what stops you raping kids?

What stops you raping kids?

  • Your ethics, the fact that it is disgusting, the fact that you just wouldn't

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • The legal penelties

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I cant select of the above but i would feel left out if there wasnt another option

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
As an 18 year old, would you have considered having sex with a 17 year old man? That would be considered rape of a minor.

Depends on where you live.

In most places if it was consensual, it wouldn't be a crime. Typically 15 - 17 is the age where a person can consent to sex legally (though it varies), but most states also have a significant age difference between the participants that detemines if it is a crime or not.

Depends on where you live.

In most places if it was consensual, it wouldn't be a crime. Typically 15 - 17 is the age where a person can consent to sex legally (though it varies), but most states also have a significant age difference between the participants that detemines if it is a crime or not.

Her they set up sting operations were a cop will pretend to be a 15 year old virgin. They lure in young men and bust there asses good > I just had made buddies with a high ranking person in the federal government , He was like forth in charge of the Department of Interior and blam his son got popped . Fuck shit I don't know why this shit happens . I was just busting into the higher circles of custom home building and fuck if my main man was not humiliated to the point he moved to Scottsdale Arizona and we lost contact . Fuck it was like he was the dude to know and he was my good bud one day and the next he was a dirt bag and all people distanced and shunned him . I didn't fuck what am I to do . He still my friend even though he lives in Arizona . He would let Me stay with him if I ever went there
1. What is it that you think the mental health care system would do that prisons do not?

2. Are you against incarceration? I mean as in mental institutions. One can spend a life sentence in a mental institution.

I think incarceration is fine , leave them for a few decades . I a few decades locked up is a good cure , Don't treat them as mentally ill.
As an 18 year old, would you have considered having sex with a 17 year old man? That would be considered rape of a minor.

I from a male stand point , this is not a rape , specially if a female does that to me . It is a pleasure. That female is welcome to rape me any time

I would be an idiot to accuse that female of rape, unless you are a bastard that want to make money.
Her they set up sting operations were a cop will pretend to be a 15 year old virgin. They lure in young men and bust there asses good > I just had made buddies with a high ranking person in the federal government , He was like forth in charge of the Department of Interior and blam his son got popped . Fuck shit I don't know why this shit happens . I was just busting into the higher circles of custom home building and fuck if my main man was not humiliated to the point he moved to Scottsdale Arizona and we lost contact . Fuck it was like he was the dude to know and he was my good bud one day and the next he was a dirt bag and all people distanced and shunned him . I didn't fuck what am I to do . He still my friend even though he lives in Arizona . He would let Me stay with him if I ever went there


As far as statutory rape goes, I'm not sure how you cant get in legal trouble if the person says they are 15 but are really 20.

Seems there must be more to it than that.

Like he was paying her for sex, which is illegal even if she is of age.

But even then, he would have to have made the initial offer, else it's entrapment.

As an 18 year old, would you have considered having sex with a 17 year old man? That would be considered rape of a minor.
Not in many countries. Which begs the question of whether the legality of an act can necessarily describe its morality, and if morality isn't such a grey area then why have such varying laws?
I from a male stand point , this is not a rape , specially if a female does that to me . It is a pleasure. That female is welcome to rape me any time

I would be an idiot to accuse that female of rape, unless you are a bastard that want to make money.

Well then where is the cut-off? 15 year old guy and 30 year old woman? 30 year old guy and 15 year old woman? Some point in between? Morality is not so easy to judge, which is why we make laws.
Not in many countries. Which begs the question of whether the legality of an act can necessarily describe its morality, and if morality isn't such a grey area then why have such varying laws?

That's my point, morality has many grey areas.
Neither Bells. You don't rape kids because you have neither the desire, inclination, nor disposition.
I was addressing within his limited parameters discussion.. In that when something is that wrong, it will usually have some laws attached to it as well..

I have no desire to or inclination to have sex with a child.

