What is the draw to faith?

faith in the context of religion and metaphysics:
that something perseveres after death. most commonly, a self, an identity
What is the 'faith' most maintain?
Faith in their own values.
Faith in their moral judgments.
Faith in their memory - at least until a certain age.
Faith in their ability to know why they believe what they do.
Faith in what their sense of a self is.
Faith in their reasoning.
well now, 16% non-religious that's high than the number of Hindu. Amazing.

I have Faith in Humanity after all ;)
you have said nothing at all
imao, your humanity is up for grabs
explain your certainty, ontological or otherwise
I'd like the OP to elaborate.
In particular, to rephrase it so as to render it intelligible...

the tt has no relevance to the op
priority and consideration goes to the former
a simple technical custom and protocol
if one has the patience and generosity of "nature" to ask for clarification, cool
What is the 'faith' most maintain?

Religious or any?

I think the faith most maintain is karma- the notion that good deeds have good consequences and bad deeds have bad ones. But then again, worldwide there's millions of people in jail for bad karmic actions. Are we to believe they are all Godless heathens?

I like a world where everyone wins. Unfortunately as humans, we tend to break rules (see:Adam and Eve).
fuck the weismann barrier ;)
every day, man.
my predispositions are back home with Mom and Dad. And with a couple of exes.
My habits are broken.
Self-fulfilling prophecies abound. But it is not a shallow thing like the positive thinkers think.