What is God?

Evolutionary pressures that affect memes are typically other memes that are similar or even very basic to the society in regards to political, religious, technical, and economical. Indeed, each of these are very powerful memes, sometimes at odds with each other but flourish best when able to be complementary.
The meme I'm particularly most fond of, is the notion that the "robot" or "homo machina" will eventually take over the world and surplant humanity as the dominant species. It is interesting to think that since the earliest known use of the term "robot" in 1917 by Josef Capek and the subsequent play by his brother Karel Capek, the notion that robots would destroy us has been a constant, recurring theme in our discussions surrounding their rise. Ironically, while the original fictional work portrayed robots of flesh and blood, most latter works have focused on a far more synthetic and biologically disseparate form of "robot" (with exceptional nods to Phillip Dick and the recent Battlestar Galactica series). I'm personally of the opinion that we are a ways off from seeing the true homo machina come into existance.

One the topic of memes in general however, I'm still interested in the notion that memes can be transmitted through morphogenetic resonance. We're only now peircing the practical possibilities of quantum teleportation by way of entanglement. That memetic transference can be effected through morphogenetic fields does not seem outside the realm of reasonable conjecture where proven scientific theory proves inadequate.

Once memes are allowed into the viable palette of possible explanations surrounding the mysteries of religion and theology, there are natural conclusions that arise as a matter of course.