What is a Christian?

Should we care what those Christians "believe" or should we look to their bible for that guidance? You keep making the same error as Jdawg does, in that you both assume this is about me, when in fact it's about the bible and what is contained there.

Please show me a passage in the bible that follows the logic of the Christians you refer?

It's too funny--and a direct indictment of your level of intelligence--that you keep insisting that everyone else here is making the mistake, and that you are right. Wow.

What do you not understand about words being open to interpretation? Every scholar, Biblical and non, will tell you the same. The reason there are so many different branches of these religions is because the Bible is a collection of words that can be--and have been--interpreted differently by different people. You keep ignoring the point I bring up about the Constitution; why? Because it displays where you lack understanding? Or simply because you like being a pest, and you do everything in your power to ignore points that land against you?
It's too funny--and a direct indictment of your level of intelligence--that you keep insisting that everyone else here is making the mistake, and that you are right. Wow.

What do you not understand about words being open to interpretation? Every scholar, Biblical and non, will tell you the same. The reason there are so many different branches of these religions is because the Bible is a collection of words that can be--and have been--interpreted differently by different people. You keep ignoring the point I bring up about the Constitution; why? Because it displays where you lack understanding? Or simply because you like being a pest, and you do everything in your power to ignore points that land against you?
I can't see our darling Q anymore except in the reaction posts of others, but I think witness testimony can be used as an analogy.

Courts can decide (and historians) and, well, just people, that certain testimony has the ring of truth, even though the witnesses may have contradictions in their testimony and even though witnesses are fallible.

The story that gets built up from listening to or reading these testimonies can generate a belief about what really happened with varying degrees of certainty about certain portions of the story.

We do this all the time.

One can argue that this is poorly done, often. One can argue that in this or that case you should not have believed the testimony, especially given what it made you do, or the importance of the conclusions, or whatever.
One can argue that there are better methods for getting at truth, though perhaps these are unavailable in certain circumstances, it should be noted.

One cannot say that those who say they are believers via such a method are not really believers but hypocrites

because really they must believe every single word of the testimonies.

Well, no.

(and obviously I am not disagreeing with you JDawg, just putting it in my own words)
I get the analogy.

I may have to put Q on my list, as well, considering how he refuses to even argue the same subject that I'm on. He's absolutely the most ridiculous poster here. I'd rather banter with Dan. Seriously.
It's too funny--and a direct indictment of your level of intelligence--that you keep insisting that everyone else here is making the mistake, and that you are right. Wow.

As levels of intelligence go, you're not attaining any. Are you here to fling insults now?

What do you not understand about words being open to interpretation?

Nothing, I understand completely.

Every scholar, Biblical and non, will tell you the same. The reason there are so many different branches of these religions is because the Bible is a collection of words that can be--and have been--interpreted differently by different people.

You're repeating yourself that which I completely understand and have told you so several times. I believe your not reading my posts or your comprehension skills are in the toilet.

You keep ignoring the point I bring up about the Constitution; why?

Because it is irrelevant.

Because it displays where you lack understanding? Or simply because you like being a pest, and you do everything in your power to ignore points that land against you?

I understand completely that your points are irrelevant.
I get the analogy.

I may have to put Q on my list, as well, considering how he refuses to even argue the same subject that I'm on. He's absolutely the most ridiculous poster here. I'd rather banter with Dan. Seriously.

It looks like both you and Simon have no arguments, and are putting your heads in the sand, and your both welcome to it. You make a damn good theist. :D
As levels of intelligence go, you're not attaining any. Are you here to fling insults now?

No, I'm just in utter disbelief that you can't comprehend basic logic.

Nothing, I understand completely.

Then what makes you bang the same "God is the authority, how dare they see it differently" drum? If you understand, you would know the answer to your own question.

You're repeating yourself that which I completely understand and have told you so several times. I believe your not reading my posts or your comprehension skills are in the toilet.

You've said over and over again that you understand, but you've also kept displaying that you clearly don't.

Because it is irrelevant.

In what way? Please, elaborate. I really need to hear this.

I understand completely that your points are irrelevant.

So you dismiss them without so much as an explanation?
No, I'm just in utter disbelief that you can't comprehend basic logic.

Your one-dimensional line of thinking wouldn't recognize logic.

Then what makes you bang the same "God is the authority, how dare they see it differently" drum? If you understand, you would know the answer to your own question.

I've read the bible, clearly you haven't.

You've said over and over again that you understand, but you've also kept displaying that you clearly don't.

I do understand as I understand your lack of comprehension skills.

In what way? Please, elaborate. I really need to hear this.

You don't appear to be reading my posts.

So you dismiss them without so much as an explanation?

See, once again, you're not reading.

Or, not comprehending.
I've read the bible, clearly you haven't.

Clearly I have. Now what I've asked is why is it impossible for people to interpret the words differently? Why is that so blasphemous in your eyes? What about the text do you see that allows for no interpretation other than the original?
Clearly I have. Now what I've asked is why is it impossible for people to interpret the words differently? Why is that so blasphemous in your eyes? What about the text do you see that allows for no interpretation other than the original?

If you have read the bible and other posts on this thread quoting the bible, you wouldn't need to ask those questions, as the answers are IN THE BIBLE!
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If you have read the bible and other posts on this thread quoting the bible, you wouldn't need to ask those questions, as the answers are IN THE BIBLE!

Ah, so you haven't read the Bible, nor do you have an answer that fits your argument.

OK, cool. I guess I win.
Well, this is a fairly simple question. Come on, tell me, what makes a Christian a Christian? And if someone says, We're all Christians, but some of us haven't accepted it, I'm gonna smack you.

well, i would consider myself a christian because i believe that jesus is the christ, and god (whatever that is) has used the bible to show me things. but in the same regard, god has used a whole host of things to show me things. most of the time religion is just another institution. may as well be a member of a country club or a political party or a cult. labels and clubs aren't cool. just be, live, learn, experience. why does everyone got to be indoctrinated?
Ah, so you haven't read the Bible, nor do you have an answer that fits your argument.

OK, cool. I guess I win.

And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
- Bible, I Samuel (ch. XV, v. 22)

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
- Bible, I Samuel (ch. XV, v. 22)

Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God.
- Bible, Jeremiah (ch. XLII, v. 6)

The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.
- Bible, Proverbs (ch. XXX, v. 17)

We ought to obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29)

"If you love me, you will obey what I command. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.(John 14:15-24)
And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
- Bible, I Samuel (ch. XV, v. 22)

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
- Bible, I Samuel (ch. XV, v. 22)

Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God.
- Bible, Jeremiah (ch. XLII, v. 6)

The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.
- Bible, Proverbs (ch. XXX, v. 17)

We ought to obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29)

"If you love me, you will obey what I command. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.(John 14:15-24)

So which website did you get that from? :rolleyes: Biblequotes.org?

And not one of those messages is so absolute that it can be without differing interpretations. They are, at the end of the day, just words. Without an authority to make them absolute, they can be interpreted differently by different people. If you had a brain in your head, you would understand the connection I drew between this and a document like the Constitution, which requires a court to hold it up. It's the same thing. That's why Catholics have the Pope.
Random unrelated question for y'all, if a "Christian" thinks God is a woman, does that make them a Christian still, even though according to The Bible they're wrong?
And not one of those messages is so absolute that it can be without differing interpretations. They are, at the end of the day, just words. Without an authority to make them absolute, they can be interpreted differently by different people.

It matters not how you "interpret" my post, those quotes confirm my argument and make yours look ill informed.

If you had a brain in your head, you would understand the connection I drew between this and a document like the Constitution, which requires a court to hold it up. It's the same thing. That's why Catholics have the Pope.

Focusing on the fallacious and irrelevant, again. Well done. :bravo:

Now, be a good boy, run along and do your homework. :D