What is a Christian?

I guess no 2 people will agree 100% of the time.
If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient god who wants me to know something, it should tell me clearly. The Holy Babble does not do the job. The Holy Babble turns the water into sludge.

That's not really on topic, but I do agree.

What people like Hamtastic should realize is that banging on Q for being jerk doesn't give you the right to troll.
Sorry that I'm late on the reply, and this may have been addressed already, but here goes...the problem with any in writing is that it is never "crystal clear". Even our Constitution, which we all know is so great, is vague on many key issues.

Perhaps, but if a god were to provide a message to all mankind, wouldn't it be reasonable to expect a message that was "crystal clear?" If the message were open to interpretation, then we would have... well, the exact situation we are faced with today, thousands of religions all purporting different messages.

And, I'm not sure whether or not it's fair to compare scriptures to other documentations.

You seem to want to get into a debate over whether or not the Bible is actually the word of a god...I'm not going there, because I don't believe it is.

I would tend to agree with you, but it is the Christians who claim the bible IS the word of god, hence we must work within their claims. So, if Christians claim the bible is the word of god, why do they not follow it to the letter as commanded by their god? That is the debate I'm working on.

But that wasn't the question. The question was what defines a Christian, and I believe that it is up to them to decide for themselves, since the Bible is open to interpretation--which is evident by the many different sects within Christianity.

That is where I wouldn't agree with you. If Christians require a definition of themselves, it should be up to their god to make that definition, not them. Christians are subservient to their god, and anyone who is subservient to another cannot define their subservience, it would obviously be their masters who would.

I think you need to calm down on the anti-theism for a moment, and consider how ridiculous you sound right now.

Perhaps, I haven't been making myself clear. A group who wishes to be defined by their beliefs simply cannot begin to define themselves however they wish, that has already been achieved through their scriptures, hence by their god.

Is it not the scriptures that tell Christians how to live, what to think and who exactly they should be worshiping? If these things are already stated emphatically on pain of eternal hellfire, how can Christians simply define themselves and ignore what has already been stated?
Sorry, I'll drop the personal beef with q. Sorry, q.

Since the soviet union tried to be atheist and you stated your desire to live in an atheist nation I don't see how that is either absurd or a strawman. Which someone will have to explain to me. I mean saying a statement is meaningless or idiosyncatic or absurd, I get that. A strawman? Like a scarecrow? That's like calling a statement a cockatoo.
You're all close but way off....

Christian = "A person who believes the messiah came"

"Christian" is an adjective, not a noun.

The varying doctrine all have this in common.
Whups! looked at Q's post. Q-I am an American. You are, I think British. Because you are british and act the way you do, should I assume that all british are like you? I have another british friend who is staggeringly homophobic. I joked with him once about homosexuality, I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me. I knew him better than I know you, perhaps I should judge all british by him? I mean, that is the way you are doing things, is it not?
love is a verb not a condition or a hole, why does anybody say they fall in it?

christian is however you use it.
Whups! looked at Q's post. Q-I am an American. You are, I think British. Because you are british and act the way you do, should I assume that all british are like you? I have another british friend who is staggeringly homophobic. I joked with him once about homosexuality, I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me. I knew him better than I know you, perhaps I should judge all british by him? I mean, that is the way you are doing things, is it not?

Are there scriptures referring to exactly how Brits should act? Is there a place in which Brits will burn for an eternity if they don't follow those scriptures? You tell me.
Perhaps, but if a god were to provide a message to all mankind, wouldn't it be reasonable to expect a message that was "crystal clear?" If the message were open to interpretation, then we would have... well, the exact situation we are faced with today, thousands of religions all purporting different messages.

Dude, again, that's not the question of the thread. You're arguing a point that isn't relevant to the discussion. I don't disagree with you at all, by the way, but it's just not relevant.

I would tend to agree with you, but it is the Christians who claim the bible IS the word of god, hence we must work within their claims. So, if Christians claim the bible is the word of god, why do they not follow it to the letter as commanded by their god? That is the debate I'm working on.

Because by reading it, the message is not always so clear. There are parables and such, and some things are fairly vague. Our government and legal systems are supposed to adhere to the letter of the Constitution, correct? How many debates have people had about that document just in your lifetime? Exactly.

That is where I wouldn't agree with you. If Christians require a definition of themselves, it should be up to their god to make that definition, not them. Christians are subservient to their god, and anyone who is subservient to another cannot define their subservience, it would obviously be their masters who would.

So now you want a god that you don't believe to exist providing a definition? First of all, how? Second, if you ask a Christian, they will tell you that their god has made it perfectly clear to them, and that their interpretation is the correct one.

And let's be fair about this...if you want to make the equation to the master/servant scenario, then consider that in reality the only party you have the opportunity to speak to is, in fact, the servant. So if I had to choose between hearing your definition of what a Christian is, and an actual Christian's definition, knowing that I can't ask God himself, I'd go with the Christian.

Perhaps, I haven't been making myself clear. A group who wishes to be defined by their beliefs simply cannot begin to define themselves however they wish, that has already been achieved through their scriptures, hence by their god.

And perhaps I haven't made myself clear. The problem with your answer arises when one interprets the text. Some see it one way, some see it another. Because it is only text, and there is not central authority (save Catholicism), then the text is open for interpretation. For as wonderful a document as the Constitution is, it still requires a Supreme Court to constantly define and uphold it. Since the Pope is the only figure in all of Christianity able to define the Bible, you have a lot of others taking it upon themselves to.

Is it not the scriptures that tell Christians how to live, what to think and who exactly they should be worshiping? If these things are already stated emphatically on pain of eternal hellfire, how can Christians simply define themselves and ignore what has already been stated?

