What is the draw to faith?

What is the draw to faith?

This implies that we can be in a state without faith and then we enter faith. When in fact we find ourselves already engaged in life, working already with various faiths - in a self that continues through time, in the functioning of the senses, in the functioning of memory, that phenomena are made up of separate subjects and objects, in local realism.....to name a few common ones.

Faith is already there. THEN you can choose to look at these things or doubt them or create new assumptions and test or whatever.

But you cannot live without faith.

You can confuse the little thinky portion of the mind with all of yourself. And this little thinky portion of the mind can say it has no faith and that it arrived at all its opinions rationallly and empirically. But if you watch anyone who says this, the way they live that is, you will find they have taken a number of things on faith, and seem absolutely certain, just like any religious believer, about things they have not studied empircally.
This implies that we can be in a state without faith and then we enter faith.

I didn't know what my first meal was, until poked in the eye.

And still hungry for that, to this day.

When in fact we find ourselves already engaged in life, working already with various faiths - in a self that continues through time, in the functioning of the senses, in the functioning of memory, that phenomena are made up of separate subjects and objects, in local realism.....to name a few common ones.
kind of spooky how 'words' work!

they enable us rocks that we can, choose to jump, out of a perfectly good plane

we dig our own holes

Faith is already there.
because we put attachments to things whereas of instinct, the needs and wants are pure to existence

hence the rules can be found in nature, rather than the created 'guy on a thrown' (zeus kind of god)

THEN you can choose to look at these things or doubt them or create new assumptions and test or whatever.

But you cannot live without faith.
you making me feel like i wrote half these comment

the key to observe when we test and doubt is to remain honest to the accounting and leave the trail of the unknown's. They then can be pointed out to the next generation. I like to look as the idea of knowledge to be like each generations contributors were saying "Here, I added my piece to the puzzle, now you and the kids finish it"

knowledge is evolving and we all in it! (God's words if you like, as in truth we are a part of this existence and to me 'all of it' is that God so many have been pointing at; existence itself)

That is why, to me the best 'faith' could be that ONE day the truth will be known; then we all free of the BS.

My kind of war!

You can confuse the little thinky portion of the mind with all of yourself. And this little thinky portion of the mind can say it has no faith and that it arrived at all its opinions rationallly and empirically. But if you watch anyone who says this, the way they live that is, you will find they have taken a number of things on faith, and seem absolutely certain, just like any religious believer, about things they have not studied empircally.
that is why being a doer is better than being a talker.

add your part and be sure not to cause a 'loss to the commn' (a tangent to truth)....

can any see,

i wanted to add something to that last post:

if the pyramid is the goal, then if each add a stone, then collectively the total structure lasts longer

most all go into faith wanting what Gustav pointed out; the "i" to live longer

well damnit, that is what doing (contributing) does; adding your energy for "life to continue" (Good, defined)

we live in what we do, until we don't wake up any further

we in heaven as it is where we (rocks) have choice to create our own life

it's all stupid easy 'common sense'
Faith simply means believing something is true with no evidence. "Faiths" is the collective term for religions who practice the epitome of faith.

The term faith is also used in other everyday occurrences to mean trust or expectation that was has occurred many times before will occur again. E.g. I have faith my chair will bear my weight - this is because there is past evidence that it has done before. This is not the same as religious faith which has no past record of evidence.

There is no value to a total conviction that a proposal is true without appropriate evidence.

we in heaven as it is where we (rocks) have choice to create our own life
Why is that any different to what we do now?

They then can be pointed out to the next generation. I like to look as the idea of knowledge to be like each generations contributors were saying "Here, I added my piece to the puzzle, now you and the kids finish it"
I’d much rather help finish the puzzle and enjoy it. Your defeatist BS is accepted by so many because we haven’t figured out yet how not to die.

knowledge is evolving and we all in it! (God's words if you like, as in truth we are a part of this existence and to me 'all of it' is that God so many have been pointing at; existence itself)
We exist, knowledge helps us understand our existence. It is as simple as that.
we haven’t figured out yet how not to die.

Actually we started out not dying and had to figure out how to die over a couple billion years.

And now you want to figure out how not to die again? Geez, make up your mind already.

Why is that any different to what we do now?

nothing but fair and true into words any honest person can say; 'well that is common sense'

i like truth on a platter that is equal to all, not just to the few who believe.

I’d much rather help finish the puzzle and enjoy it.
like most who are more concerned about themselves than comprehending what life is overall and share it as a choice to live. eg.... darwin is in the dirt, but still alive in what we have learned from him.

simple reality

Your defeatist BS is accepted by so many because we haven’t figured out yet how not to die.
i defeat ignorance; every time!

want to live, do good!

no soul following you around in the 'after-life' as sleeping is just like dying to the few who like the idea of a soul with awareness after death; that is all poppy cop stuff

just like the kurzweil style nuts that think they can upload their consciousness and live forever as a cyborb

all poppy cop!

living longer can be perfectly known as contributing your energy (by choice) to the continuance of life; you live in that contribution.

We exist, knowledge helps us understand our existence. It is as simple as that.

that is why i learn, all day long!

'the truth set you free'

when you find me BSing, please, tell me!

Actually we started out not dying and had to figure out how to die over a couple billion years.
Interesting fantasy you have there.

i like truth on a platter that is equal to all, not just to the few who believe.
Creating our own lives for ourselves is all we can do, no one else is going to do it for us. This is true whether someone belives in religious fantasies or not.

The biggest challenge for humanity is to convince those who are waiting for fantasies to fix their lives to get off their butts and make an effort for themselves.
Fear of the unknown. That's what draws people to faith.

What you can't know, you make up to comfort yourself.

like most who are more concerned about themselves than comprehending what life is overall and share it as a choice to live. eg.... darwin is in the dirt, but still alive in what we have learned from him.
Every individual is more concerned about their own welfare than anyone else. Even those who claim altruism, they do so because they enjoy it: There are no true altruists. And for the idea that we add to the puzzle so our descendents can continue, is just another perverse delusion that we somehow continue to exist even if just in the eyes of others. That is no use to the individual who is dead and beyond any ability to appreciate or comprehend.

Life is all we have and it is and can be very enjoyable. Just because I want to survive, like everyone else, that doesn’t preclude me (as you imply) from wanting to understand the nature of life, sharing knowledge and everything related. It is ultimately in my best interest to work and share with others for mutual survival.

i defeat ignorance; every time!

want to live, do good!
That’s fine with me.

no soul following you around in the 'after-life' as sleeping is just like dying to the few who like the idea of a soul with awareness after death; that is all poppy cop stuff
No souls – good – I agree.

just like the kurzweil style nuts that think they can upload their consciousness and live forever as a cyborb

all poppy cop!
But that isn’t supernatural nonsense. The development of AI is inevitable, and the engines that can deliver that ability will continue to be enhanced to the point where human intelligence is superceded. At that point the transfer of our brain patterns into a reliable, resilient, and more advanced medium is also inevitable. Biological based life is too fragile and offers little opportunity for rapid development.

living longer can be perfectly known as contributing your energy (by choice) to the continuance of life; you live in that contribution.
And is of no benefit to me if I am dead. There is no motivation for me to contribute if there is a certainty that I will die, I can find more interesting things to do. My motivation, which is the same for everyone working to prolong life and to find a cure to the aging disease, is for personal survival.

that is why i learn, all day long!

'the truth set you free'
Or allow you to realize that you are trapped in a cage with no hope of escape. Truth has no inherent goodness associated with it. Truth can equally bring very bad news; ignorance is often blissful, as we witness everyday with the billions of people who voluntary choose to believe religious fantasies as truth. People, generally, do not want truth if it is unpleasant; most are not educated to deal with that.

when you find me BSing, please, tell me!
I will continue to do so as you request.
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Every individual is more concerned about their own welfare than anyone else.
not true see darwin, galileo, bacon

Even those who claim altruism, they do so because they enjoy it:
not true as parents take crap from kids all day long, and do it for Love

There are no true altruists.

I like to believe the fore-fathers or clearly put Bejamin Franklin was a straight shooter; look up the lightening rod.

And for the idea that we add to the puzzle so our descendents can continue, is just another perverse delusion that we somehow continue to exist even if just in the eyes of others.
then why leave a will?

why send the kids to school?

why do the kids learn more now then ever in history?

ask a 13 yr old if they could survive without a cell phone.

the fact, that we (mankind) genetically alters food, purely shares 'contributing' for life, knowledge over time, generations.

what do you think books do?

