What makes you certain that you've chosen the correct faith?

Oh well. Perhaps some of us are asking you questions or presenting a perspective to which there isn't a regular answer.
This is often the case with things like this.

It is impossible to completely and totlly divorce ourselves from all possible biases, influences, backgrounds, etc for we begin to aquire these things from the moment of our birth - and maybe even before...

The best we can do is to make comparison, attempt to ask the proper questions, not be afraid of pursuing truth by the path it leads us, and to keep God at all times in the forefront of our thoughts and desires.

For me - one of things that gives me certainty is that I am not particularly influenced by the actions of members of a given sect or belief system. If you wish to judge by example, then judge by those held up as the best examples of a given belief system. But since even these can be found to have flaws, it is the teachings, documented and approved (widely accepted) that are the foundation upon which to make determination.
Official teachings remain the same. Others might skew them - the the teaching ideals remain the same. And in seeking God - it is the ideal we should seek...
This is often the case with things like this.

It is impossible to completely and totlly divorce ourselves from all possible biases, influences, backgrounds, etc for we begin to aquire these things from the moment of our birth - and maybe even before...

That wasn't my point.

My point is that you talk as if you already would be objective, as if you already knew all the anwers. As if you spoke from God's perspective.

The best we can do is to make comparison, attempt to ask the proper questions, not be afraid of pursuing truth by the path it leads us, and to keep God at all times in the forefront of our thoughts and desires.

One cannot keep God at the forefront of one's thoughts and desires if one doesn't know who and what God actually is.

For me - one of things that gives me certainty is that I am not particularly influenced by the actions of members of a given sect or belief system.

You are a Catholic, right?

You do not seem to have much individuality or personality besides Catholicism.
For me - one of things that gives me certainty is that I am not particularly influenced by the actions of members of a given sect or belief system.
Of course this is patently, and self-evidently, untrue.
As you yourself said:
it is the teachings, documented and approved (widely accepted) that are the foundation upon which to make determination.
Official teachings remain the same.
Did not those officials decide what to promote? Did they not take action (based on their belief of what was best) to state what "teachings" and "documentation" are "approved and accepted"?
I'm agnostic. I haven't seen concrete proof of the existence of non-existence of supreme beings, so my view is based on the facts at hand.
Ok I'll gripe:

If you follow the teachings of Gautam Buddha, you cannot be a Buddhist; for Buddha was teaching his disciples the ways on how can they realize Buddhahood themselves.


The last words of the Buddha where "Appo Deepa Bhava".

This suggests that you must think for yourself, because understanding can not be given - it can only be facilitated.

Let me give you an example. As a high-school teacher, in my class I need to teach erosion. I have two options:

1.) Have the students repeat the definition over and over
2.) Ask the students where the desert they live in comes from. Ask them what happens to a mountain after a thousand years of being cut by wind.

I can see much better results in understanding erosion through option 2. As I teach the same class 17 times it is easy for me to see which method works and which doesn't.

When Buddha died, his disciples were divided into 32 different schools that differed from another on their interpretation of the original teachings.
Also, Buddha did say different things to different disciples; and in the end, you cannot make an organized set of dogmatized beliefs over these teachings.

There are countless types of Buddhism as there are many ways to understand what erosion is.

What specifically is your gripe with this?


Perhaps it is important to note that motivation is just as important as understanding.
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That wasn't my point.

My point is that you talk as if you already would be objective, as if you already knew all the anwers. As if you spoke from God's perspective.
Once one has reached a certain conclusion one speaks from a perspective of conviction. This may be why you see us as speaking "from God's perspective".
In Turht, no one can speak "From God's persepctive". We can only speak from the understanding of God's perspective as revealed in Scripture and through the Teachings of His Church.
One cannot keep God at the forefront of one's thoughts and desires if one doesn't know who and what God actually is.
God is "Our Father" (Mt 6:9) - The creator of all things - (Isa 40:28)
Consider what it means to be "A Father".
Consider what it means to be "The Creator" (not the destroyer) of all things.

God is Love (1 John 4:8)
All that God asks of us is based on Love (Mt 22:36-40)

Therefore Dear Signal, keep Love, foremost in your mind, and you will keep God foremost in your mind.
Read the Gospels with Love at the core and unerlying principle and you will find all connected.
Where Love is served, God is served.
Where Love is denied, God is denied.

Love builds up - Love creates - Love fathers - Love mothers and nurtures.

PS: Sorry I quoted the bible again.
So how do I digest this statement?

If this isn't meant to instill fear then what is?

I don't want to repent to a god that there is no evidence to support the existence of. where does that leave me in god's eyes? I do not fear god so he won't have justified mercy on me? No mercy means something bad???

It's up to you when given the message of God to make your own reply. And as for fear. You demonstrate that you do not fear my statement. If fear lead people to believe then all i would have to do would be to make that statement.

