What is God?

what is god: god is a mear thought. percieved whilst dreaming, halucinating, imagining, living only in the realm of fantasy.
god is wishful thinking.
Vega said:
Oh please... :p

I thought you were Jewish?

Surely you know that this philosophy is common to the Torah's teachings?

The Torah mandates, "rejoice in all the good."

"Rejoicing in all the good," demands that the farmer accept God's divine control in all things.

Maaser - tithes, symbolize responsibility for the personal and national whole. Not only is all that we have a gift from God, regardless of our presumed accomplishments, but we were given more to provide for others as well.

Rav Hirsch explains the purpose of the three different tithes.

1. The First Maaser: This was given to the Layvie symbolizing the cultivation of the spirit through the study of Torah.

2. The Second Maaser: This was eaten by the owner in Yerushalayim symbolizing "the care of our bodies in a spirit of moral purity."

3. The Third Maaser: This was given to the poor symbolizing our duty and concern for the welfare of our fellow man. All three of the tithes involve using that which God has gifted us for His intended purposes.

The Mitzvah of Bikurim acknowledged our total dependency on God. He created it all and it all belongs to him. The Mitzvah of Maaser is the therefore. Therefore, we must use God's world for His purposes. We must attend to our spiritual development, to our moral development, and must be concerned that our fellow human beings have the same.

Our behaviors, as well as natural law, are subject to the word of God and interface with each other in the most intimate example of cause and effect.
Religon causes war...History teaches that!
"God" is the central element designed to hold doctrine and law in balance within humanity ...
without God there is no balance..
without balance there is no religon,,
The harsh reality is..there was never a "God" in the first place, humans created it to relate to their mortality and give them a sense of continuity to live the rest of their lives with problems that have no answers.
Vega said:
Religon causes war...History teaches that!
"God" is the central element designed to hold doctrine and law in balance within humanity ...
without God there is no balance..
without balance there is no religon,,
The harsh reality is..there was never a "God" in the first place, humans created it to relate to their mortality and give them a sense of continuity to live the rest of their lives with problems that have no answers.

Religion does not cause war; people do.

If it were not religion, it would be color, land, power.
Vega said:
Religon causes war...History teaches that!
"God" is the central element designed to hold doctrine and law in balance within humanity ...
without God there is no balance..
without balance there is no religon,,
The harsh reality is..there was never a "God" in the first place, humans created it to relate to their mortality and give them a sense of continuity to live the rest of their lives with problems that have no answers.

Religion does not cause war; people do.

If it were not religion, it would be color, land, power, race.

The history of man is the history of war.
and those very men who fought the wars in the past, also wrote the holy books, that religion is founded on, these religions teach murder, war, prejudice, etc....
in order for their people to fight,they had to have a banner to follow, and that banner was a god. the holy books are where all the intolerance comes from.
99.9999999% of wars are fought under that banner even now.
audible said:
and those very men who fought the wars in the past, also wrote the holy books, that religion is founded on, these religions teach murder, war, prejudice, etc....
in order for their people to fight,they had to have a banner to follow, and that banner was a god. the holy books are where all the intolerance comes from.
99.9999999% of wars are fought under that banner even now.

The greatest mass murders in the 20th and 21st century have been committed in the name of humanism.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Vega said:
there was never a "God" in the first place, humans created it to relate to their mortality and give them a sense of continuity to live the rest of their lives with problems that have no answers.

Interesting that you know how the idea of god originated? A reincarnation of a VERY old soul are you?

An alternative idea of how the idea of God originated (and there are many)

As babies we feel we are ominoptent, we soon realise we are not and believe the mother to be ominpotent, we soon realise she is not......we are adrift...this early attachment and identification and safe guard of an omnipotent being an ominpotent parent is where?............ah so we have God.

But where did this innate requirement for omnipotant beings originate?
perhaps God coded this 'need' to be sought, to be found, into our genetic make up?


(...........and so it goes on)
samcdkey said:
The greatest mass murders in the 20th and 21st century have been committed in the name of humanism.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a war started by a christian extremist, killing jews, blacks, cripples, anyone who was'nt there idea of perfection, then the japanese join in, who gave their emperor the highest accolade,a god, then allies/america(in god we trust) retaliate, oh yes definitely humanism.
Afghanistan: islamic extremists, then allies/america(in god we trust) retaliate, oh yes humanism.
Iraq: sunnies killing shites ,thousands murdered, dictator needs to be deposed, and then allies/america(in god we trust), oh yes humanism.

you must be living on a different planet.

you obviously dont know what humanism is.
humanism: A system of thought that centres on humans and their values, capacities, and worth. Concerned with the interests, needs, and welfare of humans.
audible said:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a war started by a christian extremist,
A dictator, who was Christian one day and atheist the next depending on who he was trying to get on his side.

killing jews, blacks, cripples, anyone who was'nt there idea of perfection,

Exactly, not a religious reason; more appropriately termed racism, based on his Aryan philosophy
then the japanese join in, who gave their emperor the highest accolade,a god,

Who was never involved in the Japanese politics.

