What is God?

samcdkey said:
give me an example how killing props up Islam

It allows Muslims to kill for any reason they deem necessary.

we've already been through this
boundaries for acceptable behavior vs free will, remember?

We've been through it, but you still don't understand that you can't logically have a creator controlling the destinies of everyone and free will.
(Q) said:
It allows Muslims to kill for any reason they deem necessary.

So Muslims are the only people on earth who kill for any reason they deem necessary?

We've been through it, but you still don't understand that you can't logically have a creator controlling the destinies of everyone and free will

But we already decided I'm delusional; surely you don't expect logic from me?

Nobody has complete free will (not even atheists), but where there is accountability, there is choice.
samcdkey said:
So Muslims are the only people on earth who kill for any reason they deem necessary?

As usual, you stretch the point to new heights of silliness. So, I'll offer an equally silly answer: Yes.

The point was that Muslims can use the 'killing' clause as they deem necessary. What other religion has this clause?

Nobody has complete free will (not even atheists), but where there is accountability, there is choice.

Accountability to who? From who?
(Q) said:
As usual, you stretch the point to new heights of silliness. So, I'll offer an equally silly answer: Yes.

Boo Hoo Hoo. It was a direct response to your "example"

The point was that Muslims can use the 'killing' clause as they deem necessary. What other religion has this clause?

All of them.

Accountability to who? From who?

To God, who else? From those who believe.
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(Q) said:
But, there is no need for accountability since god decides everything.

---> this is me, frustrated.

Once again (and again):

Everything that happens falls into one of the following two categories:

1. The things that God does and in which no one else has any power of intervention.

2. The actions done by all the creatures that have the power of will.

These actions are a consequence of their efforts and their choice, a power that has been given to them by God.

God says in the Quran,: “…Among you are some who desire this world, and among you are some who desire the Hereafter…” [Quran: 3:152]

Does that clarify it?
samcdkey said:
---> this is me, frustrated.

Once again (and again):

Everything that happens falls into one of the following two categories:

1. The things that God does and in which no one else has any power of intervention.

2. The actions done by all the creatures that have the power of will.

These actions are a consequence of their efforts and their choice, a power that has been given to them by God.

God says in the Quran,: “…Among you are some who desire this world, and among you are some who desire the Hereafter…” [Quran: 3:152]

Does that clarify it?

It doesn't clarify anything because its complete BS. You can't have both. If so, please clarify the demarcation between our free will and gods will?
(Q) said:
It doesn't clarify anything because its complete BS. You can't have both. If so, please clarify the demarcation between our free will and gods will?

Why is it BS?

As a loose analogy, don't free people live under the rule of government, of law?

Does that make them devoid of will?

By the same analogy you have no will except that given you by the government.
samcdkey said:
Why is it BS?

As a loose analogy, don't free people live under the rule of government, of law?

Does that make them devoid of will?
I thing the notion is that "god" is stated to have some overarching plan for us and is omnipotent and omniscient and therefore free will on the part of his/her/its creations flies in the face of that, since we could potentially ruin gods plans by exercising said free will.
superluminal said:
I thing the notion is that "god" is stated to have some overarching plan for us and is omnipotent and omniscient and therefore free will on the part of his/her/its creations flies in the face of that, since we could potentially ruin gods plans by exercising said free will.

Hi supe :)

That is the Christian concept? In Islam there is no "plan", only the pursuit of knowledge for self-fulfilment.

And God's creation is not a one time thing, it's always expressed in the present continuous.
samcdkey said:
That is the Christian concept? In Islam there is no "plan", only the pursuit of knowledge for self-fulfilment.

And God's creation is not a one time thing, it's always expressed in the present continuous.

Hi sam!

Now you see? That only demonstrates my provincialism and ignorance of other cultures.
samcdkey said:
Why is it BS?

As a loose analogy, don't free people live under the rule of government, of law?

Please don't confuse reality with religion. How does the government control my destiny?

By the same analogy you have no will except that given you by the government.

Really? By way of computer chip implanted in my brain? :rolleyes:
samcdkey said:
What do you mean?
I mean that my knowledge of islam is apparently woefully inadequate. I thought all major modern diety-based religions postulated a god that was omnipotent, omniscient, and had a plan for humanity.
(Q) said:
Please don't confuse reality with religion. How does the government control my destiny?

By deciding the laws you should obey, whether you agree with them or not

By deciding whether your actions are right or wrong (i.e. legal or illegal)

By regulations that determine the economy of the market

By deciding if you can marry or divorce or keep/lose your child and how much you pay in maintenace

By deciding what chunk of your money should go to them

By influencing how much things cost and hence what your money is worth


Really? By way of computer chip implanted in my brain?

Nah it would rattle around too much :rolleyes: <----your rolling eyes, recycled
superluminal said:
I mean that my knowledge of islam is apparently woefully inadequate. I thought all major modern diety-based religions postulated a god that was omnipotent, omniscient, and had a plan for humanity.

In Islam God is a force, described as the Truth or the Way.

The Truth represents all the knowledge of creation while the Way represents all that is right. The whole concept of Islam is around these two representations of God.

You struggle (jihad) for knowledge, all the while trying to do it in the right way.(i.e.without harm to another or to nature and other aspects of creation).

Even the knowledge is by itself meaningless; it must be questioned and verified, other people must be involved and above all, it must be applied so that it will lead to further questions and the quest for greater knowledge.
samcdkey said:
In Islam God is a force, described as the Truth or the Way.

The Truth represents all the knowledge of creation while the Way represents all that is right. The whole concept of Islam is around these two representations of God.

You struggle (jihad) for knowledge, all the while trying to do it in the right way.(i.e.without harm to another or to nature and other aspects of creation).

Even the knowledge is by itself meaningless; it must be questioned and verified, other people must be involved and above all, it must be applied so that it will lead to further questions and the quest for greater knowledge.
Sounds lovely. Too bad the islamic community can't police itself and act the way you describe it. Same of course goes for fundamentalist xians and whatever.
superluminal said:
Sounds lovely. Too bad the islamic community can't police itself and act the way you describe it. Same of course goes for fundamentalist xians and whatever.

A lot of them do but they don't make the headlines. Doesn't get as many ratings as smashed children and anti-semitic actors.

:rolleyes: <----(Q)'s eyes again ver 2.0.

And nowadays, it seems to me that people have a very skewed idea of what's right.

They don't seem to want to have to exert themselves on anyone's behalf except their own.
