What is a Real Christian?

What is a Christian's greatest virtue?

  • Faith

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Piety

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Humility

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Charity

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Love

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Hope

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Courage

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Justice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Temperance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prudence

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I suppose I should reply to that statement. I think there is something terribly wrong with homosexuality. I would go into detail, but that would probably provoke a response from the staff and possibly get me banned, and I do so much enjoy this forum. As for women, I love each and every one of them (with the exception of Hillary Clinton (Satan)). I can't imagine a world without them. I think a woman who is motivated and determined can accomplish anything.
You just won't let them control their own bodies. Like I said, you suggest they are subhuman.
NO... pride comith befor the fall.!!!
But as Tim Minchin points out:
"Pride comes before the fall
Pride comes before the fall
But in between the pride and the fall
There's usually a bottle of Tequila

Tim Minchin: Pride
Pay more attention to what Jesus said, and less to what's written in Leviticus.

I dont know... Jesus just seems to have a dark side.!!!

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matthew 7:19

Fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:41-42

So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment. Matthew 25:46

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16:16

Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Luke 12: 5

I don't know... Jesus just seems to have a dark side.!!!

It is not a dark side, to warn people of the consequences of actions. If I say don't cross the flash flooded creek or you will drown, I am not condemning you, but warming you because I am concerned for you. The son of God sees the future since it was defined through the prophets. The warning will be a reminder, so people have choices to think about, with the consequences of both choices clearly defined for you, to help you choose wisely.

If someone wanted to fool themselves, to believe, I can cross the raging rapids if I want, then a warning may be interpreted as an insult to pride. That person may think I am only saying this as insult, because I am mean person. But for the faithful, they will read these statements as a warning of cause and affect, from someone who cares, so they can choose wisely.

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

The word of God tends to divides the flock with true Christians traveling down one of the two paths as guided by their hearts.
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For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Yeah i see now... nuthin dark about that.!!!
All-tho... when i was told in sunday school that God is always watchin me... i thout it was perty creepy when i was takin a bath that night that an angry old man was watchin me :eek:

O well... i guess the warnin was a scare tactic in atempt to thwart masturbation... but it took a while for me an i didnt quit that nasty habit until i was 12 :redface:

The word of God tends to divides the flock with true Christians traveling down one of the two paths as guided by their hearts.

Luckly ive been born agan an goin to heaven B-)... i just hope the fumes from my frinds an relitives roastin in hell dont stink up the place :(
Yeah i see now... nuthin dark about that.!!!
All-tho... when i was told in sunday school that God is always watchin me... i thout it was perty creepy when i was takin a bath that night that an angry old man was watchin me :eek:

O well... i guess the warnin was a scare tactic in atempt to thwart masturbation... but it took a while for me an i didnt quit that nasty habit until i was 12 :redface:

Luckly ive been born agan an goin to heaven B-)... i just hope the fumes from my frinds an relitives roastin in hell dont stink up the place :(
Why the hell can you not converse in proper English instead of this stupid pidgin dialect that you affect?
But as Tim Minchin points out:
"Pride comes before the fall
Pride comes before the fall
But in between the pride and the fall
There's usually a bottle of Tequila

Tim Minchin: Pride

Well sure... but us real Christans have fun/do what ever we want just like everbody else... but if we get caught "havin to much fun" we just get re-borned an wer'e good to go... or beter yet... like me... bein a once-saved always-saved Christan is a lot simpler.!!!
Why the hell can you not converse in proper English instead of this stupid pidgin dialect that you affect?
Ah Oh... i detect that you'r not a cluelusshusbund fan yet :(... so in the meantime might i suggest that you click the "ignore" button.???
It is not a dark side, to warn people of the consequences of actions.

It is when the consequence is a made-up fantasy in your own hateful mind. There is absolutely no logical or empirical connection between any action or lifestyle and one's later flammability in some hypothetical firepit. There is nothing consequential about it. It is a treacherous lie designed to scare people to do what you want them to do. It caters only to the darkest and most sadistic drives in yourself to even think that way. Hell is the monstrous fabrication of religious-inspired hatred and nothing more.
My definition would hold that a real Christian does not kill, whether that be through war or otherwise.
Ah! Well, that's easy, then. Real Muslims do not kill either - so none of the terrorists out there are real Muslims.

(Of course, your definition runs into some practical problems, like where to bury members of our military when they die in the line of duty, and what shape their tombstone should be.)
I suppose I should reply to that statement. I think there is something terribly wrong with homosexuality.
There is only one thing that applies here..

"..lead us not into temptation.." to tell you what I think is actually terribly wrong. Because however I would word it, it would be harsh and cruel, but also true.

I would go into detail, but that would probably provoke a response from the staff and possibly get me banned,
".. but deliver us from evil"..

Because saying you think "there is something terribly wrong with homosexuality" is not bad enough? You mean there's more? No, please, tell us how you really feel.. [/start giant eyeroll]

and I do so much enjoy this forum.
"Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day."

Sometimes I think we tolerate too much on this forum.

As for women, I love each and every one of them (with the exception of Hillary Clinton (Satan)). I can't imagine a world without them. I think a woman who is motivated and determined can accomplish anything.
Except when it comes to her having control over her own body or being in a position of power, or when you once declared that a lesbian is not a "typical woman", or when you cannot quite understand the very concept of misogyny. And don't even get me started on some of the arguments you have made about sexual harassment and rape. Then you don't love them so much, do you? [/end giant eyeroll]
There is only one thing that applies here..

"..lead us not into temptation.." to tell you what I think is actually terribly wrong. Because however I would word it, it would be harsh and cruel, but also true.

".. but deliver us from evil"..

Because saying you think "there is something terribly wrong with homosexuality" is not bad enough? You mean there's more? No, please, tell us how you really feel.. [/start giant eyeroll]

"Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day."

Sometimes I think we tolerate too much on this forum.

Except when it comes to her having control over her own body or being in a position of power, or when you once declared that a lesbian is not a "typical woman", or when you cannot quite understand the very concept of misogyny. And don't even get me started on some of the arguments you have made about sexual harassment and rape. Then you don't love them so much, do you? [/end giant eyeroll]

I didn't realise you were Catholic, Bells! Or at least someone with a nodding acquaintance with that tradition.....:smile:
I didn't realise you were Catholic, Bells! Or at least someone with a nodding acquaintance with that tradition.....:smile:
I was raised a Catholic when I was little. I became an atheist in my very early teens. The words had been committed to memory (in two languages mind you) as a child and once learned, cannot be unlearned.
You seem to be opting for the idea that there are fundamental beliefs that define the tradition and define who is inside it and outside it. By definition, that's 'fundamentalism'.
Not at all, it's the bare minimum that defines what Christianity is. Fundamentalism adds much more.
I was raised a Catholic when I was little. I became an atheist in my very early teens. The words had been committed to memory (in two languages mind you) as a child and once learned, cannot be unlearned.

Ah OK thanks for the background. :smile: