The relevant issue is the kind of consequence for choosing the "wrong religion" vs. the "right one".
Are the consequence infinite, irrepairable? Does one have to "get it right in this one lifetime or burn in hell forever"?
- If these are the feared consequences,
Here's a better and more accurate way to think about it.
All goodness is in God. God is Love and all that is holy, valuable and true is of Him and leads to Him. Therefore, whenever people choose what is loving, good and pure in this life, they are choosing to do God's will and are expressing reverence for Him. Whenever people choose what is unloving, though, they are choosing to live apart from God, for He is Love and rejecting the loving course is rejecting love, and so is also rejecting God, the source of all the good.
Truth is consistent and does not contradict itself. But people don't always know what is true and good. When they make a mistake while honestly trying to find the truth, God will not judge them for that. But when people deliberately blind themselves to the truth, because they are attached to harmful lifestyles or worldly things, and prefer bad lifestyles and short-term pleasures to love, then these unloving preferences and choices hurt their souls (and other people) badly.
Our own negative choices hurt us badly, in our souls. Our unloving choices cause us to become less loving, more distant from Love, from God. If we prefer something in this life above love, and above what is true and good, then that thing separates us from love both in this life and the next. If we prefer something to God, then that thing becomes our god.
In this life, we experience the ability to change, for we are surrounded by time. We can change from one state of being to another. When we die, we enter eternity, though. Whatever we have made of ourselves in this life is what we then are, permanently. If we died while preferring something above God, then that thing separated us from Him in this life and continues to permanently. So yes, we damn ourselves to eternal separation from God. And because all love and goodness and happiness are found in God (not in worldly things, negative choices or selfishness), we are eternally miserable when we are separated from Him forever by whatever it is that we valued more highly than Him.
When we value something above God, Who is Love, then we value something in life above loving actions as well and above goodness and what is right. Therefore that thing becomes a major obstacle to love and to God. It becomes something like a boulder in the middle of a stream that blocks the water from flowing. It stops us from being united with God, for as long as we prefer something else above what is good, true, loving and valuable, we are destroying ourselves. We are preferring what is bad for us and choosing what is bad for us, destroying our own futures.
And because when we die, we enter eternity, the damage we do to our souls here in time can last for eternity if we don't change things now.
It says in 1 Peter chapter 1 that Christ died to save us from our own "futile conduct." He died to save us from giving ourselves to what is worthless and what is apart from Him, to save us from choosing Hell, and to help us to love Him most, instead. And when we love Him most, then we become united with Him . . . we act in more loving ways, increasingly, in life, and do more and more good.
God won't judge you for making an honest mistake about what religion is true. If you prefer your current lifestyle above truth, though, and above what is right, and are unwilling to surrender what you have now and put Love before everything, then things are serious barriers between you and God. So pray that He will help you to clear those barriers out of your life. Trust Him with all yourself and be ready to change anything in your way of living that might be a barrier between yourself and Him, should you find out that it is not right.
Pray to know what is right and true. But don't be afraid. If you seek Him with a sincere heart, and with willingness to change your life if you find Him, then you already have Him. For He said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." He also said that He is the end of the journey. When someone is baptized and enters the Catholic Church, in a sense, that is an end to a journey, though it is the beginning of another. Yet He is also the Way to the Catholic Church, in which the fullness of truth and goodness resides, so when you seek what is good and true, you are seeking the Catholic Church, you are seeking God, and you already are walking along "The Way." For seeking Truth and valuing it most, while trying to discern it, shows a love for truth and for God. If you are seeking it, you are walking the Way. Those that aren't seeking it, or who seek it while being unwilling to conform to it if it contradicts their current mindset, ideology or lifestyle, are not loving Truth most and they risk eternal destruction. But those who are seeking it or have found it and are living it, these are united with "The Way, the Truth and the Life," and in Him they will find their safety.
Anyone who dies a Hindu or a Buddhist or Muslim, who has put truth first and sought it to the best of their ability, and has not preferred anything above truth and love and good, will have eternal life. But anyone who does not put truth and good first will be separate from God forever when they enter eternity, for they have separated themselves from God in this life, and all truth and goodness are in Him, so they separate themselves from these also, and so also from happiness. They did this by choosing to live for what is not good and loving, and putting that above Love, they separated themselves from loving life and choices, and from all that makes life worthwhile and really valuable.