What matters most for abandoning creationism: facts, or religious interpretation?

We're fighting over how much of reality science can actually account for. If it's just a mechanical existence through and through, then what is the point of being nice, polite or honorable. It was the ascended masters who told us human beings to lower hostility among one another. To reach out to higher planes of conscousnes. But if they don't exist, then why bother? Why don't we all just give into our lower animal nature, like Q does, and be sewer dwellers? Maybe you and other atheists don't like Christianity because of all the guilt. But don't start kicking other religions that try to raise up human consciousness into something respectable, something elegant and yes, something masterly.

If Christianity really worked to lower the hostility among human beings, I would give it more consideration. Higher consciousness is a possibility that science doesn't discount. If consciousness is a measure of information processing then you can always be aware of more information.

Even within a mechanical existence (and I don't believe that the universe is completely deterministic), we still have human society and the planet to deal with, those don't go away.
My tombstone is going to say: entrance to the afterlife. Atheists meet downstairs.





Whether you realize it or not Mazulu, these types of posts serve as mockery to the very faith you supposedly follow. :confused:
Whether you realize it or not Mazulu, these types of posts serve as mockery to the very faith you supposedly follow. :confused:

If you are right and we don't have a soul, then it's all for nothing. If there are no ascended masters and no higher planes of consciousness to aspire to, if there are no beings of light who love us, then what does that leave? It leaves us in darkness. It leaves us with people who have a sewer consciousness like Q (someone who you support). It leaves us all in hell with no hope. Don't you get it?
If you are right and we don't have a soul, then it's all for nothing. If there are no ascended masters and no higher planes of consciousness to aspire to, if there are no beings of light who love us, then what does that leave? It leaves us in darkness. It leaves us with people who have a sewer consciousness like Q (someone who you support). It leaves us all in hell with no hope. Don't you get it?

It leaves us in charge of our own well being, without a spiritual Snuggie™.
If Christianity really worked to lower the hostility among human beings, I would give it more consideration. Higher consciousness is a possibility that science doesn't discount. If consciousness is a measure of information processing then you can always be aware of more information.
Christianity is about power and control. New Age/ascended masters is about higher levels of consciousness. But I have to disagree that "more processing power" is desirable. How about more warm and fuzzies? How about better relationships with other people? How about peace of mind? Or a sense of control over one's life? Or how about the experience of visiting higher planes of consciousness that feed your soul.

Maybe you are a genius who can solve a Rubics cube behind your back. Maybe you have superior intelligence and fly high over 95% of all you meet. Maybe that makes you feel good about your life. It makes you feel special. But the truth is, it wouldn't be good if the other 95% caught up to your brilliance and made you average. It wouldn't be good for you, it wouldn't be good for the dumber 95%, and nature doesn't work that way. At some point, competition becomes severe; morals and ethics become a liability, and then bad things happen.

Even within a mechanical existence (and I don't believe that the universe is completely deterministic), we still have human society and the planet to deal with, those don't go away.
Even people with well fed souls have many responsibilities.
My tombstone is going to say: entrance to the afterlife. Atheists meet downstairs.





If you are right and we don't have a soul, then it's all for nothing. If there are no ascended masters and no higher planes of consciousness to aspire to, if there are no beings of light who love us, then what does that leave? It leaves us in darkness. It leaves us with people who have a sewer consciousness like Q (someone who you support). It leaves us all in hell with no hope. Don't you get it?

I can't say one way or the other, as to if there exists an afterlife. But, you take a very hard line against ppl who disagree with you. You don't know (Q) to pass judgment on his conscience. That is what I'm driving at, here. You are not in a position to tell others if they may be going to hell or not. Frankly, not all believers follow what you believe, either. Not everyone who believes in God believes in heaven and hell. Hell is largely a Biblical concept. I respect your right to choose religion but you should reflect on how crass you come across sometimes, when you judge atheists/agnostics. You have no idea who we are as people. But, religion has a way of getting people to look at others with a superior attitude. That is why (Q) can seem irritated by your assertions, because they are presumptuous based on your own subjective view of who "God" may be.

And my point with your pics above is to show how posting such things, only pushes people away.

