What is a Christian?

Jesus Christ was this dude that was born like 2000 years ago. He was God incarnate. The whole trinity thing gives me a bit of a headache, but I'll try this on anyway. There's God, right? Then there's Jesus. Jesus is considered God's son. Jesus is also God. Then there's the Holy Spirit, which is also God. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives christians power beyond themselves. I'm sure there are websites that do a better job of explaining it, but that is my understanding.
Why did I say all that? Anticipation of the follow up, I guess. Yes, I know, God was his own Dad then God died and God resurrected himself. It's a mind screw, believe me.
Who was he? Average Jew dude, carpenter maybe, probably liked to fish.

Not all Christians have beleived that Jesus was God incarnate.
Not all Christians believe in the Trinity.
A Christian is one who follows Christ.

It's really as simple as that.
The one who calls himself a Christian IS - he defines the term and detrmines in what way he is to best follow Christ.

I can make a case for someone validly referring to himself as a Christian, yet having no belief in Abraham's God.
...if someone says, We're all Christians, but some of us haven't accepted it, I'm gonna smack you.

We're all Christians, but some of us haven't accepted it

Damn it dude. Well, could you please explain what things you must believe, what things you do, and what things you don't believe and don't do that make you a Christian?

The simple idea that you are what you say you are is silly.
The simple idea that you are what you say you are is silly.

I disagree.
Who determines what a Christian is?
The Pope?

No one can decide what a Christian is, but the one who claims to be Christian.

Of course, if someone claims to be a Christian and acts in a way which betrays what Christ taught, it would be fair to call that person a hypocrite.

What did Jesus teach?
Read his words.

People who say a Christian is this or that based on the words of anyone BUT Christ (whcih includes the apostles and church founders and leaders) is full of shit.
Or wishes they could and thinks it is the right thing to do - but fails all the time or in some way does not manage to follow. (just quibbling, but 'follows' can be interpreted a number of ways.)

Following someone does not mean you have the ability to keep pace.
If you are genuinely trying, you are following.
I disagree.
Who determines what a Christian is?
The Pope?

No one can decide what a Christian is, but the one who claims to be Christian.

Of course, if someone claims to be a Christian and acts in a way which betrays what Christ taught, it would be fair to call that person a hypocrite.

What did Jesus teach?
Read his words.

People who say a Christian is this or that based on the words of anyone BUT Christ (whcih includes the apostles and church founders and leaders) is full of shit.

Do people decide your life for you?
Following someone does not mean you have the ability to keep pace.
If you are genuinely trying, you are following.
I was thinking of the Christians who have given up on themselves. The damned - from their perspective. Your definition could be seen as saying that all Christians are good - from a Christian perspective - or possibly even saved or destined to reach Heaven. But I would hesitate to say someone who believes Jesus is the way, but cannot even seem to try any more is still a Christian. Belief not acts. I'm not a Christian so this is outsider speculation. Further Christians could be hypocrites if they go against Christ, but still be Christians, sweating about the upcoming doom - again from their perspective.
Your definition could be seen as saying that all Christians are good - from a Christian perspective - or possibly even saved or destined to reach Heaven.
This I disagree with, but...

But I would hesitate to say someone who believes Jesus is the way, but cannot even seem to try any more is still a Christian. Belief not acts. I'm not a Christian so this is outsider speculation. Further Christians could be hypocrites if they go against Christ, but still be Christians, sweating about the upcoming doom - again from their perspective.
I get your point.
This would mean, however, that the outsider would have to judge whether the person is trying. Which is not something easy to judge. In fact I think even judging that about oneself can often be in error. Later on you realize you were though you thought you weren't. Later on you realize you weren't though you throught you were. I have had these realizations - though not about the following Christ issue.
No person is completely separate.
Does that mean I should be able to judge their claim that they are Christians?

What's your point?
No person is completely separate.
Does that mean I should be able to judge their claim that they are Christians?

What's your point?

Eh, I'm dropping it. I was going to say, that person is in your life, you decide what you are, and what others affects what you are. You decide who and what everything and everybody is, not themselves. Maybe for themselves they do, but not for you.