What is the draw to faith?

what makes you believe? Hope, faith, lust, gain?

What do you mean ?

what is your draw (value)?

kind of like; what do you wake up for each day? (the underlying purpose of your life)

some might say; "to get laid"

others might say; "to serve God"

and in each; what is the gain sought................ what is the draw (need, want)?

gotta be something each want
Faith in their own values.
Faith in their moral judgments.
Faith in their memory - at least until a certain age.
Faith in their ability to know why they believe what they do.
Faith in what their sense of a self is.
Faith in their reasoning.

and what grounds each to becoming the truth in each matter (line item)?

meaning; theologies offer much to comprehend them valuations but are they the last word to each?

has more been learned since the original writtings to cover them 'needs'?

then in 'revelations' what is coming to finish the 'understanding' of each of them?

Are these fairly equal to all people?
I think the faith most maintain is karma- the notion that good deeds have good consequences and bad deeds have bad ones.

kind of a balancing trick

and perhaps why the buddha suggest almost literally .....'don't move or you might do something wrong (continue the suffering)' (since the absolute has not been enabled into words; they are aware of the fallibility of existing knowledge; hence 'buddha' subjects (per se reincarnated) continue to learn and share in the progression to adi buddha (king of knowledge) last chapter)

But karma 'feelings' can be likened to the 'consciousness' sharing ones errors to action but doing 'good' seems inappropriate when just for reward.

it seems 'compassionate awareness' is a reality to consciousness (we can actually be responsible for our actions; choice)

But then again, worldwide there's millions of people in jail for bad karmic actions. Are we to believe they are all Godless heathens?

i fart too

I like a world where everyone wins.
knowledge enables understanding

Unfortunately as humans, we tend to break rules (see:Adam and Eve).
A and E can be likened to a metaphor to many lessons.

The rib story: cells divide (all life gives a portion of itself to continue living)

The fruit story: the day choice (consciousness) was born (identity of an 'i' making a choice) (allows the understanding of Good and Bad being conveyed into words: articulation: awareness)

since words were born (he named eve) and nature (GOD) provides everything (clothes them)

and man then began to think he was separate from mother nature (left the garden; false premise enabled by words: fibs were born (jinn))

and with that trial and error, to learn, began; knowledge evolves (words evolved, transcend time; for next generations)

seems like good stuff to me except now others can use understanding to observe the story of adam and eve, like an A&E program!

the point was, the idea that you used I like a world where everyone wins.

is quite nice and since we (mankind) are here, then adam and eve "ain't dead"

both tangibly and metaphorically

because we 'are alive' as well we still talking about them (from all over the world, in almost every language you can imagine)

think of the old story as a gift left over the ages so one day each could understand

Now; what is the draw to faith?

i always thought that having faith 'we will understand' as human beings is the best faith to maintain.

that is why i share what i have learned
what makes you believe?
Just anything ? What makes me believe something is that I find it very convincing or very probable, in the absence of strong evidence.

Hope is pretty meaningless on its own. But I guess what makes people hope is the desire for something that is very unlikely.

Faith is much like hope, it seems to me.

I have no insight in that. Same for desire.

I don't understand this one.

what is your draw (value)?

kind of like; what do you wake up for each day? (the underlying purpose of your life)

some might say; "to get laid"

others might say; "to serve God"

and in each; what is the gain sought................ what is the draw (need, want)?

gotta be something each want
Well, this might disappoint you, but what I wake up for in the morning is either to do stuff that needs to be done or to do stuff that I want to do.
I have no clear goals in life.
and what grounds each to becoming the truth in each matter (line item)?

meaning; theologies offer much to comprehend them valuations but are they the last word to each?

has more been learned since the original writtings to cover them 'needs'?

then in 'revelations' what is coming to finish the 'understanding' of each of them?

Are these fairly equal to all people?
I mean this literally and not as an insult. Is English a second language for you? If it is you have a very good vocabulary, impressive. But I maybe you could keep the ideas simpler and be blunter, because I have a very hard time understanding you. If English is your first language, well, same suggestion.
Just anything ? What makes me believe something is that I find it very convincing or very probable, in the absence of strong evidence.
basically you believe what you experience and then represent that with the words you can?

