What is the draw to faith?


“ A self aware android for example that had not been programmed with emotions would simply do nothing. ”

that be your AI
Like I said, self aware AI’s must include emotions. Emotions, like thinking, are just effects generated by the brain.

“ Oh, I’m with that and have been for a long time, faith has no place in my life. ”

just have faith, you are capable!

don't lie to yourself, and never to me
Resorting to faith is always a personality defect.

i said it before youngster, you barking at someone who cares that much and it seems, i am not your enemy! (you are perhaps one of them, i bleed for)
Youngster? How old do you think I am?

Like I said, self aware AI’s must include emotions. Emotions, like thinking, are just effects generated by the brain.
monkeys have more emotions than the best computer

Resorting to faith is always a personality defect.

seems you on this section of the forum just to tell everyone how flawed they are............. (mankinds compassion at its .........)

Youngster? How old do you think I am?

physically?............. probably a stubborn old fart who thinks he understands the world...

emotionally and intellectually;....... it's barney time!

i luv you, you luv me!

The term faith is also used in other everyday occurrences to mean trust or expectation that was has occurred many times before will occur again.
E.g. I have faith my chair will bear my weight - this is because there is past evidence that it has done before. This is not the same as religious faith which has no past record of evidence.

That's not faith Cris, that is belief through experiance/understanding.
Faith is hoping that while the aeroplane is plummeting through the sky
due to engine failure, you hope somehow you will see your daughters again.

There is no value to a total conviction that a proposal is true without appropriate evidence.

Yor quite right, but that's not faith.

Faith is hoping that while the aeroplane is plummeting through the sky due to engine failure, you hope somehow you will see your daughters again.
I think you confuse faith with hope.

Hope is the desire for a future event (as per your example).
Faith is the belief that everything is already in place for that to happen - and this is generally maintained until weight of evidence tips it the other way.

Belief in the existence of something is thus faith.
Belief that an event will produce a certain outcome is hope.
Both are beliefs.

Both of these (faith and hope) should, seemingly, be based on an assessment of previous evidence - whether experiential or otherwise.
The disagreement arises in what this evidence is (rationally) attributed to...
The theist will most likely claim that it provides support for their faith in the existence of God, etc, while the atheist will not - and will see the theist as basing their faith on no rationally attributal evidence.

I.e. it is not the experience they dispute but the interpretation and rational conclusion of that experience that they dispute.

To me there is no draw to a faith in which I can not rationally attribute any evidence.
Thanks, yu 2

lucid and intelligent opinions

SO to summarize;

Hope and Faith can be combined but faith is often based on "unexplainable requisites"..............

does that fit?

Is so, then what are "draw" points as to what they (anyone) find warranted to be faithful to?

What is the draw to faith? What is it that many want?

Not for very much longer.

if you are truly interested in the next plateau of 'computing' at the hardware level, then look up 'polaritonics'... (a wavelength can be imposed to a structure and recalled from that fixture (crystal), over and over and over again; find how many values a single 'bit' can retain)

then imagine 2 wavelengths combining to make a 'new shade'; can that 'new' be given value for dissimination? (that is nobel style acheivement)

so go do something!
What is the draw to faith? What is it that many want?
Stability. A confident grounding for decision making in the absence of proof / fact.
The stronger they can make their faith, the more they can be confident in their choices.
Something along those lines, I guess.
Thanks, yu 2

lucid and intelligent opinions

SO to summarize;

Hope and Faith can be combined but faith is often based on "unexplainable requisites"..............

does that fit?

Is so, then what are "draw" points as to what they (anyone) find warranted to be faithful to?

What is the draw to faith? What is it that many want?

Without "hope" there is no "faith".
Faith is the combination of hope, trust, and belief, which is responsible for ones conviction. One does not have to maintain faith, faith will emerge if these elements are serious, and the conditions are beyond ones control.
There is no need to have faith in a chair carrying your weight, unless something like your life is resting on the outcome.

When you ask "What is the draw to faith?", I think you mean what is the draw to belief, or conviction. Faith means nothing, untill it is tested, as one can say "i have faith", but really does not.


so go do something!
I do, I work on the design of cutting edge massive computer systems.

Have you ever achieved anything real or do you just fantasize about it?

That's not faith Cris, that is belief through experiance/understanding.
Faith is hoping that while the aeroplane is plummeting through the sky
due to engine failure, you hope somehow you will see your daughters again.
As has been already explained, that is just pure hope.

Faith is simply a conviction of truth without evidence. Pure foolishness.
Stability. A confident grounding for decision making in the absence of proof / fact.

so if that UNDERSTANDING was ground to 'proof/fact' then stability can be equal to all mankind?

would you agree?

The stronger they can make their faith, the more they can be confident in their choices.

so which is better 'proof/fact' or fiction/myth?

what do you base your (faith) decision on when a new born is coming into the world; the bible or the education of a doctor?

it seems naturally, you prefer sound reasoned judgement.

that is what i prefer too (understanding within reality)
Without "hope" there is no "faith".

i see that 'hope' in your context as the 'draw' that i am seeking from each opinion

Faith is the combination of hope, trust, and belief, which is responsible for ones conviction. One does not have to maintain faith, faith will emerge if these elements are serious, and the conditions are beyond ones control.
There is no need to have faith in a chair carrying your weight, unless something like your life is resting on the outcome.

so do we trust the collective of mankinds knowledge or the council of a few?

meaning; is what occurred in Nicea the last word, when reality PROVES galileo/darwin were correct and much more has EVOLVED of knowledge since nicea?

When you ask "What is the draw to faith?", I think you mean what is the draw to belief, or conviction. Faith means nothing, untill it is tested, as one can say "i have faith", but really does not.


i agree...........

as to me, in most religions i find the 'key percept' to be honest and have faith, the truth will come!

i see that as the best faith, any could have; no matter the religion!

just trust, the truth will exist and never lie to follow what others say as true if it ever conflicts with reality.

meaning; until we all can see a person walk on water; don't believe it!

and since there has NeveR been a sin UNDONE......... then never ONCE has the corruption of mankinds works been 'forgiven by god'

some beliefs sell things to have faith in (religious OPINIONS), but that is not the pure faith the written accounts have been purporting

they say, NO FIBBING (false witness) and be prepared for the truth (most every religions' base doctrine ALL basically say this same thing)

i have faith because to me, knowledge is what "sets mankind free"
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I do, I work on the design of cutting edge massive computer systems.
and now you know the frame that will replace the binary computing

basically what will make your education obsolete!

so either you get off your butt and realize you best start rethinking what you thought was pure; or be extinct!

pretty basic

Have you ever achieved anything real or do you just fantasize about it?

sure, i give life

i share to other rocks so they can live forever and know it

perhaps we can coin a new term


I cannot see here that you offer anything more than inchorent evasive unintelligible ramblings. Attempting to debate with you seems to have been a waste of time.

Have a good life but we are done.

I think you confuse faith with hope.

Hope is the desire for a future event (as per your example).

Event whose outcomes are definately not known.

Faith is the belief that everything is already in place for that to happen - and this is generally maintained until weight of evidence tips it the other way.

Faith is that hope with the belief that it can or will happen.
Evidence does not come into it, as their is no evidence to determine whether,
your hope will occur or not.
Sure 90% of the time it may not occur, but there is that 10% chance it will. That is what you are hoping for.

Belief in the existence of something is thus faith.

There is no need to have faith, as belief is already established.
What you are talking about is belief.

Belief that an event will produce a certain outcome is hope.
Both are beliefs.

Not necessarily. It can be down to experience, understanding, knowledge, or just plain taking a chance. When you introduce hope, you are placing trust in
the conditions to be right for that certain outcome. You understand that it
is outside your control. Faith is just the degree to which you put your hope, and trust, in the belief that all will be well

Both of these (faith and hope) should, seemingly, be based on an assessment of previous evidence - whether experiential or otherwise.

Previous evidence is irrelevant if faith is required, because nothing is certain, in reality.

The disagreement arises in what this evidence is (rationally) attributed to...
The theist will most likely claim that it provides support for their faith in the existence of God, etc, while the atheist will not - and will see the theist as basing their faith on no rationally attributal evidence.

"Existence" is neither here nor there, when it comes to faith.
Some people claim to be atheists all there life, then pray when some life, maybe their own, or loved ones, hang in the balance.
The way they see it, they have no alternative, despite medical advancement.
They still may not believe in God after the event, but that doesn't matter.

To me there is no draw to a faith in which I can not rationally attribute any evidence.

Lucky you, not everyone has that luxury. :)

so if that UNDERSTANDING was ground to 'proof/fact' then stability can be equal to all mankind?

would you agree?
Apologies - I'm not sure I understand the question, so bear with me if I have misunderstood.
If the grounding was based on proof / fact then there would be no faith - just knowledge, and it would be the same for all people.

so which is better 'proof/fact' or fiction/myth?
The former is reality, the latter only a claim to reality. Clearly the former would make a more stable foundation for decision making as it is (presumably) objective - and thus a foundation that is not able to be undermined.
Any foundation based on fiction/myth is only as strong as the inability of people to adequately test it allow it to be.

what do you base your (faith) decision on when a new born is coming into the world; the bible or the education of a doctor?
it seems naturally, you prefer sound reasoned judgement.
that is what i prefer too (understanding within reality)
Okay. But sound reasoned judgement is only as valid as the truth of the underlying assumptions. Put garbage in and you'll likely get garbage out, even if it is soundly reasoned from the assumptions used.
Apologies - I'm not sure I understand the question, so bear with me if I have misunderstood.
If the grounding was based on proof / fact then there would be no faith - just knowledge, and it would be the same for all people.

The former is reality, the latter only a claim to reality. Clearly the former would make a more stable foundation for decision making as it is (presumably) objective - and thus a foundation that is not able to be undermined.
Any foundation based on fiction/myth is only as strong as the inability of people to adequately test it allow it to be.

so basically, if truth was ground down to math/science/evidence and that material knowledge was equal to mother nature and given to every child born;

would peace possibly exist, eventually?

meaning could each have real understanding if the true principles of nature, were in fact defined?

Okay. But sound reasoned judgement is only as valid as the truth of the underlying assumptions.

you are a sharp one, and thanks

YES>............... as that is why to return to physics, find that plancks constant is bound to entropy (a macro scale analogy) to the math of physics/chemistry

that 'assumption' has imposed issues to all of physics

Put garbage in and you'll likely get garbage out, even if it is soundly reasoned from the assumptions used.


good post!