And the Japanese did not commit suicide missions for religious reasons but for power.

then allies/america(in god we trust) retaliate, oh yes definitely humanism.

They did not bomb Japan for religious reasons, but to demonstrate their power, both to Japan and to the USSR.

Afghanistan: islamic extremists, then allies/america(in god we trust) retaliate, oh yes humanism.

Were they attacked by the US for religious reasons?
If I remember the Taliban was a product of the Al-Qaeda and the Mujahideen, both recruited by the CIA during the cold war.

Iraq: sunnies killing shites ,thousands murdered, dictator needs to be deposed, and then allies/america(in god we trust), oh yes humanism.

OIL OIL OIL no other reason
you must be living on a different planet.

No just one not manipulated by the American media propaganda
you obviously dont know what humanism is.

Yes, doesn't "democracy" smell sweet.

Maybe Lebanon will soon be a shining example, just like Iraq and Afghanistan

I do not honestly remember your answer to the question "does Allah create the moral/natural laws". Could you give me it again? Or perhaps show me what post your prior answer is? For it is pertinent to my further questioning of you on the matter.
Prince_James said:

I do not honestly remember your answer to the question "does Allah create the moral/natural laws". Could you give me it again? Or perhaps show me what post your prior answer is? For it is pertinent to my further questioning of you on the matter.

It's only a two page thread, PJ! Surely you can find my 3 posts?

The moral laws are outlined in the Quran; alongwith the natural laws which are an inherent part of the balance of the Universe, they provide the limits within which man exercises his will. And God is the creator of all.

All right. You have clarified. Thank you.

Now you have claimed that Allah is the creator of all and that morality is the what is in accords with the natural and moral law. As both these things are created by Allah we can basically elliminate the middle-notion, and say that Alah created morality, and therefore, determined what is good. So then the question still remains:

"Is the good, good, because Allah has willed it? Or has Allah willed the good to be good because it is good?"

Or: Is goodness a property which Allah determines? Or does he claim that which is good because goodness is a property of it? Is goodness an inherent or a mandated property?
Prince_James said:

All right. You have clarified. Thank you.

Now you have claimed that Allah is the creator of all and that morality is the what is in accords with the natural and moral law. As both these things are created by Allah we can basically elliminate the middle-notion, and say that Alah created morality, and therefore, determined what is good. So then the question still remains:

"Is the good, good, because Allah has willed it? Or has Allah willed the good to be good because it is good?"

Or: Is goodness a property which Allah determines? Or does he claim that which is good because goodness is a property of it? Is goodness an inherent or a mandated property?

Nothing is mandated. Morality is a guide. It sets limits which help to define behavior.

e.g. one verse says.

"You who believe, do no let one (set of) people make fun of another set. Do not defame one another. Do not insult by using nicknames. And do not backbite or speak ill of one another" (49:11-12).

So is this mandated?

The Prophet says:
"If any one of you comes across an evil, he should try to stop it with his hand (using community/law/force); if he is not in a position to stop it with his hand then he should try to stop it by means of his tongue (meaning he should speak/write/agitate against it). If he is not even able to use his tongue then he should at least condemn it is his heart. This is the weakest degree of faith."

i.e. you do what you can to the best of your ability.

You seemed to have misunderstood me.

Though morality in Islam allows for "degrees of righteousness", certain acts are righteous and certain acts are not. That is to say, there is good and evil. Condemnation of evil, for instance, is considered good, even if it there are degrees of condemnation that are acceptable (physically stopping evil, arguing against evil/objecting to it, and condemning it in one's heart).

Now, did Allah make these acts moral, or were they moral before Allah said they were?

Or to rephrase the question back to the original:

"Is it good because Allah loves it, or does Allah love it because it is good?"
we all know what is God "a law that in this world gets corrupted"
a man buys a machine that does the job of 100 men the men lose their
jobs the man keeps all the money the law/system says i am god believe in me
i will create jobs put food etc but no food for the 100 men

what is god?
you tell me
Prince_James said:

You seemed to have misunderstood me.

Though morality in Islam allows for "degrees of righteousness", certain acts are righteous and certain acts are not. That is to say, there is good and evil. Condemnation of evil, for instance, is considered good, even if it there are degrees of condemnation that are acceptable (physically stopping evil, arguing against evil/objecting to it, and condemning it in one's heart).

Now, did Allah make these acts moral, or were they moral before Allah said they were?

Or to rephrase the question back to the original:

"Is it good because Allah loves it, or does Allah love it because it is good?"

Ah! ok I got it.

All things are from God, in Islam.

He is the energy that is the source of the universe.

In other words, it is good because he has ordained it to be so.