Yet i hear all the time from athiests that people are kept in Christianity because of fear. This is not true.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Once one has reached a certain conclusion one speaks from a perspective of conviction. This may be why you see us as speaking "from God's perspective".
In Turht, no one can speak "From God's persepctive". We can only speak from the understanding of God's perspective as revealed in Scripture and through the Teachings of His Church.

But somehow, you have come to the conviction that you know which church is God's church, and which church is not God's church.

This is the part that you are not taking responsibility for.

You formulate your statements in such a way that it is implied that you have come to your conclusions via a neutral, objective, non-denominational line of reasoning. As if you had epistemic autonomy!

Therefore Dear Signal, keep Love, foremost in your mind, and you will keep God foremost in your mind.

It looks like I have reached the end of your tether and your wisdom.

I suppose you mean well, though.

PS: Sorry I quoted the bible again.

I have told you before that apologizing for quoting the Bible is dishonest.
It's up to you when given the message of God to make your own reply. And as for fear. You demonstrate that you do not fear my statement. If fear lead people to believe then all i would have to do would be to make that statement.

Yet i hear all the time from athiests that people are kept in Christianity because of fear. This is not true.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

Rav's thread is such a big topic. There are so many different signs and layers of evidence God has given that the Catholic faith is true.

I guess I'll start with the Apostle Paul.

Paul is accepted as a very real figure of history by scholars. Most of his epistles in the Bible are generally accepted as authentic. 1 Corinthians, for example, is accepted as having Pauline authorship.

Here's a comment Paul makes about the appearances of the Resurrected Lord in 1 Corinthians:

1 Corinthians
Chapter 15
1 2 Now I am reminding you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you indeed received and in which you also stand.
Through it you are also being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.
3 For I handed on to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures;
that he was buried; that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures;
that he appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve.
After that, he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.
After that he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
Last of all, as to one born abnormally, he appeared to me.
For I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

Paul records that Jesus appeared to over five hundred Christians at once, most of whom were living witnesses at the time he wrote the epistle. His appearances and conversations with Paul and the apostles (and the apostles and other disciples said He also broke bread, ate food and drank in their presence, after the Resurrection) were so convincing that these men all proceeded to die for their certainty that He was indeed risen.

Paul says that he persecuted the Church but Christ appeared to him and he converted -- an extremely dramatic conversion, considering he used to try to imprison and kill Christians. It took a huge experience to change him so radically.

Paul writes that many others, aside from him, also alive saw Christ alive after His Resurrection, and Paul goes on, later in the chapter, to describe the resurrected body as extremely glorious and majestic in appearance. He says that he, the apostles, and over five hundred others were witnesses of this.

We can be sure Paul was entirely sincere in his testimony, not lying or fudging the truth at all, because he endured many floggings for this faith, starvation, nakedness, and many other sufferings, and finally he was beheaded for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ, in the Colosseum of Rome. Paul was in a position to know for sure whether Christ was risen or not, for he claimed to have spoken with Him and seen Him after His Resurrection. Indeed, in the Book of Galatians, Paul says he received his entire gospel testimony straight from the Resurrected Lord. So Paul knew for sure whether he was lying or not. He could not have hallucinated all that (his companions saw a brilliant light and heard Jesus' voice as well, according to Paul's testimony in Acts 22:9). He could not have made a mistake on this critical point that changed Paul's life radically and made a persecutor of Christianity into its foremost evangelist, willing to suffer greatly for his certainty that Christ was Risen.

People don't die for what they know is a lie, but for what they are convinced is true. Paul suffered enormously for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ and was martyred for this certainty, so we have every reason to believe in the truth of his testimony. His testimony is proven not only by his miracles, which were numerous and convinced large numbers of people in his own time that he was telling the truth, but his blood also proves his words were sincere and therefore true (for he couldn't plausibly have made a mistake or been only imagining it all).

The same proof of the Resurrection of Christ also holds true for the other apostles. They claimed that they saw Christ alive after His Resurrection, that they saw Him eat food in their presence (no possibility of imagining that), that they all saw Him together (not just one witness but many), and they talked with Him in repeated conversations over a period of 40 days, until He rose into Heaven. They could not have been mistaken about His having prepared a fire in John 21 and cooked fish over it for them, and then eaten with them, after which He had a theological conversation with them. So them make a mistake and simply imagining all this evidence that Christ was Risen is impossible. Because a mistake is impossible, they had to have been deliberately lying when they testified that He was Risen, or they had to have been telling the truth.

We know they weren't deliberately lying because they all endured brutal floggings, ostracism, imprisonment, torture (some were flayed, others shattered on the wheel, etc.), and finally martyrdom for their testimony that Christ was Risen. People don't go through all that for a story that they know is a lie. At least one of them would have changed his story! Surely all of them would have changed their story if they knew it was not true (and they couldn't have been mistaken, given all this firsthand eyewitness evidence and physical proofs they testified to). Even if people are telling the truth, usually they will start telling lies when threatened with torture, in the hope of getting off. But the apostles all stayed faithful to their testimony and died for it. People don't do that when they know their testimony is a lie. The apostles knew whether they were telling the truth or not -- they could not have been making a mistake, given the evidence they experienced firsthand -- so we can be sure they were telling the truth. Therefore we can be sure that Christ is Risen.

Thus the blood of the apostles is a powerful evidence that Christ is Risen. Now, if Christ rose from the dead, physically, as the apostles said, and appointed the apostles to be His messengers to the world while present in His glorified body (Matt. 28:19), then we would do well to believe the apostles' teachings. And the apostles passed on to the world the Catholic faith.

I'll get into more evidence in my next post.
Paul is accepted as a very real figure of history by scholars. Most of his epistles in the Bible are generally accepted as authentic. 1 Corinthians, for example, is accepted as having Pauline authorship.
Citation needed.

What evidence is there such a person existed? What evidence is there he authored the words in that section of the bible? What evidence is there the bits of the NT about Jesus were written by eye witnesses?

Besides, even if the passages in question were written by someone called Paul who lived in that region around 30AD no account would be sufficient to believe the claims of miracles. Eye witness testimony, particularly when you have no original copy of the account whose authorship is in question, is not sufficient for such things.

A standard example of consistent, corroborated eye witness accounts which the vast majority of Christians don't believe is that of alien encounters. You can go, right now today, and find many thousands of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. They are spread over a huge geographic region (the entire world!), many of whom don't have contact with one another and yet their stories often have considerable numbers of details similar to one another. This isn't a matter of some 2000 year old account by someone whose identity you can't confirm, you can meet these people face to face now. And yet we don't believe them. Why? Because accounts of such extreme claims have to be backed up by more than just "I say this happened to me". If all these people had such encounters some evidence other than their say so would exist, it doesn't. Now consider the Jesus story. The authorship of the gospels are questionable, the accounts not written as if they are eye witness and no records exist before about AD70. If there's nothing else to justify them then immediately this makes them less credible than alien encounters. So what about other evidence? Well apparently the dead got out of their graves and went into town. So where's the reports? Why didn't someone, somewhere in the Roman empire or an historian in the region record that the dead rose in Israel?! We'd expect word of that to have gotten around pretty quick so the deafening silence from history in that regard actually counts against the claims. In this case absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

Paul records that Jesus appeared to over five hundred Christians at once, most of whom were living witnesses at the time he wrote the epistle.
And yet no one else wrote about him. No contemporary account of Jesus outside of the Bible exists. It wasn't for a few more decades someone mentioned Jesus in passing. If Jesus were so well known and events like the dead rising occured you'd think he'd be mentioned a bit more than "I heard about some guy named Jesus from some other guy", it'd more "Holy ****, the dead rose when this guy Jesus was executed!!". The silence is deafening.

His appearances and conversations with Paul and the apostles (and the apostles and other disciples said He also broke bread, ate food and drank in their presence, after the Resurrection) were so convincing that these men all proceeded to die for their certainty that He was indeed risen.

Paul says that he persecuted the Church but Christ appeared to him and he converted -- an extremely dramatic conversion, considering he used to try to imprison and kill Christians. It took a huge experience to change him so radically.

Paul writes that many others, aside from him, also alive saw Christ alive after His Resurrection, and Paul goes on, later in the chapter, to describe the resurrected body as extremely glorious and majestic in appearance. He says that he, the apostles, and over five hundred others were witnesses of this.
He says, he says, he says. Considering you're talking about hundreds of people who were supposedly amazed by Jesus's awesomeness why didn't anyone else make an account of these events? Why are all the accounts of Jesus always from believers, never from impartial 3rd parties reporting on 'the news' they've heard?

We can be sure Paul was entirely sincere in his testimony, not lying or fudging the truth at all, because he endured many floggings for this faith, starvation, nakedness, and many other sufferings, and finally he was beheaded for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ, in the Colosseum of Rome.
An Islamic suicide bombers really believe their religion too. Doesn't make is so. The strength of someone's belief has no affect to the truth of their claims.

Paul was in a position to know for sure whether Christ was risen or not, for he claimed to have spoken with Him and seen Him after His Resurrection. Indeed, in the Book of Galatians, Paul says he received his entire gospel testimony straight from the Resurrected Lord.
And when a guy says "I'm telling the truth, trust me, God's wired into my brain right now and speaking to me" then you're sure to believe him!

Seriously, read what you're saying. Your argument is "Paul was right, he said so!". How many non-Christian religious claims have you not believed based they provided nothing other than "We're the truth because we say so"? Use some critical thinking and scepticism, for the love of Jebus!

So Paul knew for sure whether he was lying or not.
A man can tell what he believes to be the truth yet still be wrong. The people of different faiths to you believe their claims about their deities are true yet you think they are wrong, just as you think what you say is true yet they think you are wrong. You've got to provide something more than "Because I say so".

He could not have hallucinated all that (his companions saw a brilliant light and heard Jesus' voice as well, according to Paul's testimony in Acts 22:9)
So you believe all the accounts of groups of people claiming to have seen/spoken to Allah, Shiva, Baal, Ra, Santa, Big-foot and aliens then? There's plenty of examples of more than one person experiencing something but that 'something' wasn't your notion of the Christian god. Just go over to the pseudo sub forum and look at common sense seeker's thread about hyraxes. He keeps linking to 'eye witness accounts' of 2 or 3 people who claim to have seen Big-foot or moth man or a werewolf on Wimbledon common or whatever the hell he's obsessed with. Do you believe them?

He could not have made a mistake on this critical point that changed Paul's life radically and made a persecutor of Christianity into its foremost evangelist, willing to suffer greatly for his certainty that Christ was Risen.
People can be wrong, despite being sincere and believing what they say. Every religion has such people in and they can't all be right, but they can all be wrong. And so how do we tell? EVIDENCE. When you've got some let us know.

People don't die for what they know is a lie, but for what they are convinced is true. Paul suffered enormously for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ and was martyred for this certainty, so we have every reason to believe in the truth of his testimony.
The truth of his testimony, in that he believed what he said yet. But that doesn't make it true. Your logic implies suicide bombers are correct because no one would be stupid enough to die for something wrong, right?

Paul suffered enormously for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ and was martyred for this certainty, so we have every reason to believe in the truth of his testimony.

but his blood also proves his words were sincere and therefore true (for he couldn't plausibly have made a mistake or been only imagining it all).
I really really really REALLY hope you're a Poe and just pretending to be a staggeringly daft, illogical, self contradicting bible thumper blinded by faith to the point of .... well I'll stop there lest I get banned.

We know they weren't deliberately lying because they all endured brutal floggings, ostracism, imprisonment, torture (some were flayed, others shattered on the wheel, etc.), and finally martyrdom for their testimony that Christ was Risen. People don't go through all that for a story that they know is a lie. At least one of them would have changed his story! Surely all of them would have changed their story if they knew it was not true (and they couldn't have been mistaken, given all this firsthand eyewitness evidence and physical proofs they testified to). Even if people are telling the truth, usually they will start telling lies when threatened with torture, in the hope of getting off. But the apostles all stayed faithful to their testimony and died for it. People don't do that when they know their testimony is a lie. The apostles knew whether they were telling the truth or not -- they could not have been making a mistake, given the evidence they experienced firsthand -- so we can be sure they were telling the truth. Therefore we can be sure that Christ is Risen.
You have incredibly low standards of evidence. You accept " A bunch of guys said something they thought was true therefore I accept it, no matter how huge or ridiculous or otherwise unsubstantiated the claim". By that logic every single religion is true because they all have groups of people who have experienced, often together, things they truely believe to be divine. None of them have stood up to impartial scrutiny or provided anything other than more "He said it so its true".

You've got a presupposed conclusion, that the Christian god is real and the Bible is true. You've then tried to tell yourself there's evidence for that by using this staggeringly pathetic line of .... well its not even logic, it's just BS. You haven't given it a nanosecond of thought because if you had you'd realise the same methods 'prove' any religion you care to name.

Epic, EPIC fail.

I'll get into more evidence in my next post.
You haven't provided any in this post so 'more' is incorrect.
I recommend browsing through these Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah, which were fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ, when you find the time:


There are many more Old Testament prophecies He fulfilled as well, in addition to these. I have a book of them on my religion shelf.

You know, when Christ appeared to five hundred Christians, after His Resurrection, He wasn't the only one from Heaven to appear to so many people at once. His Mother was also assumed into Heaven in the body, according to Catholic Tradition, and she has appeared to many more people since.

In a series of 20th century apparitions in Betania, for instance, Mary appeared visibly to many people at a shrine. The local Archbishop, who investigated the phenomenon carefully, has calculated that between five hundred and a thousand people have seen Mary at this location. Here is his report:



An even more dramatic apparition of Mary occurred in Cairo, in the 1960's, at a church called Zeitoun. For at least a year, she appeared almost daily to a rapidly growing crowd. In the end, about a million people had seen her, and the international media had photographed her repeatedly, and President Nasser of Egypt also came and saw her. You can read about this event on this link, and see a few of the photos:


A million people cannot have all been hysterical or hallucinating. Mary definitely, verifiably has come to Earth from Heaven repeatedly in human history, to instruct us and help us to follow the teachings of her Son. Sometimes she appears to hundreds of people, in one case to a million, but usually to small groups or individuals. Apparitions of Jesus, Mary and other saints are very common in the lives of the canonized Catholic saints.

Another very important apparition of Mary in the 20th century is Our Lady of Fatima. She appeared repeatedly to three very young children, all of whom suffered enormously for their conviction that she truly was appearing to them (they suffered for their testimony through very painful penances they practiced of their own accord, and through persecution by local villagers and public officials, and even persecution by some clergy). Mary also made several prophecies in the presence of the children, about the future, foretelling many events, such as the coming of World War 2, the rise of Communist Russia, the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, and several other important events of the 20th century. She finally proved she was appearing to the children and that her words were true by performing a dramatic miracle in front of 70,000 people, who observed it and were astonished and terrified at the sight. You can read about the events at Fatima through the following link:


You can read about many more Marian apparitions on the following website, if you remain interested in reading more, after having read the above accounts: http://marypages.com/

These repeated heavenly apparitions and the miracles that have surrounded them are another powerful sign of the truth of the Catholic faith. Mary confirms the Catholic faith through her messages and encourages the Catholics to persevere, grow in righteousness and turn away from sin.

