What is the draw to faith?

One more time. Try to make sense.

you asked what is the draw to life; and posted your greed etc.....

i said, that is from the mind of fool

and the true draw, is for life; to live

it is basically why you breath; to live (whether you like it or are even aware of it; you do for life)

that draw, is rooted in the exchange of mass and energy; to continue

tap a surface of a pond, notice the wave roll; can't stop it can you?
you asked what is the draw to life

No the op asked "what is the draw to faith?"

I said "Fear, ignorance and greed."

You are the only one talking about "draw to life," presumably because you can't read.

But since it interests you...life doesn't need a "draw." It is the source. It is what is drawn.
What is the 'faith' most maintain?

Religious or any?

that i am a part of something greater than myself, and that it's a part of me. that pure intentions that are based in love, and seeking the truth always, will reap a beneficial outcome. that no matter what each of us do or believe the law of the universe will perpetuate an outcome benefitting the greater good.
that i am a part of something greater than myself, and that it's a part of me. that pure intentions that are based in love, and seeking the truth always, will reap a beneficial outcome. that no matter what each of us do or believe the law of the universe will perpetuate an outcome benefitting the greater good.

that's the Lori i like! :bawl:

and even if you and i are wrong; the greater good is what is most important (i will learn, for our tomorrow, no matter how bad it makes me appear within the eyes of others)

thanks for the Love (for others/tomorrow/life) :)
Only in the proper conditions does life continue and the rest of your sentence is meaningless.

if life evolved within the idea of 'tree of life' (see darwin's book (drawing))

then in reality, THAT life, has never equilibriated or none of us would be here.

that be reality

Life: abuses entropy (and always has; by intent (the actual processes between mass and energy is opposite of current physics))

the energy (light) of mass is the importance; mass is just there for the ride.

Ex.... i would hope you tell your body what to do