That is no use to the individual who is dead and beyond any ability to appreciate or comprehend.
Now we hit it on the head; you think life is conscious awareness.

as if a dog is dead.

that is YOUR self psyched-out mind believing and being ignorant!

we still talk about galileo because of the energy he put into contributing knowledge, and his life is within us

just like a brick in a pyramid; there would be no pyramid without others contributing for the total. Well knowledge is the perfect example of that very reality of evolution; knowledge evolved over time.

that is why we can send ships to the moon or even talk on the internet and share material that has never been viewed throughout all history in a combined setting.

we are that future and you need to wake up and smell the roses

No souls – good – I agree.
souls are easy to discredit; just remind people about alzheimers and ask them what happened to their soul (memories are attached to the body (glial to be specific)

But that isn’t supernatural nonsense. The development of AI is inevitable,
not in a binary (moore's law) kind of setting.....

perhaps an 'alternative intelligence' can be performed like a computer, but not conscious.

i have dealt in that game for years..... don't try!

and the engines that can deliver that ability will continue to be enhanced to the point where human intelligence is superceded.
not gonna happen

At that point the transfer of our brain patterns into a reliable, resilient, and more advanced medium is also inevitable. Biological based life is too fragile and offers little opportunity for rapid development.
they cannot even define the basic 'soup of life' and you think they can upload a mind?

funny stuff from wayyyyyyy toooo many magazine articles

And is of no benefit to me if I am dead. There is no motivation for me to contribute if there is a certainty that I will die, I can find more interesting things to do.
and fade to being forgotten/extinct by leaving nothing of good for tomorrow. (you are acting like a wave in a pond trying to jump out of it)

My motivation, which is the same for everyone working to prolong life and to find a cure to the aging disease, is for personal survival.

imagine if every soldier on the battle field was allowed to speak such ignorance; there'd be no wars

or even if parents thought that way, we would not have the population issue right?

Or allow you to realize that you are trapped in a cage with no hope of escape.
that is what ignorance breeds

Truth has no inherent goodness associated with it.
yes it does;

if you asked, 'is that water drink able?" would you want the truth?

well the same applies in every conversation; you expect the truth

Truth can equally bring very bad news; ignorance is often blissful, as we witness everyday with the billions of people who voluntary choose to believe religious fantasies as truth.
because the fibs were 'allowed' to fester without the precept of 'honesty' being rule A1

People, generally, do not want truth if it is unpleasant; most are not educated to deal with that.
and why, this is OUR WORLD

not concerned about whether the old school WANTS it or not

the kids will have it; so deal with it!

not true see darwin, galileo, bacon
In particular?

“ Even those who claim altruism, they do so because they enjoy it: ”

not true as parents take crap from kids all day long, and do it for Love
And your point is? And Love is not something that is a personal need?

“ There are no true altruists. ”

I like to believe the fore-fathers or clearly put Bejamin Franklin was a straight shooter; look up the lightening rod.
I think you are missing the point. Inventors love to invent things. They enjoy it otherwise they wouldn’t do it.

And for the idea that we add to the puzzle so our descendents can continue, is just another perverse delusion that we somehow continue to exist even if just in the eyes of others. ”

then why leave a will?
Makes them feel good to do so.

why send the kids to school?
Its fun to see your kids learning.

why do the kids learn more now then ever in history?
Better schools?

ask a 13 yr old if they could survive without a cell phone.
What’s your point?

the fact, that we (mankind) genetically alters food, purely shares 'contributing' for life, knowledge over time, generations.
What’s your point?

what do you think books do?
What’s your point?

“ That is no use to the individual who is dead and beyond any ability to appreciate or comprehend. ”

Now we hit it on the head; you think life is conscious awareness.
Life is very difficult to define. As sentient beings we can either be alive or dead. One can’t do anything when dead.

as if a dog is dead.

that is YOUR self psyched-out mind believing and being ignorant!
Huh? Dead dogs? What?

we still talk about galileo because of the energy he put into contributing knowledge, and his life is within us
And I am sure he thoroughly enjoyed his work, and he did it for himself. It is also enjoyable to see others appreciate ones creations.

just like a brick in a pyramid; there would be no pyramid without others contributing for the total. Well knowledge is the perfect example of that very reality of evolution; knowledge evolved over time.
Once something is discovered it usually cannot be undiscovered, so yes of course knowledge will grow. Based on an increasing knowledge base we are able to make and create other, new, and better things for ourselves.