I'll continue this in another post, a bit later.
I recommend browsing through these Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah, which were fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ, when you find the time:


There are many more Old Testament prophecies He fulfilled as well, in addition to these.
Jews would disagree, else they'd be Christians. Besides, there's numerous issues with such an 'argument'.

First and foremost many of the prophecies are extremely vague and can (and have been!) interpreted many different ways. The second problem harkens to something I've already brought up, that the truth of the NT is questionable. Suppose for a moment the stories of Jesus are written by someone around 50AD, someone who believes what he's been told about Jesus's awesomeness. It would be in his interest to modify accounts in order to fit better with the OT, to improve the amazingness of the claims further. The people who wrote the gospels and the NT in general were specifically trying to convert other people and thus they have a vested interest in making things seem as good as possible. Hence why I brought up the requirement for 3rd party accounts, where the person writing about an event has no vested interest in the event itself.

Think of all the religious conmen in history (and even now) who simply make up claims about a god visiting them, so that people will follow them or give them money. Just look at Mormonism or Scientology! If all you have to justify the bible is the bible then you don't have any justification. Yes, the OT said "X will happen" and the NT says "X happened" but is there any evidence X indeed happened?

Besides, if you want to bring in "The OT is the word of god, he passed on his knowledge to prove the divinity of his son" then you get into the issue of how the bible is wrong, just flat out wrong, about things like the origins of the universe, the origins and development of life on Earth, the claim of a global flood, cures for various illnesses, the workings of certain biological systems (rabbits don't chew the cud for instance), the shape of the Earth and even the value of pi! So a god can predict/know the future but can't draw a circle?

I have a book of them on my religion shelf.
It doesn't matter whether you have a book on the subject, I have some Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings books, doesn't make them true. In LoTR Tolkein invented an entire history of the world and numerous working languages. It hangs together a hell of a lot better than the bible does. In fact you can play the same game I've seen some Christians and Muslims play, where they say "There's science in the bible/quran". Tolkein has the world being created from the "music of the Ainur". String theory, the only known viable quantum gravity model of the universe, describes particles as oscillations on strings, like notes on a violin string. Is that evidence/proof Iluvatar exists? Hardly.

What matters is quantifiable, impartial, concrete evidence. Your arguments boil down to "The bible is true because some people believe it is". That works for all religions and thus works for none.

You know, when Christ appeared to five hundred Christians, after His Resurrection, He wasn't the only one from Heaven to appear to so many people at once.
And yet we only have the bible's word for it. I know you've clearly had it drilled into you so much you think of the bible as valid an historical resource as any other, no matter what it claims, but that isn't the case. You reject stories about Greek gods in The Iliad. Try applying that same scepticism to the bible for a while, because then you'll perhaps realise your replies aren't providing evidence, just assertions and circular reasoning.

His Mother was also assumed into Heaven in the body, according to Catholic Tradition, and she has appeared to many more people since.
'Assumed' being the correct word there. Nowhere, nowhere, in the bible does it say that. It wasn't even Catholic doctrine for many hundreds of years. At some point a pope just decided, after a lot of praying (or just talking to himself), it was true. No evidence, just plucked out of thin air.

And the whole "She's appeared to people!" thing I've already commented on. You can speak to people who've encountered, so they claim, aliens. Plenty of Muslims have seen Mohammed or Hindus have seen Shiva or Native Americans seen their ancestors. I've heard of one American guy starting up a long dead Egyptian religion because an Egyptian cat goddess appeared to him.

Even putting mental illness and drug usage aside the human brain is a complicated thing and its easy to misinterpret what your senses are telling you, incorrectly recall something, your senses to 'glitch' or you to just have a break from reality. Ever gone 3 or 4 days without sleep? You start hearing voices and seeing shadows move in the corner of your eye, despite there being nothing there. It's just your brain misfiring but some people honestly believe in 'shadow people'.

If visions could be repeatable, demonstrable to other people, impartial 3rd parties, or somehow left evidence which couldn't be explained any other way then visions would count. Since they don't a claim "I saw the virgin Mary!!" is no more believable than "I saw Big foot" or "I saw Vishnu" or "I saw someone from Alabama with a high school diploma!".

An even more dramatic apparition of Mary occurred in Cairo, in the 1960's, at a church called Zeitoun. For at least a year, she appeared almost daily to a rapidly growing crowd. In the end, about a million people had seen her, and the international media had photographed her repeatedly, and President Nasser of Egypt also came and saw her. You can read about this event on this link, and see a few of the photos:
And yet there wasn't a mass conversion to Christianity or Catholicism, Egypt, including the person you just mentioned, remains an Islamic country.