Hope is pretty meaningless on its own. But I guess what makes people hope is the desire for something that is very unlikely.
when you go to sleep, i bet you have an innert hope that you will wake up and do what you didn't do today or expect to do tomorrow.

hope is what people hold onto for what they do (i hope the boss pays me for work done this period...)

so hope is natural when identified

as most all 'hope' has a valuation attached

Faith is much like hope, it seems to me.

i have faith that ''x" will occur... ( i will stop breathing someday)

I have no insight in that. Same for desire.
reproduction is instinctive; if you are too old, them feeling have faded (hence old age sets in) (almost like "your useless, now back to the dirt")

I don't understand this one.
I asked what is your sought 'gain'?

what is that valued 'x' for you reasons for living (instinctive life; to reproduce)

what is your most sought 'threshold'...... (perhaps the lottery)

Well, this might disappoint you, but what I wake up for in the morning is either to do stuff that needs to be done or to do stuff that I want to do.
I have no clear goals in life.

all 'needs to be done' has a purposed imposition; you have a reason for them

seems like you are on the 'pay taxes and die' program


I would still like some sort of clarification on this thread (see my comment @ post 8).

I have no idea what you're trying to ask here. Your question in the OP is incoherent.
I'd like the OP to elaborate.
In particular, to rephrase it so as to render it intelligible...

i thought the dialogue was opening that up

What is the draw to faith?

What is 'it' that people keep within, that causes them to be observant in 'faith'.....be them of.....beliefs....sciences......themselves....?

What is it that people are holding onto?

Gustav... hit the core answer right on the money!

But to allow a thread like this offers any contributions to surface whether logical or illogical. Then each comment can be addressed by others along with the ability for any person to check out the material themselves.

the thread is wide open and any comment anyone makes; all the rest can observe and place their opinions too.

I like the internet
What is the 'faith' most maintain?

Religious or any?

what do people believe that assists them in maintaining their 'faith'...?

whether it is in pahana, jesus, mohammed, einstein, the sun, rah, themselves.........knowledge..........

heck....... i don't care!

i am seeking the value to 'what' that people are holding onto

the conversation offers any the ability to read what others believe without getting too confrontational

the reality is most (religions) are all on the same core path but the people just don't know it

many of self are holding the 'invisible hand'
I see.

Thanks for the clarification Bishadi.
I think I was initially confused by your locution. I thought you were particularly speaking of Religion, but then your "Religious or any?" line contradicted.

I'll have to think on this one.
Are we talking "faith" as in merely assessment of probability based on past results, or "faith" as in believing something to be true with zero rationally-attributal evidence?
Are we talking "faith" as in merely assessment of probability based on past results, or "faith" as in believing something to be true with zero rationally-attributal evidence?

It seems the second type of faith has roots based on what they think of the first type; some believe a guy was magical (could walk on water). So they have faith he will do it again.

but this is about YOUR opinion

you pick your poison.
I see.

Thanks for the clarification Bishadi.
I think I was initially confused by your locution. I thought you were particularly speaking of Religion, but then your "Religious or any?" line contradicted.

I'll have to think on this one.

please do as i see others like your opinion

so puch one in, on the subject matter (everyone knows i don't speak their kind of english as well i am a quack; so skip me being the subject)

add your opinion
I think the thread could be renamed to something along the lines of -

What is it that motivates you in this life to do what you do, be that faith based or otherwise?
Faith seems to me an attempt by the mind to put understanding on the uncertainty we all face everyday. Faith for many people gives purpose to their lives; at some point people seem to seek purpose. I read a book a few years ago by Viktor Frankl where he quotes Neitchsze, "A man with a why can bear almost any how." Frankl was using this as a psychiatrist explaining how concentration camp slaves were able to go on with their lives. Is there a correlation between people in jobs they hate and their belief in God or some other focus on which they base their faith?