So what’s your point?

we are that future and you need to wake up and smell the roses
Huh? What is it that you think you are telling me that I don’t already know?

“ But that isn’t supernatural nonsense. The development of AI is inevitable, ”

not in a binary (moore's law) kind of setting.....

perhaps an 'alternative intelligence' can be performed like a computer, but not conscious.

i have dealt in that game for years..... don't try!
Unless you think consciousness is something like a soul that you have already dismissed then you must accept that “consciousness” is a result of brain function, i.e. a mechanistic effect that we can analyze, understand and re-create in a more resilient medium, such as a silicon and electronic base.

“ and the engines that can deliver that ability will continue to be enhanced to the point where human intelligence is superceded. ”

not gonna happen
Why not? What is so special about human intelligence that you think it is an end point? All mammals exhibit varying degrees of intelligence, we are simply the current state of that evolutionary thread. There is no reason to believe that intelligence cannot continue to evolve.

“ At that point the transfer of our brain patterns into a reliable, resilient, and more advanced medium is also inevitable. Biological based life is too fragile and offers little opportunity for rapid development. ”

they cannot even define the basic 'soup of life' and you think they can upload a mind?
I don’t always need to know exactly how something operates to be able to conduct reverse engineering. But you are making the classical error of assuming that because we do not understand something complex at this time then we will never understand. Humans exhibit immense curiosity and the functioning of the human mind presents one of those challenges that will consume scientists until they do understand it, i.e. the acquisition of that knowledge is inevitable.

funny stuff from wayyyyyyy toooo many magazine articles
Well not really. I work on the design and development of massively parallel computer system in which I expect will contribute to making uploading a reality. I’d be one writing the articles.

“ My motivation, which is the same for everyone working to prolong life and to find a cure to the aging disease, is for personal survival. ”

imagine if every soldier on the battle field was allowed to speak such ignorance; there'd be no wars
Unless you enjoy the excitement and danger of warfare, which is why all soldiers join-up. Unfortunately their survival instincts are somewhat faulty here, and most curiously enough assume they will not die. Religion also plays a major role in most militaries – a reward in heaven awaits the glorious, etc., etc. But you are correct in that a soldier is the nearest we can imagine as an altruist. I.e. the idea that one does something for others at some cost to themselves. But really the professional soldier does his job for himself because he enjoys it, that he might die is the price he accepts for his personal enjoyment while alive. Doing it for others is secondary but that thought can also add to his enjoyment.

Unless one is coerced to do something everything else we do in life is voluntary and we do it because of our own personal pleasure, we wouldn’t do it otherwise. There are no exceptions.

or even if parents thought that way, we would not have the population issue right?
You lost me on that one. Huh?

Or allow you to realize that you are trapped in a cage with no hope of escape. ”

that is what ignorance breeds

“ Truth has no inherent goodness associated with it. ”

yes it does;

if you asked, 'is that water drink able?" would you want the truth?
You’ve missed the point. It isn’t that I want or do not want to know truth but that the knowledge that truth brings is not necessarily good. For example knowing that a meteorite is about to hit the planet and destroy all life is not particularly good news.

“ Truth can equally bring very bad news; ignorance is often blissful, as we witness everyday with the billions of people who voluntary choose to believe religious fantasies as truth. ”

because the fibs were 'allowed' to fester without the precept of 'honesty' being rule A1
Not really. It’s simply human desire to prefer hope and good news rather than face the potential unpleasantness that truth often brings – i.e. you are going to die and there is no after-life, you will cease to exist. People will tend to believe anything else rather than face their own non-existence – this is the single most powerful influence that religions hold over people and why so many people follow them.
you are on a spin cycle fool

you said people are not altruist but then contradict yourself

In particular?

And your point is? And Love is not something that is a personal need?

I think you are missing the point. Inventors love to invent things. They enjoy it otherwise they wouldn’t do it.

all of that above is your back peddliing

then i point out that knowledge evolves and that the next generation WILL BE SMARTER than you are

Makes them feel good to do so.

Its fun to see your kids learning.

Better schools?

What’s your point?

What’s your point?