A million people cannot have all been hysterical or hallucinating.
Seriously? You don't think it's possible for millions of people to be hysterical and wrong? Hinduism has some of the largest religious festivals in the world, where tens of millions of people will gather for a particular religious event. You don't believe in their gods, so the frenzy they can work themselves into at some of these events you must think is just hysterical nonsense. Many people not in your particular faith will have experienced visions when in some kind of religious frenzy or mindset.

The event you link to (which doesn't work by the say) sounds pretty underwhelming. It wasn't like a literal apparition of Mary appeared but instead somewhat unexplained lights. People then coloured their interpretation of those events with their religious beliefs. This harkens back to the comments I just made, how people put a spin on their recollection of events or bias it with preconceptions. A similar thing happens to near death experiences. Christians always experience Christian related imagery, Jesus, St Peter, etc, while Hindus see things relating to their religion and likewise for Muslims or other religions. You never get a Buddhist seeing Jesus or a Catholic seeing Joseph Smith. This illustrates how people's preconceptions taint their interpretation of the world, which in the case of near death experiences is their brain shutting down due to lack of oxygen.

Mary definitely, verifiably
It isn't 'verifiable' any more than alien encounters are verifiable. You have extremely low standards of evidence. Actually, you have no standard of evidence.

Sometimes she appears to hundreds of people, in one case to a million
Your somewhat misrepresenting the incident there. For a while odd optical phenomena were seen in a region of Cairo, which is a long way from unequivocally the Virgin Mary appearing and every single one of the people saying "There is absolutely definitely the Virgin Mary spoken of in the bible!". Some people see Jesus in the hair of a dog. In regards to Our Lady of Zeitoun I can't help but notice in the article how the priests just concluded, without evidence, that it was Mary. And if there were miracles where's the evidence for them? Miracle curs always seem to be "My cancer went away", which sometimes happens to people of all religious faith (including us atheists) and never "My leg grew back". Why won't god heal amputees?

, but usually to small groups or individuals. Apparitions of Jesus, Mary and other saints are very common in the lives of the canonized Catholic saints.
Yes, funny how those people who utterly immerse themselves in Catholicism end up seeing Catholic imagery everywhere, isn't it? Just like those Muslims who spend decades doing nothing but studying the quran see the hand of Allah everywhere or people obsessed with conspiracies see conspiracies everywhere.

Our brains have evolved to be pattern recognition machines and when you spend all day thinking about certain things you'll start seeing connections to those things all over the place. If I have a day where I spend 10 hours doing algebra (I'm a mathematician by profession) then I can't sleep properly at night because the equations keep running through my head. If I spend all that time playing a particular computer game then that'll be running through my head at night. If I were religious and read the bible was 10 hours then it'd run through my head. It's human nature. It's the same thing as the near death experiences, people see what they've been taught to expect. Hence Catholics seeing catholic imagery doesn't count as evidence because all religions have such examples.

Another very important apparition of Mary in the 20th century is Our Lady of Fatima. She appeared repeatedly to three very young children, all of whom suffered enormously for their conviction that she truly was appearing to them (they suffered for their testimony through very painful penances they practiced of their own accord, and through persecution by local villagers and public officials, and even persecution by some clergy). Mary also made several prophecies in the presence of the children, about the future, foretelling many events, such as the coming of World War 2, the rise of Communist Russia, the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, and several other important events of the 20th century. She finally proved she was appearing to the children and that her words were true by performing a dramatic miracle in front of 70,000 people, who observed it and were astonished and terrified at the sight. You can read about the events at Fatima through the following link:

Are you just on autopilot? I already addressed in my previous post how it's possible for people to be utterly convinced that what they are saying is true, even when they are tortured or punished, and still be wrong. There are examples of Islamic children willing to be suicide bombers because they believe the teachings they've received so much. Does that make Islam true? I don't think you'd say 'yes'. By exactly the same reasoning Catholics really believing Catholicism doesn't count as evidence.

You don't seem to realise you're presenting 'arguments' which every religion presents. You dismiss these arguments when a jew or muslim or hindu or Native American or whatever says them. I apply the same to you, because from my point of view there's no reason to accept the claims of any one religion over another, they are all based on unjustified "I'm right because I say I'm right and I say I'm right because this book is right, it says so right in it!".

Can you present an argument which cannot be applied for any other religion? Your "These Catholic people believed Catholicism, even when punished" can be converted into "These Islamic people believed Islam, even when punished" with just a find/replace. You need to provide physical, quantifiable evidence there's something more to your claims. Something unique to your beliefs.

Mary confirms the Catholic faith through her messages and encourages the Catholics to persevere, grow in righteousness and turn away from sin.
So how does Mary feel about the systematic, long term covering up of violence, both physical and sexual, perpetrated by members of the Catholic church on tens of thousands of children, male and female? If Mary is in the business of appearing to pass on messages from your god and is all about turning away from sin why didn't any of these appearances lead to the sin being exposed and stopped?