Doesn't matter. Do as you wish. But just be mindful of how crass you come across at times, as you "defend" your faith and your god. If that is what religion means to you, we will have to agree to disagree.
I can't say one way or the other, as to if there exists an afterlife. But, you take a very hard line against ppl who disagree with you. You don't know (Q) to pass judgment on his conscience. That is what I'm driving at, here. You are not in a position to tell others if they may be going to hell or not. Frankly, not all believers follow what you believe, either. Not everyone who believes in God believes in heaven and hell. Hell is largely a Biblical concept. I respect your right to choose religion but you should reflect on how crass you come across sometimes, when you judge atheists/agnostics. You have no idea who we are as people. But, religion has a way of getting people to look at others with a superior attitude. That is why (Q) can seem irritated by your assertions, because they are presumptuous based on your own subjective view of who "God" may be.

And my point with your pics above is to show how posting such things, only pushes people away.

Doesn't matter. Do as you wish. But just be mindful of how crass you come across at times, as you "defend" your faith and your god. If that is what religion means to you, we will have to agree to disagree.

I'm crass? Q is a poo slinging monkey. If you want him as a friend, that's your business.
I'm crass? Q is a poo slinging monkey. If you want him as a friend, that's your business.

(Q) can be tough but only because you wish to inject faith at every turn when it comes to science. He is trying to appeal to reason.
That said, you are responsible for your own actions and if you adore God and believe him to be your fountain of peace, it doesn't show in your posts. You insulted me yesterday and I didn't deserve that; Ive always been nice to you. So, if this is what religion means to you, have at it.
(Q) can be tough but only because you wish to inject faith at every turn when it comes to science. He is trying to appeal to reason.

That said, you are responsible for your own actions and if you adore God and believe him to be your fountain of peace, it doesn't show in your posts. You insulted me yesterday and I didn't deserve that; Ive always been nice to you. So, if this is what religion means to you, have at it.

No I did not insult you. I was hoping you would pick up on a new level of religion and spirituality. Your feelings of being insulted are the direct result of you joining the dark side.
You tried to insult me, yes. But that's not the point. (Q) isn't a spiritual person, so what? We are all equal as persons and atheists aren't "better" than religious people nor are religious ppl better than atheists. It is easy to judge, we all judge to varying degrees. But, I'm trying to get you to see that it is not right of you to look at atheists as somehow morally bankrupt. Because it is simply not true.
If you are right and we don't have a soul, then it's all for nothing.

LOL. So, you base our entire existence here on something that has never been shown to exist. Hilarious. In other words, you are incapable of finding purpose in your life.

If there are no ascended masters and no higher planes of consciousness to aspire to, if there are no beings of light who love us, then what does that leave? It leaves us in darkness. It leaves us with people who have a sewer consciousness like Q (someone who you support). It leaves us all in hell with no hope. Don't you get it?

Obviously, you don't get it. The delusions and fantasies you embrace have nothing to do with us, they are just childish myths and superstitions. People who believe they can't function or live without them have been brainwashed, the exact effect those myths would accomplish to the gullible and ignorant.
You tried to insult me, yes. But that's not the point. (Q) isn't a spiritual person, so what? We are all equal as persons and atheists aren't "better" than religious people nor are religious ppl better than atheists. It is easy to judge, we all judge to varying degrees. But, I'm trying to get you to see that it is not right of you to look at atheists as somehow morally bankrupt. Because it is simply not true.

So you're OK with Q insulting my religion, but you feel insulted when I talk about higher planes of consciousness.
And my point with your pics above is to show how posting such things, only pushes people away.

Exactly, Mazulu is compelled to pretend he's superior to us and must threaten us with childish nonsense because that is what his religion has taught him to do. Of course, the only it accomplishes is conflict.
I'm crass? Q is a poo slinging monkey. If you want him as a friend, that's your business.

Notice how the believer must stoop to childish antics and kindergarten school yard insults in order to feel superior to us. Hilarious. :roflmao:
You actually joined the dark side (atheism) long before I noticed you. Did you get anything out of it? A red light saber? Cookies? Should I call you Sith Wegs?

lol @ ''the dark side.'' :D

You're so silly, Mazulu.