What’s your point?

as you have nothing to say in any defense to your ignorance (it's all in the thread)

Life is very difficult to define.
no it isn't and is DONE, but you don't know it

As sentient beings we can either be alive or dead. One can’t do anything when dead.
when sentient, the conscious (awake)

when dead, in your eyes, then no conscious

are dogs dead?

are you conscious when sleeping?

consciousness is not life............ that is the ignorance of the not very well educated

And I am sure he thoroughly enjoyed his work, and he did it for himself. It is also enjoyable to see others appreciate ones creations.
he did it for the future generations; just like tinkering for the scientist and alchemists

they are applying knowledge and continuing the evolution of knowledge

Once something is discovered it usually cannot be undiscovered, so yes of course knowledge will grow. Based on an increasing knowledge base we are able to make and create other, new, and better things for ourselves.

So what’s your point?

knowledge evolves

like i have been saying

Huh? What is it that you think you are telling me that I don’t already know?

i be telling you a WHOLE BUNCH of what you have NO CLUE about

at your finger tips is more knowledge than confucious jesus einstein and newton combined times a 1000

you bet 'we the people' are going to recoin, redefine and run over the idiots of old thinking

i suggest you get with the program

Unless you think consciousness is something like a soul that you have already dismissed then you must accept that “consciousness” is a result of brain function, i.e. a mechanistic effect that we can analyze, understand and re-create in a more resilient medium, such as a silicon and electronic base.

kid...... look up polaritonics if you want to comprehend the new method of storing information upon structures

the point i was making, is that not everyone is for self as a soldier is combining with others for a purpose beyond self

as for you bringing up the mechanism of how consciousness works, then you need to open a thead on it

perhaps look up how the 'coherance' of energy works

I don’t always need to know exactly how something operates to be able to conduct reverse engineering.
you can't nor the whole educational community can't reverse engineer a living structure (soup of life)

perhaps you should look into what heisenberg contributed to bohrs math in the field equations (you would realize at the quantum level, there is no reverse engineering; time is relevant to the sequence)

the reason their is a huge issue is that the current math cannot define even simple living structure at the molecular scale

But you are making the classical error of assuming that because we do not understand something complex at this time then we will never understand.

quite the opposite; i do know the pinnacle is reachable and will seem like a 'reversal of nature' based on how the existing 'laws' will be put into the 'pirates code' as simple 'guidelines'

if you sit and read, i am not against the progression

i am planting seeds for to further it

do a google on 'entanglement'................. i am a hammer on that one as it is the 'missing link' to the sciences (it is gravity itself once you get a clue)

can we get back to the thread?

you are on a spin cycle fool

you said people are not altruist but then contradict yourself
I’m quite sure I haven’t.

“ Originally Posted by Cris

In particular?

And your point is? And Love is not something that is a personal need?

I think you are missing the point. Inventors love to invent things. They enjoy it otherwise they wouldn’t do it. ”

all of that above is your back peddling
How so? People always do things for themselves. If other people benefit then that could be seen as a bonus. If people deliberately set out to do things for others then it is always because it satisfies a personal desire – i.e. they are doing it to satisfy themselves.

then i point out that knowledge evolves and that the next generation WILL BE SMARTER than you are
Smartness hasn’t changed in people for thousands of years. The quantity of knowledge has increased which enables us to make different and better informed decisions. Depends how “smartness” is defined I guess.

Makes them feel good to do so.
Its fun to see your kids learning.
Better schools?
What’s your point?
What’s your point?
What’s your point? ”

as you have nothing to say in any defense to your ignorance (it's all in the thread)
I wouldn’t ask if I could see your point. Your ability to clearly explain anything is marginal at best. I’m not sure you actually have a point and you are being evasive here.

“ Life is very difficult to define. ”

no it isn't and is DONE, but you don't know it
If it was easy you’d have simply explained it. Instead you assert it is easy and then fail to deliver. If you think I don’t know it then please enlighten me.