This is just like the "There's science in the bible/quran!" thing. The science is never found because of the bible, it is found by scientists and then some Christian twists an interpretation of a passage to claim the result science has just found through hard work where in the bible all along. Funny how the bible never comes forward with this information first..... In this case all these appearances of Mary never lead to the revelation of information which couldn't have been obtained any other way. Why didn't she uncover this massive amount of paedophilia and abuse? Why was it left to law enforcement to investigate?

I'll continue this in another post, a bit later.
If you're going to do nothing more than provide further circular arguments about "This story says that story is true" then don't bother. You seem to have a fundamental lack of understanding of what constitutes evidence. All of your claims are made by other religions too and they have plenty of 'eye witness accounts' and claims of miracles etc. If you believe the claims of the Catholic doctrine then by those same standards of evidence you should believe in every other religion, the claims about alien abduction and the existence of Big-foot, yetis, elves and Santa.
Another topic worth knowing about, regarding the saints, is the mystical phenomenon known as the stigmata. A saint or other deeply devout Catholic is given by God an extraordinary degree of union with Jesus' Passion. They experience piercing pain in their bodies, in those parts of the body where the Lord was wounded. Blood flows from wounds that physically appear on their bodies in these places, nail holes in the hands and feet, lash marks on their backs and sometimes wounds on their heads where the crown of thorns pierced Christ. The wounds open on their own and then close on their own, without any medical intervention. Usually the wounds of the stigmatist appear for a few hours on Fridays (the day of the Lord's Passion), or during Church seasons or holy days particularly designated to the suffering of Christ. This phenomenon has occurred many times in history, and the only verifiable cases have involved Catholics, especially saints. St. Francis of Assisi was the first person recorded as having experienced this form of mystical union with Christ's Passion, in the Medieval Ages.

The Catholic Encyclopedia has the following article on the stigmata:

There have been hundreds of Catholic stigmatists documented in history. Their wounds, which have many times been proven were NOT self-inflicted, are a testimony to the truth of the Catholic faith. If Christ did not die for our sins and rise again, there would be no point in God uniting all these people with His Passion in so visceral and physical a way. Nor would there be a reason for the spiritual forms of union with His Passion they have endured . . . many saints and mystics have endured union with His Passion spiritually, or in ecstasy, going through tremendous pains in union with Him, bringing forth the grace of His Passion to help the lives of others, through these sacrificial prayers. The sufferings they endured in spirit were often much more severe than physical sufferings. All of this proves that the Passion and Resurrection of Christ conquered sin and raises us all to new life, if we believe in Him. It is testimony to the truth of the Catholic faith.

There are many, many other evidences I can point you to, by which God has shown that the Catholic faith is true.

For instance, we have thousands of canonized saints, and most of these saints performed many miracles. Some of these miracles had to be proven to be real, supernatural miracles by careful investigations of the Vatican, before the saints could be canonized. God has uniquely favored the Catholic Church with a particular abundance of miracles. The reality of God, of God's love for humanity, and of His particular favor to those who follow Him most faithfully in the Catholic Church, is all proven by the reality of these miracles.

Here are miracles from a few Catholic saints:

I could keep going on and on with more evidence . . . I've listed above some of the large categories of evidence one could look at, though. There's a ton more detail that one could go into, with each category. For instance, I've only brought up a few of the miracles of St. Padre Pio, St. Andre Bessette, St. Gemma Galgani, and St. Joseph Cupertino, but there were many more and there is a ton of confirmation one can look at, for these miracles, and these are only four saints out of thousands. And then there are the prophecies of the canonized saints, so many of which have been fulfilled, against all the odds. Many other mystical phenomenon as well surrounded them, which I haven't even touched on at all.

And I haven't even spoken at all about the miracles of the Immaculate Conception at Lourdes, the Miraculous Medal, the image of Our Lady of Guadaloupe, or the Shroud of Turin. Or about how our Lady of Siluva, through a series of apparitions, converted the entire country of Lithuania (which was Calvinist) to Catholicism, and Our Lady of Guadaloupe converted vast numbers of Mexicans from Aztec barbarism to Catholicism.

My posts above have only scratched the surface of the evidence proving the truth of the Catholic faith.
Mind Over Matter, the main problem is that of which constitutes proof or evidence. Many or all of your examples are not evidence to me. You need to understand why before continuing. I suggest wikipedia "burden of proof" or even start at "evidence" and spend a few months researching this until you understand why others & I don't see eye to eye with the evidence suggested in your posts.

Best Regards

Rav's thread is such a big topic. There are so many different signs and layers of evidence God has given that the Catholic faith is true.

I guess I'll start with the Apostle Paul.

Paul is accepted as a very real figure of history by scholars. Most of his epistles in the Bible are generally accepted as authentic. 1 Corinthians, for example, is accepted as having Pauline authorship.

