What matters most for abandoning creationism: facts, or religious interpretation?

Many people have faith - so they don't despair, even if it is faith in the most silly things, or the most far-fetched basis for it.
I guess that's why so many people dislike philosophy, especially serious philosophy: it could pull the rug from under their feet.
I think the smartest people have due respect for personal experience, partly because they know that we humans are basically quite ignorant, even in our vast knowledge. Nietzsche and Jung are two people who have said basically, "what works is true." That isn't to say Nietzsche wasn't relentless in wanting to avoid delusions of religion, but when he wrote to his sister, he said do what you need to do and be happy. And Jung obviously considered myth "true" because it worked for people, not because the earth was made in 7 actual days or whatever.
People that discount personal experience and perspective, even after the influx of existential philosophy many years ago, have problems in their epistemological ideologies, that's all I can say. Who is to say, as that article you posted starts to say, people may not be making rational decisions based on the limited knowledge their minds have processed, or the way various "evidence" has been presented to them, not because they are stupid, or illogical, but because they are just not gifted with the rare ability to see things broadly and deeply, nor have the equally rare courage to process ideas fairly.
People that discount personal experience and perspective, even after the influx of existential philosophy many years ago, have problems in their epistemological ideologies, that's all I can say.

Awww, you so underestimate the power of the human ego!

There are simply people for whom epistemological problems do not exist, period. Their ego takes care of everything.