what if God could be proven?

So you obviously didn't understand me.
I didn't mention disabled at all. I said everyone.

And no two people agree exactly what a rose smells like in absolute detail: we all agree a rose smells like a rose because it smells like what we each of us individually identify as a rose scent.

That's apparent.

On the contrary, I'm making none of this up.

Edit: try reading up on Descartes and exactly WHY he ended up with "Cogito, ergo sum".

Ok, I guess it is settled. Roses do not smell like roses, because everyone smells them differently. I guess there are roses that smell like bullshit and roses that smell like truth too. Roses that smell like denial and roses that smell like acceptance.

Ofcourse it is apparent. You are the all knowing atheist.

Sure your not. Life/evidence/truth is as exagarated as you claim we would all be dead/stupid/liars.

I don't need to read that.
what if god could be proven beyond any doubt?

This can only be done by one being, unless there are several of them of course. Perhaps if we all stopped trying to prove His existence, just walked away from the whole thing, then He might just do it.
Perhaps if we all stopped trying to prove His existence, just walked away from the whole thing, then He might just do it.

there be some logic in that statement...

and as far as dwr statment about how each of us smell roses differantly..
try getting a job in a perfume factory and your point will be apperant..

my brother inlaw cannot distinguish between blue and green..all other colors he sees fine..its just those two he has probs with..
Ok, I guess it is settled. Roses do not smell like roses, because everyone smells them differently. I guess there are roses that smell like bullshit and roses that smell like truth too. Roses that smell like denial and roses that smell like acceptance.
Still failing to understand I see.
Roses smell like roses to everyone: but each individual's experience of that smell is different from every other individual's.

Ofcourse it is apparent. You are the all knowing atheist.
And because you fail to understand you resort, once again, to attempted insults.

Sure your not. Life/evidence/truth is as exagarated as you claim we would all be dead/stupid/liars.
And then compound it with idiotic remarks based on your own misunderstanding.

I don't need to read that.
Of course you don't, since your arrogance overrides any desire to actually find the truth.
Of course you don't, since your arrogance overrides any desire to actually find the truth.

The truth and light of God travels in the body. It can be felt it in the spirit. Reading millions of books written by humans doesn't compare to the truth found in God's words.

All around I see His power. It's a heartbeat that I encourage you all to seek and ask for!

Natural laws are put in place and the universe has its essential constants. We cannot explain universe by saying "nature". When you think well about it "nature" is nothing. Just a word.

Realization of the truth of God surely would impact ones life. But it does in marvelously good ways!
Still failing to understand I see.
Roses smell like roses to everyone: but each individual's experience of that smell is different from every other individual's.

And because you fail to understand you resort, once again, to attempted insults.

And then compound it with idiotic remarks based on your own misunderstanding.

Of course you don't, since your arrogance overrides any desire to actually find the truth.

Your mind is kaputt like many others on here. You will never find truth. Ever. You will die of old age and still ask why.
This can only be done by one being, unless there are several of them of course. Perhaps if we all stopped trying to prove His existence, just walked away from the whole thing, then He might just do it.

I am living proof that God exists.
Your mind is kaputt like many others on here.
In other words you're still too arrogant to check facts and prefer, instead, to resort to insult and unthinking belief.

You will never find truth. Ever. You will die of old age and still ask why.
On the contrary I'm finding truths all the time.

I am living proof that God exists.
No you aren't.
In other words you're still too arrogant to check facts and prefer, instead, to resort to insult and unthinking belief.

um..pot calling kettle syndrom?
tell him he is resorting to insults..then insult him by calling arrogance..
Is it not arrogant to not bother checking facts and simply resort to insults?
What other explanation would there be for a reply of that kind?
Check post #301, for example.
I gave a starter for him to read up on the subject and his reply was "I don't need to read that".
In other words you're still too arrogant to check facts and prefer, instead, to resort to insult and unthinking belief.

On the contrary I'm finding truths all the time.

No you aren't.

LOL. You are so funny. The difference between you and I is that you like to go around in circles and circles, which only leads you to the same answer always. I on the other hand, I move forward, I obtain, I gain, I learn.

It is clear in your posts that you do not understand common sense, why do you pretend you are someone that is knowledgable.
Is it not arrogant to not bother checking facts and simply resort to insults?
What other explanation would there be for a reply of that kind?
Check post #301, for example.
I gave a starter for him to read up on the subject and his reply was "I don't need to read that".

This comes from the person, that claims roses don't smell like roses because some people smell them differently. If roses don't smell like roses and they smell like whatever everyone wants them to smell, do you have any idea what you are writing? Do you think before you post?

This means that there is no truth, there is only what each individual makes. The actual reality/truth does not exist because you claim that everyone has different beliefs. There are many beliefs and only One Truth. You are confused, which is not something I did not know. You just showed me how confused you are.
This comes from the person, that claims roses don't smell like roses because some people smell them differently. If roses don't smell like roses and they smell like whatever everyone wants them to smell, do you have any idea what you are writing? Do you think before you post?
So you still fail to understand it?

This means that there is no truth, there is only what each individual makes. The actual reality/truth does not exist because you claim that everyone has different beliefs. There are many beliefs and only One Truth. You are confused, which is not something I did not know. You just showed me how confused you are.
Wow! You really do fail completely when you fail, don't you?
So you still fail to understand it?

Wow! You really do fail completely when you fail, don't you?

Read posts 298, 300, and 304.

You keep claiming that roses smell different to each individual, but that does not matter, that is useless junk, that is your belief of what a rose might smell like.

What matters is what does a rose smell like, except like a rose.

You are gone dude, where is your head at???