mental institution.

3. If you are against incarceration then what sort of program do you believe the mental health care system could provide for the criminal? Incapacitating meds? Lobotomy? Music and dance therapy? Cry on someone's shoulder? Freudian therapy? What?
this is an unfair poll cause it limits itself to just ethics or legal penalties. what about healthy sexual urges that just simply do exclude children from the food chain and violence in general? Children don't attract me..sexually -- they're cute and all, but I could never imagine myself feel aroused by their sight or the likes (after all the kids I came in contact with I never felt a sexual desire towards them sooo).
Secondly, "rape"..I don't have the urge nor need to rape someone to satisfy my sexual urges. So ethics and legal penalties come only after that.

Either way, Thailand seems to be a nice destination for paedophiles as I've heard and seen. It's absolutely crazy, and I think our governments should help them to fix this problem because it's people from our "civilised" countries who do go there, engage in such activities and make this child prostitution business boom then come back home here and act as if everything's just fine.
Either way, Thailand seems to be a nice destination for paedophiles as I've heard and seen. It's absolutely crazy, and I think our governments should help them to fix this problem because it's people from our "civilised" countries who do go there, engage in such activities and make this child prostitution business boom then come back home here and act as if everything's just fine.

Not so much anymore. Cambodia is more of an issue than Thailand but even still they have seriously clamped down on this crime when it surfaces. But to keep this on topic the only reason why pedo's went to places like South East Asia is because they had a fragile and corrupt legal system and poverty caused children and families to be vulnerable, those issues have improved a lot. These days they go after these guys Western or not with heavy steep penalties and jail time. Its no longer a safe place for pedo's.

...I guess they'll have to high-tail it to Africa next.
Not so much anymore. Cambodia is more of an issue than Thailand but even still they have seriously clamped down on this crime when it surfaces. But to keep this on topic the only reason why pedo's went to places like South East Asia is because they had a fragile and corrupt legal system and poverty caused children and families to be vulnerable, those issues have improved a lot. These days they go after these guys Western or not with heavy steep penalties and jail time. Its no longer a safe place for pedo's.

...I guess they'll have to high-tail it to Africa next.

Orrrrr South America? It's always saddening to see how people abuse the vulnerable.
Orrrrr South America? It's always saddening to see how people abuse the vulnerable.

You're right I didn't even think of south and central america. There were so many stories of men who would get together with poor Khmer women and would be good to the children providing food, clothes, schooling, medicine, apparent nurturing and money to get access to the kids, helping the family in numerous ways. Sometimes the mothers didn't know and some they did and turned a blind eye because the Westerner seemed kind and 'loving' and of course provided the entire family with a better life. So you're right it is saddening but with economic development and education families become vulnerable to those types of predators, this is what turned the tide in Thailand.
What stops most people is simply they have no desire to rape someone.

That probably takes care of well over 90% of the adult population.

You're optimistic.
Read only and bells maintain inspite of evidence to the contry that the only thing stoping people commiting crimes is the legal penelties. The fact that there actually is no evidence that being "tough on crime" actually works seems to have escaped both of them. The fact that the war on drugs has been a compleate failure, the fact that the death penelty does nothing to the murder rate. The fact that there were still homosexuals having homosexual sex even openly while there were laws against it seem to compeatly escape these 2.

So lets test this,


The penelty or because its wrong?

The truth is that its peoples ETHICS which stop the world going to hell in a hand basket and we would have a better time if we abolished the criminal sysytem and moved to treat people and attempting to reingage people insted of punishing because punishing does NOTHING
The question you ask in the thread title is absurd. Very few people have any desire whatsoever to have sex with children be it consensual or otherwise. You might as well ask what stops you from eating shit or stabbing yourself in the eye with a hot poker.

Now, if you want to know what stops me from driving 100 miles per hour on the highway on a beautiful summer day with perfect visibility and no precipitation, it is only the fear of being ticketed, losing my license, and seeing my auto insurance rates rise. If I knew I could get away with it, I'd almost ways drive much faster than the posted speed limit (except when there was too much traffic or inclement weather).

The issue you are attempting to address is the idea of internalized controls versus external controls. You are correct in saying that internal controls are far superior to external ones. If you can convince someone that a given action is wrong or better yet, disgusting he'll police himself.

On the other hand, no matter how draconian the punishments, external control is never perfect because the police can't be everywhere and so people know they can often "get away" with a crime.

Nevertheless, both approaches are needed because not everyone can be counted on to police themselves and not every crime is as distasteful to most people as raping children.
Oh, and everybody:


Meaning: Asguard is saying that you are already raping kids, but then something stops you and he is wondering what that would be. :eek:

So you all answered wrongly so far, as if the question would be "What stops you FROM raping kids?"
Oh, and everybody:

Meaning: Asguard is saying that you are already raping kids, but then something stops you and he is wondering what that would be. :eek:

So you all answered wrongly so far, as if the question would be "What stops you FROM raping kids?"

LMAO. Yes, coitus interruptus does suck.