Here's a comment Paul makes about the appearances of the Resurrected Lord in 1 Corinthians:

1 Corinthians
Chapter 15
1 2 Now I am reminding you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you indeed received and in which you also stand.
Through it you are also being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.
3 For I handed on to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures;
that he was buried; that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures;
that he appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve.
After that, he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.
After that he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
Last of all, as to one born abnormally, he appeared to me.
For I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

Paul records that Jesus appeared to over five hundred Christians at once, most of whom were living witnesses at the time he wrote the epistle. His appearances and conversations with Paul and the apostles (and the apostles and other disciples said He also broke bread, ate food and drank in their presence, after the Resurrection) were so convincing that these men all proceeded to die for their certainty that He was indeed risen.

Paul says that he persecuted the Church but Christ appeared to him and he converted -- an extremely dramatic conversion, considering he used to try to imprison and kill Christians. It took a huge experience to change him so radically.

Paul writes that many others, aside from him, also alive saw Christ alive after His Resurrection, and Paul goes on, later in the chapter, to describe the resurrected body as extremely glorious and majestic in appearance. He says that he, the apostles, and over five hundred others were witnesses of this.

We can be sure Paul was entirely sincere in his testimony, not lying or fudging the truth at all, because he endured many floggings for this faith, starvation, nakedness, and many other sufferings, and finally he was beheaded for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ, in the Colosseum of Rome. Paul was in a position to know for sure whether Christ was risen or not, for he claimed to have spoken with Him and seen Him after His Resurrection. Indeed, in the Book of Galatians, Paul says he received his entire gospel testimony straight from the Resurrected Lord. So Paul knew for sure whether he was lying or not. He could not have hallucinated all that (his companions saw a brilliant light and heard Jesus' voice as well, according to Paul's testimony in Acts 22:9). He could not have made a mistake on this critical point that changed Paul's life radically and made a persecutor of Christianity into its foremost evangelist, willing to suffer greatly for his certainty that Christ was Risen.

People don't die for what they know is a lie, but for what they are convinced is true. Paul suffered enormously for his faith in the Resurrection of Christ and was martyred for this certainty, so we have every reason to believe in the truth of his testimony. His testimony is proven not only by his miracles, which were numerous and convinced large numbers of people in his own time that he was telling the truth, but his blood also proves his words were sincere and therefore true (for he couldn't plausibly have made a mistake or been only imagining it all).

The same proof of the Resurrection of Christ also holds true for the other apostles. They claimed that they saw Christ alive after His Resurrection, that they saw Him eat food in their presence (no possibility of imagining that), that they all saw Him together (not just one witness but many), and they talked with Him in repeated conversations over a period of 40 days, until He rose into Heaven. They could not have been mistaken about His having prepared a fire in John 21 and cooked fish over it for them, and then eaten with them, after which He had a theological conversation with them. So them make a mistake and simply imagining all this evidence that Christ was Risen is impossible. Because a mistake is impossible, they had to have been deliberately lying when they testified that He was Risen, or they had to have been telling the truth.

We know they weren't deliberately lying because they all endured brutal floggings, ostracism, imprisonment, torture (some were flayed, others shattered on the wheel, etc.), and finally martyrdom for their testimony that Christ was Risen. People don't go through all that for a story that they know is a lie. At least one of them would have changed his story! Surely all of them would have changed their story if they knew it was not true (and they couldn't have been mistaken, given all this firsthand eyewitness evidence and physical proofs they testified to). Even if people are telling the truth, usually they will start telling lies when threatened with torture, in the hope of getting off. But the apostles all stayed faithful to their testimony and died for it. People don't do that when they know their testimony is a lie. The apostles knew whether they were telling the truth or not -- they could not have been making a mistake, given the evidence they experienced firsthand -- so we can be sure they were telling the truth. Therefore we can be sure that Christ is Risen.

Thus the blood of the apostles is a powerful evidence that Christ is Risen. Now, if Christ rose from the dead, physically, as the apostles said, and appointed the apostles to be His messengers to the world while present in His glorified body (Matt. 28:19), then we would do well to believe the apostles' teachings. And the apostles passed on to the world the Catholic faith.

I'll get into more evidence in my next post.

I think you must have quoted the wrong person. I am a Christian. So i believe the Redeemer the Messiah Jesus.

However i do not believe the roman catholic church is true to the teachings of Jesus.

I do not accept its authority on matters concerning the will of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Mind Over Matter, the main problem is that of which constitutes proof or evidence. Many or all of your examples are not evidence to me. You need to understand why before continuing. I suggest wikipedia "burden of proof" or even start at "evidence" and spend a few months researching this until you understand why others & I don't see eye to eye with the evidence suggested in your posts.

Best Regards
Dear Search & Destroy,

I would love to understand why the signs I have given you are not compelling to you. But I want to understand from you why you feel the way you do, rather than going on a quest for months to try to prove my way of thinking incorrect. Would you please explain to me why these proofs don't seem to be evidence to you?

I have spent a lot of time writing for all of you in this thread, so would you please do me this favor? I'd appreciate it very much!

With love and respect,

Mind Over Matter