“ As sentient beings we can either be alive or dead. One can’t do anything when dead. ”

when sentient, the conscious (awake)
when dead, in your eyes, then no conscious
are dogs dead?
are you conscious when sleeping?
consciousness is not life............ that is the ignorance of the not very well educated
It is difficult to respond since you have neither defined what you consider consciousness or life. I used the term “sentient” deliberately to avoid the debate over the consciousness.

i suggest you get with the program
What program?

you can't nor the whole educational community can't reverse engineer a living structure (soup of life)

perhaps you should look into what heisenberg contributed to bohrs math in the field equations (you would realize at the quantum level, there is no reverse engineering; time is relevant to the sequence)

the reason their is a huge issue is that the current math cannot define even simple living structure at the molecular scale
That is no reason to assume it can never be done.

“ But you are making the classical error of assuming that because we do not understand something complex at this time then we will never understand. ”

quite the opposite; i do know the pinnacle is reachable and will seem like a 'reversal of nature' based on how the existing 'laws' will be put into the 'pirates code' as simple 'guidelines'
Not really sure what you just said, but it feels like some form of agreement.

can we get back to the thread?
How so? People always do things for themselves. If other people benefit then that could be seen as a bonus. If people deliberately set out to do things for others then it is always because it satisfies a personal desire – i.e. they are doing it to satisfy themselves.

this is the sickness of today's mentality; the idea that everyone is out for themselves. (the beast of many heads)

Smartness hasn’t changed in people for thousands of years. The quantity of knowledge has increased which enables us to make different and better informed decisions. Depends how “smartness” is defined I guess.

your not smart

and thinking people evolve (knowledge evolves, because others give/gave of themselves for the next generations to understand; basically what i am doing)

that was easy to define

If it was easy you’d have simply explained it. Instead you assert it is easy and then fail to deliver. If you think I don’t know it then please enlighten me.

life is the energy of mass.

energy defined is not a potential difference but the em upon mass (light)

some consider 'heat' as a potential but IN FACT is just em (all cases)

to comprehend 'evolution' at the molecular scale, then any could see life is not following a random reductionary process

life in the science is not defined correctly

and it is because of this, that the kids don't know the math to understand life itself in a common sense frame that is EQUAL TO NATURE!

life is not definable at the molecular scale in the current physics; and that is a FACT!

It is difficult to respond since you have neither defined what you consider consciousness or life. I used the term “sentient” deliberately to avoid the debate over the consciousness.
it is because you do not understand 'life' itself nor how and what 'consciousness' is

What program?
learning before believing

That is no reason to assume it can never be done.
i know it WILL BE DONE

but not by 'walking the planck' (entropy built into 'h' (planck's constant))

then you said But you are making the classical error of assuming that because we do not understand something complex at this time then we will never understand. ”

and i replied

quite the opposite; i do know the pinnacle is reachable and will seem like a 'reversal of nature' based on how the existing 'laws' will be put into the 'pirates code' as simple 'guidelines'

then your comment

Not really sure what you just said, but it feels like some form of agreement.

my point is; a paradigm shift on how 'life' exists upon mass; is unfolding.

you so happen to be talking with the idiot, directly that is bringing it (the name to know)

there are/is no others on the globe that has DONE THE WORK, personally!

from what gravity is, to what consciousness is and most of what makes life work in between; that is what i do for a living

(about as pure an altruist as any human being you ever even thought about during the course of your whole life)

my'faith' is that 'we the people' (mankind) will understand

and no religion, government or the idiots of the so called scientific community can stop it...........

'we the people' are who define existence and as soon as you realize how IMPORTANT we all are to existence, then prehaps you could comprehend what giving is, over taking for the self!

not a word in existence that was not 'created' by mankind

problem is, too many monkey's think 'we the people' are incapable

and i step on them like bugs

this is the sickness of today's mentality; the idea that everyone is out for themselves. (the beast of many heads)
No not quite, this is simple honesty. We are driven by our emotions. A self aware android for example that had not been programmed with emotions would simply do nothing. It is an emotional DESIRE for something that motivates us to do what we do, i.e. something we WANT to do. Many people genuinely feel pleasure by helping others, but it is important to understand that the motivation is personal pleasure in some form. Others take pleasure in doing harm to others. The same emotions are at work.

your not smart
You mean “you are not smart” or “you’re not smart” – and thanks, but I already know that.

and thinking people evolve (knowledge evolves, because others give/gave of themselves for the next generations to understand; basically what i am doing)
I don’t really think knowledge itself evolves, it grows for sure, but doesn’t really evolve.

life is the energy of mass.
energy defined is not a potential difference but the em upon mass (light)
some consider 'heat' as a potential but IN FACT is just em (all cases)
Using that definition I can see that a rock is alive. Is that what you intended?

to comprehend 'evolution' at the molecular scale, then any could see life is not following a random reductionary process
This is true, the enormous flexibility of carbon to combine with other elements meant that life was always naturally inevitable.

it is because you do not understand 'life' itself nor how and what 'consciousness' is
Oh I know I have a very good understanding, but I don’t understand your perspective yet.