They don't ignore it. They interpret it that way.
There's one thing in the bible that I take as absolutely literal. In the beginning, there was God. That's it. The gospels have to be combined and then considered. Wait. I believe literally Micah 6:8 He has shown you, oh man, what is good, and what does the Lord require from you? But to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. I can do literal on that one as well, although what humbly, mercy, and justly actually mean are up for interpretation. :)
There's one thing in the bible that I take as absolutely literal. In the beginning, there was God. That's it. The gospels have to be combined and then considered. Wait. I believe literally Micah 6:8 He has shown you, oh man, what is good, and what does the Lord require from you? But to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. I can do literal on that one as well, although what humbly, mercy, and justly actually mean are up for interpretation.

In the beginning of WHAT??? It doesn't say.
It hasn't shown me a damn thing.
Love mercy? Like your vengeful jealous conceited insecure bully god?
So, we can toss the bible out and go with YOUR simplistic version of Christianity? What would your god think of that?

I would say that his was a pretty accurate definition of a Christian. One who recoghnizes that they are sinful, that they can never be perfect, but that they do not have to be because if they believe in and have faith in God, he will forgive them.

Are you saying it's difficult for you to hold back killing and stealing? Funny, I have no such urges to do to others what I wouldn't want done to me.

No, of course he's not. Most people have no such urge to commit crimes. But the less drastic things - lying, cheating, stuff like that. Things that everyone has done at one time or another.

So, we have one version of Christianity that defies the bible. Any others?

I fail to see how Hamtastic's definition has defied the Bible... :shrug: it seems 100% compatible to me. So please explain.?
Meh, your insults are subjective. What does it imply, then? In the beginning, after the things before it? Even I don't think that remotely makes sense.
My comments are subjective but yours aren't.
Again, I'm sorely tempted to insist you figure it out. It's 1 of the few things that clear in the Holy Babble.

Look, I am sorry that you hold some personal grudge against christians and christianity in general. Insulting my God is insulting me. It's similar to me saying that your mom is or was a stupid bitch. I don't know her, I know you. You OBVIOUSLY do not know my God, you know me. Referencing Thie Bible as the Babble is equally insulting, like suggesting your dictionary was written by Dr. Seuss. Tell you what, from now on, if you can refrain from insulting me in your posts, I'll pay them enough heed to respond. For now, your previous post only points to your own lack of insight, and doesn't deserve an inappropriately succinct response. :)

Look, I am sorry that you hold some personal grudge against christians and christianity in general. Insulting my God is insulting me. It's similar to me saying that your mom is or was a stupid bitch. I don't know her, I know you. You OBVIOUSLY do not know my God, you know me. Referencing Thie Bible as the Babble is equally insulting, like suggesting your dictionary was written by Dr. Seuss. Tell you what, from now on, if you can refrain from insulting me in your posts, I'll pay them enough heed to respond. For now, your previous post only points to your own lack of insight, and doesn't deserve an inappropriately succinct response.

Great post.:) I find it interesting that so many people feel the need to insult a God they claim is imaginary. :bugeye: I wonder if they ever get mad at zeus that way. :D
If those deluded by Zeus cults were attempting to impose their delusions on the rest of society; or if Zeusians were proclaiming this a nation founded in Zeusianity, they'd get all the attention they deserved.

Look, I am sorry that you hold some personal grudge against christians and christianity in general. Insulting my God is insulting me. It's similar to me saying that your mom is or was a stupid bitch. I don't know her, I know you. You OBVIOUSLY do not know my God, you know me. Referencing Thie Bible as the Babble is equally insulting, like suggesting your dictionary was written by Dr. Seuss. Tell you what, from now on, if you can refrain from insulting me in your posts, I'll pay them enough heed to respond. For now, your previous post only points to your own lack of insight, and doesn't deserve an inappropriately succinct response. :)

I don't hold any grudges. Theists do. Theists have insulted me for longer than you've been alive. Yet I'm not just responding in kind rather I'm simply telling the truth. I cannot insult something I don't know exists. The god described in The Holy Babble IS INSANE. THAT IS THE TRUTH. I call it The Holy Babble because it's mostly nonsense! THAT IS THE TRUTH.
Christians believe I should suffer horribly for ETERNITY because I don't believe the "right" thing. That's monstrously cruel & inhumane. I don't appreciate it 1 bit. I don't appreciate being unable to live 1 day among humans without your damn superstition being shoved into my face.
Insight hell! You wouldn't know insight if it bit your face off. For whatever reason you've come to believe something & no amount of facts, reasoning, study, discussion or logic will make any difference to you. That's your problem & should be yours alone but theists make it everyone's problem.
It is up to you to prove your claims in order to be due any respect. You haven't proven anything. YOU haven't made much sense. You go on&on about what you "know" the truth to be but never show any evidence, logic or INSIGHT.
If I refrain from telling the truth & explaining things in a logical manner, it will be because I'M SICK&TIRED of dealing with such idiocy.
You don't know me. You're probably unable to.
You can respond or not respond.
You can't handle the truth.
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Like Skinwalker said, if fringe Christians were not trying to turn the United States into a theocracy, then they would not be getting heat from clear-minded people.

And if insulting this God character insults you, then you need some serious self-esteem help. There is nothing about your faith that anyone here holds sacred, nor should they. Faith is not a free pass to walk around and say that a spirit in the sky will take your soul to heaven after you die without getting called a psycho.

If someone posted here today that Zeus was the god to believe in, then you'd all call him crazy. Fact of the matter is, there is no difference between that god and your god. Toughen up.