You make it sound as if the only reason why someone does something or doesn't do something is based on the law; in some cases this is true so for example there may be more petty theft if it wasn't illegal but raping and murdering children is a different type of crime committed by a different kind of individual.
Asguard's argument and stance is that it exists in black and white. That the law and criminal justice system does not work at all as a deterrent. However there are some things that people do not do simply because they don't want to face the penalties if they get caught - such as speeding or driving after having one too many drinks, or parking anywhere they want, etc.

Asguard is trying to argue that all funds should be diverted from the Criminal Justice system to the the mental health system - as in anyone who commits what would normally be a crime is mentally ill. So anyone who rapes a child is mentally ill and can be treated and rehabilitated, as can anyone who commits a crime. What he completely discounts is that those who rape children are primarily narcissists who cannot be rehabilitated or treated, because they are actually not mentally ill... as in a personality disorder is not always deemed a mental illness.

The legal system doesn't work as a deterrent for these folks, what it does do is keep them away from society to which they would continue to do harm.

Asguard's argument is bollocks of course but you cannot claim you do not rape children simply because its wrong and illegal. Your statement suggests you would be very willing to rape children if you it were somehow legal and other's didn't think it wrong or simply didn't care when in reality you never had the thought nor inclination.
His whole premise is bollocks.. Simply because he cannot accept that not every criminal is not mentally ill. As for the rest, it was addressed earlier in this post.

Mental illness does not absolve the law from taking action nor the predator from receiving punishment.

I am curious as to why he can't even answer the simple question I asked him.

Me-Ki-Gal said:
Thats all fine and dandy to hold people accountable , but in the States it has gone over board. Did you ever stop to think that if a corporation produced sub standard products the door opens to competitors capturing there market share by making a better product . That the market determines what sells and this farm is now in the hot seat of lost sales because of the mishap . Oh yeah I forgot every body shops at Wal-mart and buys cheap china goods
If sub standard products results in harm to consumers, or even death, then merely opening the door to consumers is hardly enough, is it?

Lets say for example, you buy a toy for your child that is so toxic that it poisons said child and leaves them with severe brain damage, would you want legal action against said company for having breached so many safety laws? Or would you just shrug and say 'well next time I'll buy from the other guy because this has just opened the door to competitors'?
Bells you and read have constintly avioded providing ANY evidence as to the efficacy of the "justice" system. Its the most studied part of goverment, there is a whole section of the federal goverment which just handles this. So surly if its effective you should be able to produce some evidence that it works.

As for mental illness

"A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern that occurs in an individual and is thought to cause distress or disability that is not expected as part of normal development or culture. ...

Narcisium, Antisocial personality disorder and peadophila ALL fall into this definition
Bells you and read have constintly avioded providing ANY evidence as to the efficacy of the "justice" system.

Still can't answer simple questions?

Do you think child rape is a criminal offense?

Do you think it is a crime to rape a child?

Hell, you can't even provide proof that everyone who commits a crime is mentally ill, you know, since it is your proposition that the criminal justice system should be abolished altogether and everyone who commits what would now be a crime be treated for a mental illness... Which really, is hilarious.

Remember Asguard, you are the one who equated my saying that people who cause the deaths of others through their negligence should face legal sanction as being the same as raping or killing children. That was the basis of this thread. You started this thread and you were again challenged to provide proof that anyone who commits a crime is mentally ill. And you have consistently failed to provide any proof whatsoever.

So you want proof of the efficacy of the criminal justice system? When people like the Bali bombers are locked behind bars, when McVeigh was arrested, charged, found guilty and incarcerated before his death penalty, when pimps who force chilren into prostitution are arrested and jailed for their crimes, when people who murder their children because they can't be fucked caring for them are arrested and jailed for life, when someone gets pissed drunk, gets behind the wheel of a car and causes an accident or when a sober driver speeds and causes a fatal accident and is then arrested, charged, found guilty and jailed. Now, according to you, everyone who commits any crime is mentally ill.

And according to you, if your posts here are to be believed, any crime should be ignored, because they'll have to live with it for the rest of their lives and others will just be treated for a mental illness you can't even prove they have.

Hell, you can't even answer if it is a crime to rape a child.

Narcisium, Antisocial personality disorder and peadophila ALL fall into this definition
Then find me one paedophile that has been "cured" and no longer desires children.

Something you may not be aware Asguard.. Speak to any psychologist about treating NPD and you will find that it is virtually impossible. Because the patient does not believe they have a problem and are unable to commit or take note of their treatment. That is common and even getting them to admit they have a problem is difficult.

But again, you do not know and have zero proof that everyone who rapes a child suffers from a mental illness. Can you site your proof please?
so because a cancer is incurable its not a disease now?

i gave you the definition of mental illness, nothing about wether its curable or not and quite frankly you ignored it because it doesnt suite your blood lust.
so because a cancer is incurable its not a disease now?

i gave you the definition of mental illness, nothing about wether its curable or not and quite frankly you ignored it because it doesnt suite your blood lust.

My blood lust?

What blood lust Asguard?

Because I think if you commit a crime and you are not deemed mentally ill, you should be punished? Oh boo hoo for you.

You cannot even determine if raping a child is a crime or should be a crime.

You have argued that the criminal justice system should be abolished entirely and all funds forwarded to the mental health system.. Yet you cannot even prove that all who commit crimes are mentally ill. You cannot even prove that all who rape children are mentally ill.

Instead we are being forced to put up with your narcissistic version of Asguard Land, where everything has to be as you say it is and everyone who disagrees with you apparently rapes children and has "blood lust".
My blood lust?

What blood lust Asguard?

Because I think if you commit a crime and you are not deemed mentally ill, you should be punished? Oh boo hoo for you.

You cannot even determine if raping a child is a crime or should be a crime.

You have argued that the criminal justice system should be abolished entirely and all funds forwarded to the mental health system.. Yet you cannot even prove that all who commit crimes are mentally ill. You cannot even prove that all who rape children are mentally ill.

Instead we are being forced to put up with your narcissistic version of Asguard Land, where everything has to be as you say it is and everyone who disagrees with you apparently rapes children and has "blood lust".

sorry, maybe its the $$ getting in your way bells
found it, you think the justice system is all powerful and right bells, you think that im a narcisist because i dont agree with lawyers

...Prosecutors are only interested in one thing and one thing only. Getting a guilty verdict. Innocent? Meh. Who cares. The only thing they care about is the simple fact that they can prove on their resume that they could get the verdict. Notch on the belt, if you will. ...

who said that bells?
sorry, maybe its the $$ getting in your way bells

Jealous much?

who said that bells?
I did.

And that is an issue within the system that is being worked through to rectify.

Now, you have dodged enough. So can you please answer the questions Asguard..

Do you think child rape is a criminal offense?

Do you think it is a crime to rape a child?

And can you please show some proof that everyone who commits a crime (especially rapes a child) is mentally ill?
its in the definition of mental illness bells which i have previously posted and you have previously ignored. Now please post ANYTHING showing the effectiveness of "punishment" for rehabilitation
its in the definition of mental illness bells which i have previously posted and you have previously ignored. Now please post ANYTHING showing the effectiveness of "punishment" for rehabilitation

So your definition of mental illness is your proof that anyone who commits a crime (from speeding, to drink driving to raping children) is mentally ill?

Can you please provide some proof that everyone who commits a crime is mentally ill.

And can you please answer these questions..

Do you think child rape is a criminal offense?

Do you think it is a crime to rape a child?

It really shouldn't be that difficult.

Now please post ANYTHING showing the effectiveness of "punishment" for rehabilitation
In the other thread, I provided you a link to a very nice report about rehabilitation through the criminal justice system..

As for your new request.. Why do you assume that everyone has to be rehabilitated? Why is everyone who commits a crime mentally ill? Can you show some proof of this?