“ What program? ”

learning before believing
Oh, I’m with that and have been for a long time, faith has no place in my life.

my point is; a paradigm shift on how 'life' exists upon mass; is unfolding.
You need to explain what all of that means. It appears to be a meaningless phrase.

from what gravity is, to what consciousness is and most of what makes life work in between; that is what i do for a living
Can you be more precise, what is your profession?

(about as pure an altruist as any human being you ever even thought about during the course of your whole life)
Not even close. Your ego here is out of control, you are totally enjoying yourself trying to tell us “fools” (a term you often use) all about your bizarre perspective. You are on an ego trip – pure personal pleasure.

No not quite, this is simple honesty.
that is fair in the sense that in the cities, that concept lives pure

We are driven by our emotions.
emotions reveal themselves from needs and wants;

'all i need, is a cool buzz, some tasty waves, and i'm fine'

needs are created by cultures (environment)

otherwise the remaining needs of instinct; food cloth shelter mate, death (think like an animal)

A self aware android for example that had not been programmed with emotions would simply do nothing.
that be your AI

mankind learns more and experiences more; hence knowledge evolved

but the core understanding as to what learning is for has been lost to the video screen

It is an emotional DESIRE for something that motivates us to do what we do, i.e. something we WANT to do. Many people genuinely feel pleasure by helping others, but it is important to understand that the motivation is personal pleasure in some form. Others take pleasure in doing harm to others. The same emotions are at work.
freud said it's mom's fault

i say it is environment; what is important is defined by what environment we succumb too (kind of evolutionary in itself; compare a new yorker and an inuit; one can drive a car, one can survive most any environment)

You mean “you are not smart” or “you’re not smart” – and thanks, but I already know that.

I don’t really think knowledge itself evolves, it grows for sure, but doesn’t really evolve.
then why didn't the bible say evolution was wrong?

because the word was not BORN

This is true, the enormous flexibility of carbon to combine with other elements meant that life was always naturally inevitable.

is the idea that the carbon isotope found in most all life is based on 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons; is that just weird that the golden ratio is practically perfected in living things; yet is perfectly illustrated in the pentegram or even the dimension of the arc of the covenant.

now remember, i don't do religion; i read what others mentioned and point out what i see.

in which, for you to be aware of carbon-12 and that most all life is of that chemical element, including you; then you know have knowledge branded upon your head, that most do not (your knowledge has evolved as of right now)

such that if random was the rule, then why do living things seek out food, specific for it's consumption?

the law of physics is wrong, not nature! Just like the theological renditions are off, not nature.

but reality combines them both

Oh I know I have a very good understanding, but I don’t understand your perspective yet.

that the truth combines knowledge

Oh, I’m with that and have been for a long time, faith has no place in my life.
just have faith, you are capable!

don't lie to yourself, and never to me

You need to explain what all of that means. It appears to be a meaningless phrase.
paradigm shift is like what happened when copernicus shared to the west the earth was not the center; all minds became further aware of a different concept then what was believed.

ie... it has been proven the KT extinction was not caused by an asteroid; but you still don't even know it!

well the same goes for life; the whole globe is unaware (even as most have bits and pieces)

Can you be more precise, what is your profession?
giving back

Not even close. Your ego here is out of control, you are totally enjoying yourself trying to tell us “fools” (a term you often use) all about your bizarre perspective. You are on an ego trip – pure personal pleasure.

it allows an introvert like me to learn more while remaining autonomous

the ego, is that 'i have done the work'...............

from confucious, jesus, newton einstein feynman and the majority in between; they all been talking and contributing for the truth to one day exist.

well guess who

i fight for tomorrow and will step over any for them

teach me something or step aside

i say, have faith 'we the people' will understand!

what is your draw to faith?

i said it before youngster, you barking at someone who cares that much and it seems, i am not your enemy! (you are perhaps one of them, i bleed for)
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